WHEN HEAVEN INVADES EARTH

by Ray Mossholder

When I consider my own worth

I wonder why Christ came to Earth

To ransom me and all my friends

To take us where life never ends.

Why should He live misunderstood

While going about just doing good?

Why should He ever use His hand

To fully erase the devil’s brand?

Why should He gladly spill His blood

So the Holy Spirit would come in like a flood,

Overflowing on me and all His believers,

Turning us into God-receivers.

Saving our souls and giving us the key

To unlock spiritually dead humans and set them free.

Right here, right now, right in this hour,

As Christ displays His awesome power.

God came as man and lived that way

Bright as the sun in hot mid-day,

Living to set the captives free.

Sinless from birth to Calvary.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me” He’d say,

“Soon I’ll send you forth in this very same way.”

And He did, and He does, and the very same things

He was able to do before poor men and kings,

We can do even more since He blesses Earth,

Bringing healing and wholeness, deliverance, new birth.

The devil’s defeated, the serpent’s power gone,

When Jesus’ Name is spoken and hands are laid on

By those who love Him and have answered His call

Christ still calls from Heaven, “I saw Satan fall!”

Bondages broken, the lame leap and dance,

Marriage partners feuding return to romance,

The blind see, disease leaves, infirmities go,

The dead wake as though sleeping and smile hello.

His grace is far greater than all our disgraces,

Our hearts become full as we fall on our faces

Surrendering to His Lordship, giving our hearts,

Demons lose everything and keep missing with darts.

We praise, hell pays, and in Heaven above

A great crowd of witnesses keep shouting their love,

Encouraging all Christians to take cities and nations

And to give even our lives without hesitations.

Believe, don’t grieve, the heart of God,

And after our bodies rot in the sod,

Our souls will be fully free to worship our King,

The joy will be unspeakable as we hear angels sing.”

We laugh and we dance and so will you

When you finally get with us and your lost life is through.

Don’t waste time in self-pity or worrying about stuff,

Just let Heaven invade Earth and you’ll have plenty enough.

In fact, here’s a truth you may want to share

Peter and John just said they wish they were there