Just What Is Appreciation?

JUST WHAT IS APPRECIATION? by Jack Schlatter, author for Chicken Soup Of The Soul.

This is from his book Gifts By The Side of the Road

In the mid 1990’s I was asked to be the keynote speaker at a student

convention promoting understanding and tolerance.  I told them I would love

to speak on understanding, but not on tolerance. When it comes to tolerance,

I’m against it.  Have you ever been “tolerated”.  Some of the definitions of

tolerance are ‘to put up with’, ‘to endure’, ‘the capacity to endure

hardship or pain’.  To me, it is degrading to ‘tolerate’ someone.  I would

rather be ‘appreciated’.

When I appreciate you, I have declared that I enjoy you, I value you, I am

grateful to you, or I might even need you.

I appreciate that Charles Dew, an American of African Heritage, gave us

Blood Plasma.  I appreciate the combat records of the Tuskegee Airmen and

Nissei battalions.  I appreciate Americans of African and Japanese heritage

who made major contributions to save the world from the tyranny of Nazism

and Imperialism.

I appreciate all the work Paul Rodriquez, a comedian and American of Mexican

heritage, has done to help the rehabilitation program in prisons.

Later in this book, I point out that we Americans are the first people born

of a spirit, not a blood.  And the key to that spirit lies in a simple

quality called Appreciation.

An appreciative life is one that energizes itself every time it views a new

wonder.  From the simplicity of a child’s laugh to the amazement of a great

new discovery in outer space.  This is a life that constantly revitalizes

itself with Amazement.

I actually get a kick out of standing in lines.  Lines in a grocery store,

or a ticket window or even at the DMV show how far humanity has come.  I

have no doubt that everyone in every line has some place to go and something

to do.  Yet they stand.  All waiting their turn.

Centuries ago, the big laborer might have pushed everyone aside, the rich

old lady might have bought her way to the front, the famous person might

have thrown a tantrum.

Yet today, you see them all standing in line…waiting their turn.  This point

of view leads me to find the miracle in every minute.  I can spend an entire

day in a grocery store watching the greatest show on earth in total amazement.

The child trying to point out to the mother the health advantage to be found

in a Hershey Bar, the boyfriend who is learning how to take shopping orders

from his girlfriend, the ‘shopper’ looking for the best value everywhere,

the ‘sampler’ trying to get a free taste of everything before buying, the

accidental meeting between two people who are talking in wider circles

trying to set up a future meeting.  All of these and more I find

tremendously entertaining and my entertainment is build upon that simple

human emotion…


I also appreciate dictionaries.  They reveal some truths we haven’t yet

realized.  So let’s look at the four definitions of appreciation given in

various dictionaries.

To be grateful for

To be totally aware of.  Cognizant

To recognize quality, importance, or magnitude

(this is my favorite) TO INCREASE IN VALUE

It took me a few years to realize that the more I appreciated my students,

the more they increased in value to the class, to their families, and to


Like all new teachers, when I began my career, I desired to make a good

impression.  As the years passed and my students became adults, I came to

realize that my real job was to be impressed by them.

The longer I taught, the more I taught with my eyes and my ears.

It is my wish and my prayer that this book will lead you to new awareness

and gratitude for life that will increase all you know, all you have, and

all you are in value.  I know for sure that through more appreciation, we

can create more civility in our nation.

Just What Is Appreciation?