A free service of Jesus Christ is Lord Ministries
News edited and pictures selected
by Ray Mossholder
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Hello America. Hello world.
From the headquarters of reachmorenow.com this is Ray Mossholder and this is the news.
I was going to do a group of other stories today, but one crucial challenge for America’s future just can’t wait. I’m talking about the crisis at our borders.
I began this story with another story that you may or may not know:
If you’ve ever read Hans Brinker, Or the Silver Skates, you will remember it’s the story of a little Dutch boy who suddenly realizes there is a hole in the dike so near his town that unless that hole is somehow plugged, his town will be flooded and many may drown. So he sticks his finger in the dike and stays in that position all night long until help finally arrives. The only problem with this story is that it IS only a beautiful legend. It never happened. And it could never happen. If you follow the story in reality, the boys finger would have been gushed away by the powerful force of the water and he, most likely, would have been the first one drowned.
That pretty well summarizes what is happening at our southern borders right now. The only difference is that there is no one putting their finger in the hole.
No, it’s not space aliens who are invading America, but very human children. And these children are being spread all over America. Some are bussed in. Others are flown in. Some come on top of trains. Innocent darlings, many so young they couldn’t possibly comprehend what’s happening to them. There are far too many – figures range from 50,000 to 200,000, depending on which news source you believe, who are crossing our borders illegally right now. The border patrol is so busy changing diapers they can’t possibly know if all the adults crossing the border are the children’s parents or terrorists.
America will never really recover from this invasion. What has always been known as “the melting pot of the world” where the “tired and poor” can come and find new life in our God-blessed country, is a nation now being overrun with illegal foreigners. And just like our United States military, the purpose of our border is being torn apart and has now become a laughingstock to the rest of the world. The slow and careful legal system that used to bring foreigners seeking refuge to their American dream has become irrelevant. It is not just children or babies being carried across our borders, but teenagers and adults are entering by the thousands. They are all undocumented and America’s population is now exploding with illegals we know nothing about at all.
Who is the Pied Piper bringing by far the most thousands of young people to the borders so that they can be part of the invasion? The Mexican drug cartels that are being paid between $5000 and $8000 per human to get them to us. The Mexican drug cartels are becoming some of the richest people in the world, being made fat to the bursting point with blood money. Oh, and the cartel carrying the children like cattle to our borders often rape teenage girls to pass the time. Many of these girls are pregnant when arriving in America from fathers who just gave them babies for the kicks of it.
Are you like me – one who is only now getting used to having every company you call say some form of “Press One for Spanish and two for English”? That’s been going on for years. If that still irritates you, you ain’t seen nothing yet! With figures ranging from 50,000 to 200,000 illegal immigrants galloping past our borders, and at least 150,000 more planning to come by the end of next year, the cross section of Latin American people with different languages alone who are now within our borders and plan to stay here have brought and are bringing a tower of Babel with them of unintelligible sounds. And that’s small potatoes of what it means now that they are here.
Many Americans undoubtedly assume that everyone from Latin America speaks Spanish. That’s not the case. The people of Guatemala, for example, speak 21 very different languages and even more dialects; Honduras speaks 10 very different languages and even more dialects; El Salvador speaks 4 very different languages plus dialects. Each country does have Spanish as its major language, but it isn’t just Spanish speaking illegals who are flocking across our borders. Pretty soon we may be hearing on company answering machines, “Press One for Spanish; Two for Cacopera; Three for Lenca; Four for Chuka……… You get the idea.
While the mainstream media has focused your attention on the darling children, it is now becoming known that children crossing the border are the vast minority of those coming through, and that the majority are teenagers and older. Even that may sound fine to you until you realize that the older teenagers include a great many gang members. Expect more drive-by murders, rape, and heavy crime, no longer limited to parts of Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta and New York City, but it almost certainly is about to come to your town. You won’t have to look for it. It will find you.
These young men were caught at the border and sent back. But many more are getting through.
Meanwhile, if bullets don’t fly at you, disease may. The thousands who have come and more thousands who are coming are said to have among them those carrying an epidemic of scabies, many other communicable diseases and TUBERCULOSIS. If America thought it was through with that dread disease, doctors are predicting in the coming months and years the tragedy of tuberculosis will also reach epidemic proportions. Tuberculosis is spreading at the border and among the illegals in camps now.
A victim of tuberculosis
The reason that these diseases are being played down is only because our government is threatening doctors and nurses who are tending to these illnesses. The doctors and nurses are being told that if they let this information out to the general public about what’s happening with contagious illnesses, they will be arrested and incarcerated. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out if this is still America!
Finally, Shawn Moran, the vice president and spokesman for the National Border Patrol Council, has broken the government-enforced silence Mike Pintek, a radio talkshow host on CBS affiliate KDKA in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, “It blows my mind that our government has not totally stopped the continuing flood of illegal immigrants. That should have been the first step taken. Our staffing was reduced about a year and a half ago when sequestration occurred because of budgetary problems and not having enough money to allocate the salaries, so they started to reduce the amount of time the agents could work, and that directly affected how much manpower we had in the field, and that continues to this day. You would think that in a border crisis you would have every border patrol agent out there working the full shift, but that’s just not happening.”
Moran said the agents who are there have to check the immigrants for diseases, and most of these are transferable diseases. Any border agent can get sick and bring their sickness home to their family. Scabies and lice are the two main infestations that his agents come across. But chickenpox, measles, swine flu, and tuberculosis are common among the aliens, but they run the gamut of diseases. Since the crisis began, there have been border agents hospitalized for respiratory illnesses they didn’t have before that time. They are sure they caught something from the border influx.
He said the figure is sixty thousand who have recently crossed our borders illegally. 75% of them are from other countries besides Mexico. But that amount grows by many almost every hour of the twenty-four. America is being “overrun.”
A guard gives each one notification of when and where they are to appear in court. But the only ones that show up in court are the ones who know the will be allowed to stay because of dangers they
at home. The others are scattered to the four winds and not one single person is keeping track of them.
Moran said the first thing that happens if the border guard arrests someone they give them form 1–826 to fill out. Then another agent searches them thoroughly and they are brought to the facility or released to family member and will join Americans general population. Moran says what is happening is “a failure of policy.”
This says it clearly and is sadly true
So what is our Commander-In-Chief doing to stop the flow? He is blaming George W. Bush for starting all this, and the Republicans in Congress for not giving him nearly four billion dollars to fix things. Meanwhile, Obama refuses to go to the border himself because he says he “hates photo ops”. When he was in Texas this past week he did fundraisers and then flew to Colorado to spend some time with his buddy, John Hickenlooper, the governor of Colorado who is seeking reelection. He didn’t seem to mind the photo ops while he was drinking huge drafts of beer with the governor. Scroll down and take a look for yourself:
But before you condemn President Obama for not going to the border of Texas to take a firsthand look at the crisis there, remember that his poll ratings are plummeting even with the Democrats and the genie is out of the bottle even more than the beer is. Had he gone there it would have been not a photo op but a near lynching from his critics that would have added anti-Obama gasoline to the fire. In our president’s own words, he has “a pen and a phone.” That means he will could shut down the border any minute. Imagine knowing how many more accusations would be hurled at him for doing nothing if he had taken a peek at the disaster going on there 24/7.
President Obama is caught in a political dilemma. Most of his liberal supporters don’t want anything done to the children accept acceptance. They believe however if many thousands are brought in to stay and granted amnesty they will ensure many thousands of Democrat votes for posterity. Most on the right want all of the illegals, children or not, to be rocketed back home immediately. They see the coming storm that will change our nation forever and want them gone before that can happen.
House Democrats pushed for more amnesty, guest-worker visas, $3.7 billion in funding, and more lawyers for illegal immigrant children during last week’s Tuesday Twitter Town Hall on Immigration. Their message to illegal immigrants was, in the words of the Democratic Representative from Georgia, “We are all connected. We can’t just build a wall or a fence and say no more. This is America. Our doors are open.”
And if you think things couldn’t get any worse, buckle your safety belt. Corpses of the illegals who died or were murdered somewhere along their journey to the promised land are stacking up like cordwood in Texas. Both the Drudge Report and Mail. Online say you can go to YouTube after my report is over and see for yourself. Only look if you have a very strong stomach.
Not a few, but hundreds of corpses are rotting in South Texas. Dr. Mike “Doc” Vickers of Brooks County shot picture after picture of many of these corpses. One picture shows a corpse propped up against a tree. His eyes are missing because of the birds, and dried blood covers his shirtless body. Falcons are native to the Rio Grande river valley and, like vultures, they feed on the corpses and eat body parts I would probably make you sick by describing.
Vickers is an animal doctor and he thought he’d seen it all until now. Vickers took photos but Chris Burgard is filming the bodies for his second documentary. He made huge waves with his first one in 2005 that was simply called “Borders.” Burgard said with that film he had to go out and find “illegal traffic”. Then he said “This time it found us.”
He shot his first film while George W. Bush was president and he appeared before Congress to tell them the children were simply pawns in Mexican drug cartels smuggling operations into the US homeland. Burgard said “I’m not surprised to find immigrants dying 70 miles north of the border. I am surprised that nine years later it is still a secret to most of the American people. The Federal Government has long known about this. Corpses are stacking up in the largest number in Texas and Arizona. Now officials who deal with collecting the bodies are so overwhelmed financially that the cost of coroner inquests on each phase is dramatically affecting their budgets.”
Vickers told MailOnline that since 2012 his organization, The Texas Border Volunteers, has counted 259 dead bodies in Brooks County alone, including those of children. “And we’re probably only finding about 20% of them. A lot of people die out here. We find a whole lot of women and we found a twelve-year-old boy on our neighbor’s ranch. We’ve rescued quite a few small children. One 11-year-old boy had been left 8 or 9 miles from the highway. He had absolutely no idea where he was. We gave him water and then arranged for the border patrol to pick him up.”
Vickers went on to say “I’ve seen families out under a tree in my front yard with little bitty toddlers with them.” The Texas Border Volunteers go out in groups of up to forty armed men on four or five–day, looking for whoever is still alive and can be helped, and for the corpses too. They then report their findings to the Texas Rangers and the Border Patrol agents. They look where the immigrant traffic is heaviest. In nine years of searching all over South Texas, they had never had to fire a gun.
Three Of the Texas Volunteers. Mike “Doc” Vickers
is in the middle
The federal government never keeps statistics on how many dead immigrants are found. But many who leave their central American country never even make it to a border. Vickers said, “The ‘Coyotes’ – the name given to the drug cartel smugglers who promise to bring each person to a United States border, by the time they get to the checkpoint or 3 or 4 miles from it, run off after telling the aliens, ‘You see that light on the tower. Just keep walking towards that. Houston is 20 miles away.’” The reality is, Houston is 280 miles away.
“And then several days later they are still walking around in circles up here with their water flasks empty while the red–hot sun with no water all but fries them. That’s why a lot of them die.”
Vickers saw an Urdu–to–English dictionary “that some Coyote must’ve dropped while leading a bunch of into our country.
Chinese immigrants pay up to fifty thousand dollars to be smuggled into Ecuador and then into the United States. They are so numerous that the federal government has added Mandarin translations to signs at emergency stations dotting the Texas border region. The flow is four times what was in 2011.”
Vickers agrees with the Republicans in Congress who blame President Obama who declared in 2012 that the federal government would no longer pursue illegal immigrants were brought to the United States as children before 2007. Obama also started talking about the Dream Act. Vickers said “I mean it was like overnight we saw hordes of teenagers coming in from Central America. I’ve got pictures of them. I mean big groups – 20, 30, 40 at a time. I’d call the Border Patrol to pick them up. And right off the bat they tell me ‘Hey, we’re going to be able to go free. Mister Obama’s is going to let us stay. He said we could come.’”
Burgard briefly interviewed an eighteen-year-old from Tequila, Mexico, who said he paid a Coyote five thousand, seven hundred dollars for safe passage to the United States. Asked if President Obama is giving an open invitation to people south of the border that they will find work in the United States, the eighteen-year-old chewed his gum and said “Uh-huh.”
Burgard also said drug traffickers are taking total advantage of the Obama’s 2012 mini–amnesty. He said “They have been planning for this for the past two years.” He said both guns and narcotics are regularly passing through our borders. “Before the tidal wave of women and children hit the border, drug cartels say they were getting about 50% of their personnel across. Now they are getting 90% across.”
A drug cartel bust
A border guard said, “I retired early because I couldn’t see releasing a group of criminals back into American society. I voiced my opinion. I was told basically to just shut up and do what I’m told.”
Democrat Representative Ruben Hinojosa, who represents Brooks County, Texas, told MailOnline that a legal immigrant deaths are ‘a stain on the American way. I say this because many lives could have been saved if we had a Comprehensive immigration Bill in place.”
Hinojosa wants “open borders”. He tells his constituents “I’m going to do whatever my president tells me to do. Not what my you want me to do.”
But Vickers has a totally different slant. He says “This blood is on Obama’s hands.”
So, what are our elected leaders and our Commander-in-Chief in Washington DC doing about all this crisis? They’re going on vacation! President Obama is taking Michelle and the kids for a summer vacation to Martha’s Vineyard, costing us taxpayers, many among us who can’t afford any vacation this summer at all, several million dollars – just for this one vacation. And according to many news sources, Obama recently gave “quiet credence” to a plan from a left-wing activist group to grant unilateral amnesty to as many as 6 million illegal aliens currently residing in the U.S.
And our federal Congress is doing no better than our president. They have all left Washington DC for a month-long vacation. Many of them are millionaires and will be going to exotic places. Doesn’t that make you feel just a little bit like you are being taken – not on their vacation, just “being taken.”
Last Monday – President Obama gave us some hint to his plans on immigration changes that he will use his pen and phone to legislate once Congress has finally gotten its suntans. A month could see them returning burned to a crisp.
Addressing the president’s stated plans, Senate Budget Committee ranking member, Republican Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, last week hand-delivered a letter to every member of Congress calling for no new money to be appropriated unless the president guarantees there will be no more executive amnesty. “Certainly, Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals, (DACA) and the President’s other numerous unlawful policies must be terminated.”
Senate Budget Committee ranking member Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama)
Governor Deval Patrick last Wednesday said he wanted to find a way for Massachusetts to help alleviate the crisis of children seeking to cross the U.S.-Mexico border, avoiding the type of feud with the White House into which other governors have been drawn, and invoking powerful imagery as his motivation.
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick
with President Obama
Patrick answered a reporter who asked him how he viewed the border crisis, “My inclination is to remember what happened when a shipful of Jewish children tried to come to the United States in 1939 and the United States turned them away, and many of them went to their deaths in Nazi concentration camps.”
Both the United States and Cuba refused to allow these Jewish children to set foot on their soil. The ship turned back to Europe, and Belgium received them instead. On May 28, 1940, Belgium surrendered to Germany. Governor Patrick is right. It would be a miracle if even one of these children or adults survived the Holocaust there.
“I think we are a bigger-hearted people than that as Americans, and certainly as residents of Massachusetts.” Patrick added, “Now getting from there to a practical solution, I have not done yet. I’m trying to think that through.”
Patrick said his immediate challenge was finding where in Massachusetts to house the children. He said the federal government, would pay for the assistance.
Do remember that whenever you hear that the government is going to pay for something, it really means that taxpayers of this nation are going to pay for it.
Now, I’m no Ebenezer Scrooge before his transformation, but it is mystifying to me that we are a nation still aborting babies every minute – more than 2900 every day according to the highly accurate abortion timeclock at www.numberof abortions.com I, along with millions of others, am trying to figure out how so many in America can stand so staunchly in favor of abortion, but absolutely want America to keep all these children crossing the border to find homes in our country. What’s wrong with this picture?
Governor Rick Perry of Texas is deploying up to 1000 National Guard to the Rio Grande borders hoping that will make a difference. Meanwhile, each of the thousands upon thousands of recent illegal immigrants already in America will have their day in court before it’s decided what to finally do with them. The ones happiest about all of this are the lawyers.
Governor Rick Perry of Texas
A better version of the saying “Better late than never” is the saying “Better never late.” The House of Representatives, almost as an afterthought, approved a Republican authored bill Friday, dealing with the border crisis just before they took off for borders unknown.
Talk about tardy! The bill that passed 223 to 189 might as well be headed for the dead-letter office. When President Obama, Michelle and the girls, return from Martha’s Vineyard a couple of weeks from now, the president will undoubtedly drop the bill into his circular file – his trashcan. He has vowed to take up the border crisis himself and, by executive order, do whatever he wants to do with it. His decision on the border crisis will probably not be anything like the last second bill the Republicans pushed through. Washington DC has become a three ring circus with every act trying to outdo each other.
The bill that just passed in the House would give a heap more money to fund the National Guard, and changes some policies that would give a fast–track to deport everyone crossing the borders illegally. Representative Michele Bachmann explained, “It’s dealing with the issue that the American people care about more than any other, and stopping the invasion of illegal foreign nationals into our country.”
I don’t like to be sarcastic, but to this I say “Big deal!” If this is something that the Republicans deeply care about, this bill could have been passed a month ago or earlier, when it might have made a difference. By passing it at the last minute, the Republicans know how President Obama will respond to it.
In fact, the Senate, in its last-minute hustle, tried to ram through a separate border bill that died before it could be voted on. So, come to think about it, since the Senate as well as the House of Representatives is off now for a month of vacation, and the next time the Senate meets will be in September, the House bill won’t even get to the president’s desk until fall, and again, the House knew it wouldn’t when they passed theirs. Oh, and President Obama had already said if the Senate did pass a border bill, he would veto it. Nowadays, it’s not Nero fiddling while Rome burns; but Washington DC vacant while our border crossings continue full–tilt might as well burn.
Yesterday, President Obama said “I’m going to have to make some tough choices to meet the challenge, with or without Congress.” Then a little later, he added, “I’m going to have to act alone because we don’t have enough resources.”
The bill passed by the House called for 700 million dollars, which is just 1/5th of the $3.7 billion (that’s “billion” with a B) the president had asked for from Congress to deal with the border crisis.
If you’re wondering why the House of Representatives scrambled to pass a last-minute bill that would go nowhere, the Senate Democrats, after failing to pass their bill, picked up the mantra again that the Republicans are the “Do nothing Party” because they were about to do nothing at all about the borders. The House literally passed their bill to save face. That may have been enough to stop the name-calling by the Democrats, but it sure isn’t enough to meet the needs of American citizens.
House Speaker John Boehner pointed out “When it comes to the humanitarian crisis on our southern border, President Obama has been completely AWOL.” And to be fair, there is plenty of blame to pass around to them all.
Today the borders are still in crisis with no one left in Washington to mind the store. Perhaps I shouldn’t be as hard on Congress and the president and the other two branches of government, because we are still stuck with the question “What is the right thing to do?” America’s debts grow by the minute, but our hearts remain as big as Texas. The minors illegally hurrying across our borders may face certain death if they are returned to El Salvador, Honduras, or Guatemala. Many of them have come because they ache to reunite with their family members. And they made the treacherous trip from their homelands because of promises that if they got across our border, they would be allowed to remain in the good old USA.
There is intense argument between the Republicans and the Democrats over the border crisis. The Republicans argue that the reason thousands upon thousands of Latin Americans are streaming across our borders is because of the Obama administrations granting of work permits without deportation to more than five hundred thousand illegals who came here as kids. The Obama administration argues that’s not true. Well, what is the truth? The work without deportation has been granted by our government for the past two years. It is false to argue otherwise. Anyone who looks can see that.
It’s also extremely true that if the laws that exist concerning the borders were strictly held, almost all of this crisis would have never occurred.
A whopping 67% of Americans believe the border crisis with illegal immigrants is either an “extremely serious” or “very serious” problem. That result comes from an Associated Press/GfK poll taken between July 24 and July 28. Another 22% believe the border crisis is “somewhat serious.” Total those up and you have almost 90% of our nation concerned about the crisis while, as reported earlier, our president and Congress are putting “Office Closed” signs on their doors in Washington DC – the Obama’s for two weeks in Martha’s Vineyard, and our congresspeople for a full month to parts unknown. I repeat these facts because I can hardly believe them myself.
If ignorance is bliss,
why aren’t there a lot more happy people?
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Until next time, this is Ray Mossholder praying for you my friend. May you have a miraculous day.