A free service of Jesus Christ is Lord Ministries
News written and delivered by Ray Mossholder
Saturday August 16, 2014
Hello America. Hello world.
From the headquarters of reachmorenow.com in Fort Worth, Texas, this is Ray Mossholder, and this is the news:
For many years, I have deeply enjoyed the out-of-the-box humor of cartoonist Gary Larson. His many books called “The Far Side” have kept me roaring while looking at each and every page. I do have a favorite of all his cartoons that I would award the “Funniest of All” among many hundred amazing choices. It’s the cartoon of a deer with a huge bull’s-eye on his chest. A second deer turns to him and says “Bummer of a birthmark, Hal!”
Tonight America is wearing a huge bull’s-eye on its chest that most in our country seem totally unaware of. They go right on “marrying, and given in marriage” – something Jesus described as the condition that would be going on when He would return for His believers. The point Jesus was making was that when He returns, life will be going on very much as it always has with people who have gotten too busy to observe the signs of the time.
For those of you without a theological background regarding the Bible, you may not know that there is great disagreement among Christians as to whether Jesus Christ will return at the beginning of the last seven years of the world when terror will be constant all over the globe – a seven-year countdown of destruction that is known as “The Tribulation” when all hell will literally break loose on this planet; – or if He will come “mid-trib,” after the first 3 1/2 years of that earthly hell; or will he come at the end of those seven years when the world reaches its final destruction at the battle of Armageddon, and a New Heaven and New Earth replace the ones we know now.
My only concern is that those who follow the teaching of my great friend Hal Lindsey, and so many other scholars who fully believe in the pre-tribulation rapture, might be in error. And if we begin into the kind of merciless horror Iraq and other nations that surround her are experiencing now, only much much worse, Christians who have fully accepted the fictional “Left Behind” series as gospel truth, might suddenly believe that their Christian faith has been false too and abandon Christ in fear for their lives, not realizing that there are other teachings, especially in the book of Revelation, which give rise to the thought that the pre-rapture teaching could be wrong.
Ray will be narrating the entire series of “Left Behind”
very soon
I have no disrespect for any American young person who does not want to go to Iraq and fight Isis, or go to any other land to fight terrorists. Nor do I have any disrespect for parents and loved ones who don’t want them to go either and would do almost anything to keep them from it. America is sick of the wasted lives that our government interventions in foreign lands have caused.
Arlington National Cemetery
Since World War II (and some now question that), it cannot be said that America has “won a war.” Instead, we have caused the spilling of the blood of our military, and often the loss of their body parts, without any lasting effect. During our previous attempts at defeating enemies in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, and other what are called “smaller skirmishes, ” all turned meaningless and tragic for our efforts.
Our US military in the rice paddies of Vietnam
The killing fields of Cambodia; the tense division between North and South Korea; the body bags right now still coming home almost daily with more dead heroes from Afghanistan; and the war many knowledgeable military leaders and war scholars say we actually won but quit, as we often do, too soon to prove ourselves the winners, leaving our military to be spit on when they came home; are all vivid testimony to far the most Americans that no matter what president was leading us, we should not have been involved.
President Obama is not going to send our troops back into Iraq. Politically, that would be the very worst thing he could do. Not only that, but in spite of being mired in Afghanistan, and the drones he’s used in Pakistan to kill a few of the Taliban, and in spite of whatever leadership he gave in the death of Osama bin Laden, he is pacifistic, and most of the United States is thankful for that.
So, while millions die, and millions of children are buried alive, or crucified along with their parents, in Iraq; and thousands of girls are kidnapped, raped and sold into slavery; and thousands starve to death or thirst to death on a mountaintop or elsewhere, America “Marries and given in marriage” it isn’t even seeking an answer to help rescue them.
Children in Iraq 2014
President Obama said yesterday from Martha’s Vineyard that his advisors have told him the crisis on that mountain top in Iraq isn’t serious enough to further bother ourselves about, so he is calling off the aid that we were bringing to the people there. That is happening while others on that mountain top report that hundreds of people are dying daily, so many in fact that there is no time to bury them all, and more and more corpses are rotting in the sun.
The terrorists in many countries are growing at an astounding rate and fighting battles they intend to win so that Islam and Shariah law will ultimately rule the whole world.
And Americans are married and given in marriage.
What was the purpose of my saying all that? Because of a warning from the same White House that will not return our troops to Iraq and at this moment is shrinking our troops to pre-Second World War size.
The news sources whether they be television, newspapers, radio, or any other source unless they are tabloid or loony (and tabloids are almost always loony), avoid causing their readers or listeners any fear at all. So when all the sources begin saying relatively the very same thing, and it’s something warning America of disaster, it’s time to pay close attention to what they are saying. That’s even more true when a news story is suddenly deleted without explanation as to why they have taken it off. That did happen. And only CBN has had the courage to leave it on their website.
Today suddenly all reliable news media sent a danger sign to the United States that could be imminent. It is a suspected to be a message from Isis, the most brutal, gore-loving, cruel, sadistic, Christian-hating, American hating, terror organization in the world that delights in burying children alive. A terror group so evil that even most of Al Qaeda has separated itself from them and denounced them. Isis has posted a picture on Twitter of a hand holding up the Isis black flag in front of the White House in Washington DC. The Secret Service ISN’T keeping this a secret and is taking this as serious as Ebola.
Under the flag there is a caption. It reads: “A message from Isis. We are in your state. We are in your cities. We are in your streets. You are our goals anywhere.”
Isis is now considered “the most potent military force” of any terrorist organization in the world. United States counterterrorism officials have dramatically raised immediate red flag warnings about this Tweet. It is known at this hour that Isis is more than likely planning terror attacks on both Europe and the United States. Because the major purpose of Isis is to spread fear, they include no definite time for their chaos to begin.
Isis is extremely wealthy with millions and millions of dollars to spend that they have gladly taken from all banks in the many many towns they have conquered in Iraq and elsewhere. They have new men joining them daily from every part of the world, including America. They have full capabilities with United States state-of-the-art weaponry they simply picked up when Iraqi troops and other Iraqis fled and left them behind. That includes everything from two Iraqi airbases – hundreds of tanks, heavily armored Humvees, assault rifles, and rocket propelled grenade launchers – everything a boy would want in their toy soldier collection, only these aren’t toys.
Isis is capable of almost anything. If this Tweet is legitimate, America is sorely unequipped for such devastation with a leader who draws red lines in the sand and Windows lines across does nothing. And an administration full of scandals.
When Americans hear a word like “Caliphate” and they are busy driving, or minding the kids, or at work, or making dinner, the best almost any of them do is to remark “Say what?” The Muslims know what it means. They can tell you it means an Islamic state led by one supreme religious leader who is declared the successor to Mohammed and is meant to be recognized by every Muslim everywhere on Earth as the Calif, God on Earth, and whatever the Caliph tells them to do they would be subject to Allah’s terrible wrath if they did not do it.
A Caliph to a Muslim could be compared to Jesus Christ to a Christian. Only, the Caliph is right here in the flesh as a human on planet Earth. Isis, or Isil, or the Islamic State, has a Caliph who declared himself a Caliph while in Iraq earlier this year. And that Caliph fully intends to bring the whole world under Shariah law. Those terror groups who have denounced Isis nevertheless have that exact same goal. And according to the Tweet, they are all over America now and ready to take control of it.
And Americans are married and given in marriage.
I hope with all my heart that the rapture will take us out of this before Isis strikes, but I warn you again that that may not be what the end time biblically prophesies. I do know once we get through this, however long it takes, the best is yet to come.
There are so many wars that are taking place in this world right now, So which war shall I cover first? –
Ukraine, where the death toll has doubled from two thousand eighty-six to four thousand nine hundred and fifty-three in the past two weeks?
Ukraine now
Or Israel, where a cease-fire once again puts on pause the Israeli/Hamas war. I could call it a conflict to be politically correct, but when two thousand people are killed by military involvement in less than a month, it looks a lot more like war to me than it does a conflict.
From left to right on top then bottom:
Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal
Hamas deputy chief Mouse Abu Marzouq
Fatah leader Mahamoud Abbas
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Or Afghanistan, where on Sunday a Taliban suicide car bomber attacked a NATO convoy in Kabul, killing four civilians and wounding 35?
Or Iran, where there is no reported war yet because they are still building their nuclear bomb? And where members of Isis in the same prison with our American Pastor Saeed have now vowed to kill him?
Or North Korea, where they lobbed three rockets toward South Korea Thursday, the last one landing just thirty-five minutes before Pope Francis arrived there?
Or Iraq, that has a brand new president with Isis knocking on Baghdad’s door? And where Isis has captured its biggest prize yet.
Or Syria, where terrorists have captured two more towns?
Or Libya, that has cried out for help from the United Nations because of uncontrolled violence so fierce so that thousands of Libyans have fled that country, scores of embassies have closed, and international organizations have shut their offices?
Or South Sudan, where the United Nations are threatening to impose sanctions because of South Sudan’s total disregard for human rights?
Or Egypt, where the top Muslim cleric has warned that Isis is a danger to Islam? And where Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi has gone to Russia, where Russia is selling him a treasure trove of state-of-the-art weapons.
Or Russia itself, where Vladimir says he is prepared 2000 tons of humanitarian aid to the war-torn country of Ukraine that Ukraine won’t allow in?
Or Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia where each country is fighting a war against the Ebola virus that is still spreading and where more than one hundred doctors have died fighting the epidemic?
Or Brazil, where the war there is between presidential candidates. The candidate who was considered most likely to win the presidency has been killed in an airplane crash.
But first let’s look at news from our own nation:
Michael Brown with his little brother Andre
In our last newscast, I told you about the riots that broke out Saturday afternoon in a Saint Louis suburb – Ferguson, Missouri. Well, the rioting got a one night breather, Thursday night in fact. But last night in Ferguson wasn’t fun unless you think that rioting is fun. The riots broke out again BIGTIME. The part of town young Michael Brown lived in has almost been destroyed since he was shot to death a week ago today.
Calm seemed to come Thursday night after the Missouri Highway Patrol replaced the exhausted Ferguson and St. Louis police. But Friday the Ferguson police released pictures of Michael, who until now has been regarded as a model example of the black community, strong-arming a lady clerk at a convenience store. He and his friend, according to the Ferguson police and the friend, stole a box of cigars worth less than fifty dollars. But here’s the strange part. The shooting of Michael Brown had nothing at all to do with the theft even though it took place within five minutes after the cigar box was tucked tightly under his friends arm.
Michael’s family and friends say the pictures and a video that is also been released are attempts to smear Michael Brown’s name and avoid the real truth that a policeman killed an unarmed black teenager who in just two more days would have been entering college.
This is a battle being fought on American soil. And it isn’t just the 500 people in Ferguson who are rioting, but others joining with them from other parts of the nation including congressman and MSNBC talkshow host, Charlie Rangel, who makes a habit of showing up at such times. Together with the hometown crowd the outsiders are fanning the riots into the kind of flames that burned out the convenience store where the clerk had called the police after Michael had used force on her.
Many across our nation have been comparing Michael’s death to the death of Treyvon Martin, but those murders shouldn’t be compared. They were two very separate incidents.
Democrat Congressman John Lewis, a staunch civil rights watchman, being interviewed on MSNBC, called on President Obama to declare martial law in Ferguson “because of the constant blunders of the police force there.” He said the police responded to a largely peaceful protest, with excessive force that reminds him of the race riots in the 60′s.
Lewis went on to say “My own feeling is that right now President Obama should use the authority of his office to declare martial law and federalize the Missouri National Guard to protect people as they protest. People should come together – reasonable elected officials, community leaders – and address what is happening there.”
He went on to speak directly to the President, “If you fail to act, the fires of frustration and discontent will continue to burn, not only in Ferguson, Missouri, but all across America.”
“It’s unbelievable, it’s unreal, to see what the police are doing there. Ferguson, Missouri, is part of the United States. People have a right to protest, they have a right to dissent, they have a right to march in an orderly, peaceful, nonviolent fashion, and the press has a right to cover it. It takes me back to the 40s, the 50s, the 60s.”
John Lewis pointed out that Ferguson is a majority black town that has just three black policeman out of fifty-three members on the force. He asked “How can you have a city and expect to have peace and order when there are very few symbols of representatives of the people making up the public safety department of the city?”
Democrat Missouri Governor Jay Nixon, promised Thursday that there would be a different tone in Ferguson Thursday night. Nixon promised “operational changes.” He then appointed Missouri State Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson and his officers to replace the extremely exhausted Ferguson and St. Louis police.
Captain Johnson began by explaining, “We are going to have a very different approach, that we are all in this together.” The fact that Captain Johnson is a black man and could relate to the black rioters was a tremendous help in bringing an end to the then raging hostilities. Thursday night was the first time since Saturday afternoon that the town of Ferguson was calm.
Missouri State Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson at a press conference with Governor Nixon standing behind him.
Democrat Missouri Governor Jay Nixon
Speaking from Martha’s Vineyard, President Obama yesterday told reporters “There is never any excuse for excessive force by police. Or for looting or violence aimed at the police. The police have a responsibility to be open and transparent about the events that led up to the shooting by a police officer of a black teenager in Ferguson on Saturday. Put simply, we all need to hold ourselves to a high standard, particularly those of us in positions of authority.”
Our President further said “Here in the United States of America, police should not be bullying or arresting journalists who are just trying to do their jobs and report to the American people on what they see on the ground.”
Mister Obama was referring to the arrest Wednesday night of a Huffington Post writer and a writer from the Washington Times. Both journalists were quickly released.
The President continued, “There is never an excuse for violence against police or for those who would use this tragedy as a cover for vandalism and looting. There is also no excuse for police to use excessive force against peaceful protests or to throw protesters in jail for lawfully exercising their First Amendment rights.”
But the Director of the Fraternal Order of Police, Jim Pasco, in an interview with The Hill, strongly criticized what President Obama had said. Pasco said “I would contend that discussing police tactics from Martha’s Vineyard is not helpful to ultimately calm the situation. I think what he has to do as President and as a Constitutional lawyer is remember that there is a process in the United States that is being followed, for good or for ill, by the police and by the county and by the city and by the prosecutor’s office.”
Director of the Fraternal Order of Police, Jim Pasco
Pasco reminded his interviewer of the President’s response in 2009, when Obama criticized on national television a Massachusetts police officer for arresting Harvard professor Louis Gates, when the professor was trying to break into his own home. Obama said the officer had “acted stupidly.” Later more was discovered that completely exonerated the officer. That was one where the President spoke precipitously without all the facts. The current situation is a much larger and more tragic incident.”
Pasco further reminded everyone “I’m not there, and neither is the president. That is why we have due process in the United States. And this will be sorted out over time. But right now, I haven’t seen anything from afar – and maybe the President has – that would lead me to believe the police are doing anything except trying to restore order.”
Time magazine carried an op Ed today that quoted recent statements made by Libertarian Rand Paul who is the front runner right now for the race for the Republican candidate for president as a Republican in 2016.
Related to the Ferguson shooting, Rand said “Anyone who thinks race does not skew the application of criminal justice in this country is just not paying close enough attention. If I had been told to get out of the street as a teenager, there would have been a distinct possibility that I might’ve smarted off. But, I wouldn’t have expected to be shot. Our prisons are full of black men who made mistakes in their youth and are still being held. The police should be demilitarized.”
Senator Rand Paul
Scroll down and see the group of pictures from Ferguson I’ve assembled and you’ll see why Rand Paul said this.
Missouri Governor Nixon and Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson have together imposed a nighttime curfew in Ferguson until further notice. Captain Johnson is a very heroic leader. His love for the people and deep understanding of their feelings of hopelessness shines through everything he says. I’ll bring you up-to-date on this story and everything overseas in my next newscast which I am working on even now.
While the cat’s away the mice will play. With both the President and Congress away from any hope of making tighter border controls because they are on vacation, all borders between Mexico and America are continuing a steady parade of illegal immigrants coming through except for the border of Texas. Governor Rick Perry’s appointment of National Guard troops to guard its border, is beginning to make a real difference. The cost of putting the Guards on the border is twelve million dollars a month.
Maybe America would not be in such a mess today if the Indians had adopted stricter immigration laws.
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So until the next time, this is Ray Mossholder praying for you, my friend. May you have a miraculous day!