OH COME ONA free service of Jesus Christ is Lord Ministries
News written and delivered by Ray Mossholder
Saturday August 9, 2014
From the headquarters of reachmorenow.com in Fort Worth, Texas, this is Ray Mossholder and this is the news.
Just a very few hours ago, this was a very different world. America had only eight hundred troops in Iraq, all of them guarding our embassy. A 72 hour cease-fire was holding on the third day while representatives from Hamas and Israel were negotiating a possible peace settlement in Cairo. The Ebola virus appeared somewhat contained to West Africa. Russian troops were continuing to grow at Ukraine’s border, but they had not invaded Ukraine. And two hurricanes were still out at sea, threatening to strike Hawaii full force. Well, in the hours between then and now the world has greatly changed. Here’s what’s been happening
America is up to its wings again in the war in Iraq. With President Obama’s poll numbers sinking lower than a professional limbo dancer, today the American Air Force is bombing Isis in Iraq. In a complete change of mind from what our president has said for many months, he has commanded that are Air Force strike Isis and enemies Sunnis with the words “This won’t be over in weeks.”
Speaking on network channels and cable news channels, President Obama, for the first time in many many months, sounded Presidential. I’m going to take the time to read our President’s words because I know there will be many opposed to any return to Iraq for any purpose who haven’t heard his explanation. He deserves for it to be heard. He spoke to America from the Oval Office at 9:30 p.m. EDT:
Good evening. Today I authorized two operations in Iraq — targeted airstrikes to protect our American personnel, and a humanitarian effort to help save thousands of Iraqi civilians who are trapped on a mountain without food and water and facing almost certain death. Let me explain the actions we’re taking and why.
First, I said in June — as the terrorist group ISIL began an advance across Iraq — that the United States would be prepared to take targeted military action in Iraq if and when we determined that the situation required it. In recent days, these terrorists have continued to move across Iraq, and have neared the city of Erbil, where American diplomats and civilians serve at our consulate and American military personnel advise Iraqi forces.
To stop the advance on Erbil, I’ve directed our military to take targeted strikes against ISIL terrorist convoys should they move toward the city. We intend to stay vigilant, and take action if these terrorist forces threaten our personnel or facilities anywhere in Iraq, including our consulate in Erbil and our embassy in Baghdad. We’re also providing urgent assistance to Iraqi government and Kurdish forces so they can more effectively wage the fight against ISIL.
Second, at the request of the Iraqi government — we’ve begun operations to help save Iraqi civilians stranded on the mountain. As ISIL has marched across Iraq, it has waged a ruthless campaign against innocent Iraqis. And these terrorists have been especially barbaric towards religious minorities, including Christian and Yezidis, a small and ancient religious sect. Countless Iraqis have been displaced. And chilling reports describe ISIL militants rounding up families, conducting mass executions, and enslaving Yezidi women.
In recent days, Yezidi women, men and children from the area of Sinjar have fled for their lives. And thousands — perhaps tens of thousands — are now hiding high up on the mountain, with little but the clothes on their backs. They’re without food, they’re without water. People are starving. And children are dying of thirst. Meanwhile, ISIL forces below have called for the systematic destruction of the entire Yezidi people, which would constitute genocide. So these innocent families are faced with a horrible choice: descend the mountain and be slaughtered, or stay and slowly die of thirst and hunger.
I’ve said before, the United States cannot and should not intervene every time there’s a crisis in the world. So let me be clear about why we must act, and act now. When we face a situation like we do on that mountain — with innocent people facing the prospect of violence on a horrific scale, when we have a mandate to help — in this case, a request from the Iraqi government — and when we have the unique capabilities to help avert a massacre, then I believe the United States of America cannot turn a blind eye. We can act, carefully and responsibly, to prevent a potential act of genocide. That’s what we’re doing on that mountain.
I’ve, therefore, authorized targeted airstrikes, if necessary, to help forces in Iraq as they fight to break the siege of Mount Sinjar and protect the civilians trapped there. Already, American aircraft have begun conducting humanitarian airdrops of food and water to help these desperate men, women and children survive. Earlier this week, one Iraqi in the area cried to the world, “There is no one coming to help.” Well today, America is coming to help. We’re also consulting with other countries — and the United Nations — who have called for action to address this humanitarian crisis.
I know that many of you are rightly concerned about any American military action in Iraq, even limited strikes like these. I understand that. I ran for this office in part to end our war in Iraq and welcome our troops home, and that’s what we’ve done. As Commander-in-Chief, I will not allow the United States to be dragged into fighting another war in Iraq. And so even as we support Iraqis as they take the fight to these terrorists, American combat troops will not be returning to fight in Iraq, because there’s no American military solution to the larger crisis in Iraq. The only lasting solution is reconciliation among Iraqi communities and stronger Iraqi security forces.
However, we can and should support moderate forces who can bring stability to Iraq. So even as we carry out these two missions, we will continue to pursue a broader strategy that empowers Iraqis to confront this crisis. Iraqi leaders need to come together and forge a new government that represents the legitimate interests of all Iraqis, and that can fight back against the threats like ISIL. Iraqis have named a new President, a new Speaker of Parliament, and are seeking consensus on a new Prime Minister. This is the progress that needs to continue in order to reverse the momentum of the terrorists who prey on Iraq’s divisions.
Once Iraq has a new government, the United States will work with it and other countries in the region to provide increased support to deal with this humanitarian crisis and counterterrorism challenge. None of Iraq’s neighbors have an interest in this terrible suffering or instability.
And so we’ll continue to work with our friends and allies to help refugees get the shelter and food and water they so desperately need, and to help Iraqis push back against ISIL. The several hundred American advisors that I ordered to Iraq will continue to assess what more we can do to help train, advise and support Iraqi forces going forward. And just as I consulted Congress on the decisions I made today, we will continue to do so going forward.
My fellow Americans, the world is confronted by many challenges. And while America has never been able to right every wrong, America has made the world a more secure and prosperous place. And our leadership is necessary to underwrite the global security and prosperity that our children and our grandchildren will depend upon. We do so by adhering to a set of core principles. We do whatever is necessary to protect our people. We support our allies when they’re in danger. We lead coalitions of countries to uphold international norms. And we strive to stay true to the fundamental values — the desire to live with basic freedom and dignity — that is common to human beings wherever they are. That’s why people all over the world look to the United States of America to lead. And that’s why we do it.
So let me close by assuring you that there is no decision that I take more seriously than the use of military force. Over the last several years, we have brought the vast majority of our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan. And I’ve been careful to resist calls to turn time and again to our military, because America has other tools in our arsenal than our military. We can also lead with the power of our diplomacy, our economy, and our ideals.
But when the lives of American citizens are at risk, we will take action. That’s my responsibility as Commander-in-Chief. And when many thousands of innocent civilians are faced with the danger of being wiped out, and we have the capacity to do something about it, we will take action. That is our responsibility as Americans. That’s a hallmark of American leadership. That’s who we are.
So tonight, we give thanks to our men and women in uniform -— especially our brave pilots and crews over Iraq who are protecting our fellow Americans and saving the lives of so many men, women and children that they will never meet. They represent American leadership at its best. As a nation, we should be proud of them, and of our country’s enduring commitment to uphold our own security and the dignity of our fellow human beings.
God bless our Armed Forces, and God bless the United States of America.
The situation prompting President Obama’s decision was a Masada-like moment when a group of 35,000 to 50,000 Essenes, a sect of Second Temple Judaism, a minority religion with roots that go back two centuries before Christ, are trapped high on a mountain top, caught with the choice of dying of starvation while still on that mountain, or coming down from the mountain and being slaughtered by Isis terrorists who have declared an Islamic caliphate in Iraq.
American airstrikes in Iraq began yesterday morning. They are the first combat action since all of our troops pulled out in 2011.
After the Defense Department announced that we had dropped 72 bundles of food and water to the trapped Essenes; America’s next target was Isis – now known as the Islamic State – who was pounding on the door of Kurdistan, one of the only areas in Iraq that until now has been considered a safe zone. According to Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby was two F/A–18 fighter jets dropped 500 pound bombs on a Islamic State truck carrying heavy artillery.
Kirby re–emphasized such strikes by our military will be specifically limited. He said, “As the president made clear, the United States military will continue to take direct action against the Islamic State when they threaten our personnel and facilities.”
Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby
The food was dropped for the Essenes at 6:30 a.m. EDT and the strike on the truck was made it 6:45 a.m. EDT. America back in Iraq was unexpected after the snail’s pace Obama took in what he called “assessing the situation in Iraq.” The further left you are politically, the less you will have wanted this to happen. However, praise for Obama’s actions came from both sides of Congress who are in various parts of the world on vacation. The Republicans, especially John McCain and Lindsey Graham, are urging him to do much more. And more they did this afternoon, wiping out Isis terrorists in several different places.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters today, “President Obama has not laid out a specific end date for the targeted strikes.” He stressed that the President is not asking for any more money to carry out this plan.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest
House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement today “The President’s authorization of airstrikes is appropriate, but like many Americans, I am dismayed by the ongoing absence of strategy for countering the grave threat Isis poses to the region.
Vital national interests are at stake, yet the White House has remained disengaged despite warnings from Iraqi leaders, Congress, and even members of his own administration. The President needs a long-term strategy – one that defines success as completing our mission, not keeping political promises – and he needs to build the public and congressional support to sustain it.”
Ironically, also according to the Pentagon, the airstrikes Friday, originating from the Persian Gulf were from jets that flew off of the USS George W. Bush!
The Iraqi Air Force is still in the sky too. Friday it was bombs over a prison in Mosul, the second-largest city in Iraq. Sixty extremists from Isis and the Sunnis were killed and three hundred people who were being held there were released.
This minute, right while I’m sharing this news with you, the always reliable Breaking Christian News reports something so dreadful that they began their article expressing how they felt, and I feel the very same way. They wrote “It is with a heavy heart, grieved spirit, and a sick stomach, that we must report the most evil, horrific acts carried out yet by Isis troops in Iraq against Christians.”
Chaldean American leader and California businessman, Mark Arabo, has told CNN “Christianity in Mosul is dead and a Christian Holocaust is in our midst.” Mosul is the second largest city in Iraq. “Children are being beheaded, mothers are being raped and killed, and fathers are being hung. Right now, three thousand Christians are in Iraq, fleeing for their lives.”
The CNN host was stunned. He gasped “You’re startling me with the severity of what you’re describing. You said they are beheading children?”
Arabo answered “They are systematically beheading children. And mothers and fathers. The world hasn’t seen an evil like this for generations.
There is actually a park in Mosul where they actually behead children and put their heads on a stick… These are crimes against humanity. They are doing the most horrendous, the most heartbreaking crimes that you can think of.”
France has offered Iraqi Christians asylum, and Arabo urges everyone in the Western world to consider doing the same.
Chaldean American leader and California businessman,
Mark Arabo
However you feel about Americans returning to the war in Iraq, I fully understand how you feel. And I want to say this carefully so that I’m not misunderstood. Iraq today is not the center of the problem. Isis is.
Every time in American history that the United States has ducked its head under the sand as evil groups formed and took over nations, in the long run America has suffered greatly because of its ignoring the situations. The Second World War is a prime example of that.
The root of the word “ignorance” is “ignore.” If we ignore Isis, the Taliban, Boko Haram, Islamic Jihadists, Hamas, Fatah, and all other major terrorist organizations, there will come a time in the not too distant future when all of them will join together and no longer fight in foreign lands but in our nation.
Years ago, I met one of the most godly and brave men I’ve ever had the opportunity to meet. Some of you will remember the remarkable book “God’s Smuggler.” It was the autobiography of a man known best as “Brother Andrew.” He was famous, though he was too humble to want to be, and the more he got known the more dangerous it was for him, for smuggling Bibles into countries where they were totally forbidden.
I’d love to tell you more about that man and I urge you to read his book. Still I’ve mentioned him to quote just what he told me. We were talking about a lack of missionaries to certain countries. One of those countries was Mexico, and many were in Latin America. Here was his quote: “If enough Christians don’t go to these countries to reach them for Christ, God will bring those countries to us.” The exact same thing is true regarding our enemies who are sworn to destroy our great nation. If we do not go and fight them on foreign soil, they too will come to us. God protect us from such a day.
If you’re wondering why most flags flew at half mast today, it is because of the murder of our two star general in Afghanistan. Major General Harold Greene, the first United States officer to be slain in combat since 1970. That was during the Vietnam War. Only, General Greene wasn’t in combat. That wasn’t his purpose in his being in Afghanistan at all. He was serving as a trainer for the Afghanistan military.
Two-star Major General Harold Greene murdered in Afghanistan
The killer was hiding in a bathroom and used a NATO assault rifle to continue shooting into a crowd of generals, trainees and teachers. 15 were wounded, including a general from Germany and 2 Afghan generals.
Why the shooter with the single name
RAFIQUILA, killed or wounded anyone is still not clear. But in the madness of Afghanistan, reasons aren’t necessary. Afghanistan remains a killing field.
At the same time our general was being killed, in a completely unrelated incident, an Afghan police officer was drugging and killing seven of his colleagues. Why? Who knows?
When I think of the thousands upon thousands of American and other countries families who have lost their loved ones during this last more than a dozen years in that fly-ridden country and will never see them again short of Heaven, or who came home so badly maimed that the rest of their lives have been rendered useless, I weep with those who have been left.
President Obama ran in his first time as a presidential candidate on a promise that he would quickly pull our troops out of Afghanistan and still hasn’t. The word “Woops” just isn’t enough.
Yes, we wanted to stop the Taliban but we haven’t. Today in still another part of Afghanistan, the Taliban attacked a police checkpoint in PAKTIA province, killing four police officers and losing ten of their own men. And it’s absolutely obvious that when President Obama finally pulls all our troops out of Afghanistan in 2016, that country will quickly become another Iraq, far worse off than when American military under George Bush Sr. first came and destroyed so many Iraqis there.
Both Iraq and Afghanistan serve as terribly grim reminders that the road to hell is paved with good intentions
When oh when will we have a president who remembers that if America is going to be involved in any future war, we have to have a solid exit strategy before we ever begin?
Meanwhile, before it comes to a bareknuckle brawl, John Kerry is back in Afghanistan to bring peace between two presidential candidates who have been locked in bitter disagreement with each other over who actually won Afghanistan’s June election. Afghanistan will be forming a new government in September with their new president, whichever he is.
Kerry, who arrived in Afghanistan on Thursday, unannounced, told both warring factions that he wants a new “chief executive officer” chosen by whoever loses, before the upcoming NATO summit in Wales September 4th. That was part of a national unity government compromise that Kerry brokered last month.
The September NATO summit will be held to decide what other nations are going to do in regards to Afghanistan, once they and most American troops are pulled out at the end of this year.
The candidates are former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah and former Finance Minister Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai. Kerry met with both men Thursday night and met with current President Hamid Karzai before flying out of Afghanistan Friday to attend an Asian security conference in Burma.
former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah
Finance Minister Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai
(usually called Ashraf Ghani)
The audit of ballots from the June 14 presidential runoff began again on Monday and is still most likely going to take several weeks more to complete. Preliminary results showed Ghani well ahead of Abdullah, but both sides claimed there were illegal ballots cast. They both charged fraud and demanded a recount.
In addition to the soon to be appointed chief executive officer that Kerry wants, the framework of the brokered government agreement also calls for a new Prime Minister to replace the former chief executive officer after ratification at a nationwide conference of elders and tribal chiefs.
Kerry reminded both candidates that they had to come to peace with each other when the votes have been recounted so that the Afghan people and Afghanistan’s international partners will be able to work together with them to implement reforms no matter who wins. And today there seemed to be a breakthrough.
Ghani Ashraf said “We are putting the past behind us. We are looking into the future. Work to hammer out the details will begin immediately.”
Abdullah said “No matter who wins, we commit ourselves to working together for the sake of Afghanistan.”
This agreement seems about as stable as Hamas agreeing with Israel. The two candidates made the same agreements a month ago in Kerry’s presence and then quickly began warring with each other. That war continued until Kerry came again. It’s obvious that both Abdullah and Ashraf want to impress Kerry because they know it will represent millions of dollars for them from America if they do please him. Once Kerry is gone, they seem to forget that he was there.
Before leaving Afghanistan, John Kerry said “There has to be an Afghan solution to an Afghan problem. It is critical for both candidates to do what they just said, which is to move beyond the campaign and move into the process of governing.”
Will these two candidates now keep their word? It won’t take long to find out.
On Wednesday, U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel speaking in Germany said the killing Of General Greene would not stop America’s plans “to continue moving forward and leaving an enduring presence of troops in Afghanistan even after 2016.”
President Obama has declared he will cut the number of troops in Afghanistan to less than five thousand by the end of 2015, and to about a thousand in a security office after 2016.
Obama and the top U.S. Commander in Afghanistan, General Joseph Dunford are in sharp disagreement over our president signaling the Taliban with his date announcements, and especially setting an absolute date for the 2016 sending home of the largest bulk of our remaining troops. Dunford argued that the terrorist threat and the capabilities of the Afghan forces should be given strong consideration at that time.
top U.S. Commander in Afghanistan, General Joseph Dunford
But Hagel said that while the commanders always need some flexibility, “generally those decisions have been made and were proceeding on that basis.”
Remember my telling you Sunday that you may soon be hearing company Voicemails that have choices of language after language for you to make? Well, today it’s been released that people from 73 countries have recently crossed our borders illegally. How long would it take to wait for seventy-two other country’s languages to be reeled off as choices before English came up? We may find out the answer to that question very soon. … And that will be the least of our problems.
Building the Tower of Babel
Sheriff Larry Spence, who was instrumental in the arrest of two illegal immigrants who are suspected to have brutally murdered a border guard discovered upon the arrest that these two had been each deported 6 times.
Sheriff Spence is also reporting that groups of men dressed in military fatigues have entered America through our borders many times recently. They travel in groups.
Peace negotiations in Cairo between Israel and Hamas ended with no agreements. As if to make that point clear, as soon as the 72 hour truce was over Hamas fired at least five rockets into Jerusalem. And Benjamin Netanyahu didn’t take that lying down. Israel immediately fired rockets back at Gaza. As Netanyahu has said from the first, “We have just begun what will be a long battle until Hamas is destroyed once and for all.”
Hamas alone can’t defeat Israel. According to top Israeli military officers, during the first twenty-eight days of the conflict before meeting in Cairo, Hamas had already lost hundreds of their troops, two thirds of its rockets, and all of its attack tunnels linking Hamas with Israel. That was accomplished during the five thousand rockets Israel shot into Gaza. While Israel lost 67 military and 3 civilians.
Meanwhile, Hamas responded by saying Israel isn’t counting the close to nineteen hundred Gaza citizens killed during the same 28 days. They added there were nine thousand citizens wounded and tens of thousands who have lost their homes.
Israeli military have found a copy of the training manual Hamas uses to train new recruits – showing them how to use human shields – women and children – to hold in front of them so that Hamas military won’t be killed even if the women and children are. The detailed manual goes on to explain where to place Palestinians so that the Israelis will kill them if their planes bomb these sites.
The manual as the pleasant title “Urban Warfare” and belongs to the al-Quassam Brigades – the Hamas military. It gives many public relations tools that have to do with the killing of Palestinians and making it look like Israeli troops are the guilty ones.
Anyone who thinks this is just a public relations ploy by the Israelis, does not understand the medieval mindset of Hamas. Like Isis or Boko Haram, Hamas thinks terrorist, without any Western, and certainly not any Christian way of thinking at all. They think of men amongst them as total controllers of women and children who they can kill, lash with whips, rape them, and bring in other wives if their immediate wife doesn’t please them in every way or isn’t sexy enough. Human shields means nothing more to them than using children as suicide bombers. They are what the Bible calls without conscience.
One sentence in “Urban Warfare” says about using humans other than the Hamas military, the “presence of civilians are pockets of resistance.”
Prime Minister Netanyahu said last night “The people of Gaza are not our enemy. Our enemy is Hamas; our enemy are the other terrorist organizations trying to kill our people. The tragedy of Gaza is that it is ruled by Hamas – a tyrannical and fanatical terror group that relishes civilian casualties.”
The war of sanctions that America and EU have waged against Vladimir Putin and Russia are not working, at least from every appearance. Putin has fired back with sanctions of his own. He has banned all agricultural products – including all meat, fish, milk, fruits and vegetables, for one year. Putin’s sanctions are against the EU, the United States, Canada, Australia and Norway. Putin also said he is considering in banning all Western airlines from flying into Russia.
Meanwhile, Putin is gathering a large amount of troops on Ukraine’s border. As the military leaders in America and elsewhere observe what is happening, they are anticipating a Russian invasion of Ukraine.
And talk about sticking your tongue out at someone! Russian bombers have invaded American airspace 16 times in the past 10 days! According to the Drudge Report, “The numerous flight encounters by Tu-95 Russian Bear H bombers prompted the scrambling of U.S. jet fighters on several occasions, and come amid heightened U.S.–Russian tensions over Ukraine.” In one bomber incursion near Alaska, a Russian intelligence–gathering jet was seen along with the bombers.
Today a Russian submarine chased an American submarine.
You know, maybe the terrorists won’t have to come to America and destroy it, because Russia will gladly do it for them.
No words could better express the feelings of the Ukrainian Christians or clarify exactly what is happening in Ukraine than these words sent to me today by our missionary reporters, Bob and Jan Claus, who had spent years ministering in Ukraine. It’s from a Christian organization’s leader of “Samaritans in Ukraine.”
AUGUST 7, 2014
When 298 innocent people were shot out of the sky by a Russian missile recently, people everywhere finally began to understand what is at stake in Ukraine.
Since then, the situation in Ukraine has only worsened. It is now one of “hot spots” of the world. When I hear about our daily human losses in the East, (Donetsk and Lugansk), the aggression of the Russian-backed separatists, Putin’s blatant lies, and the anti-Ukrainian propaganda, including the inadequacy of our own authorities in dealing with the war, it stirs up feelings of anger and disappointment in me.
All we have ever wanted is to live as a peaceful people, as do the majority of people in East Ukraine. Now, with the loss of 400 additional soldiers of our already depleted and impoverished army (whether they accidently crossed over into Russian territory or were unceremoniously abducted by pro-Russian forces), the situation is more critical than ever.
Our newly-elected president, Poroshenko, has just signed into law a requirement that every man from 25-50 years of age, can be drafted to the army. It does not matter if they have served in the army previously or not. This has come very close to home. Sasha, our SMU accountant, just got such a letter of mobilization; also Dr. Olga’s husband, Andriy, but they let him go this time, as he has five small children.
I honestly hope this cup will pass me.
But that is not all. If you are drafted into the army, you are required to provide your own uniform, bulletproof jacket and helmet. Otherwise you will have only a slight chance to get it from the government, as the government is broke.
On top of the economic and political crises in Ukraine, we have a humanitarian crises in the East and hundreds of refugee camps all over Ukraine. I have been in one camp near Zhitomir. It is not a very desirable place.
Churches, schools and private homes are being opened up to take people in. The Zhitomir Baptist Christmas Church has opened its door to 150 woman and children of their camp facilities in the forest. It’s only a temporary shelter for the summer. Hopefully, the children will at least have a chance to be restored physically and emotional before they are required to move on.
On the positive side, this tragedy has tremendously mobilized the Ukrainian people. Despite the poor financial situation many people find themselves in, they have donated over 1.5 million dollars (USD) to a special fund to support the Ukrainian army, to enable wounded soldiers get proper medical treatment, and to provide food and clothing for the refugee camps.
SMU is doing what it can to help alleviate the situation by designating some of its funds for this purpose. We are also looking to help re-locate people before the winter sets in. Don and Nancy will be arriving in Ukraine on August 27 to assist us in this process.
In addition to offering fervent prayer for Ukraine, you can also contribute monetarily to the cause. Be sure to mark it
do “Ukraine Refugee Fund Zhitomir.”
You can support SMU by making your checks payable to Good Samaritan Ministries or Amigo Relief Missions and sending to the following addresses:
Good Samaritan Ministries
C/O Donald N. Miller
12814 NW Bishop Rd
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Amigo Relief Missions
C/O Dennis Scraba
23 Donnely Terrace
Sherwood Park, AB
T8H 2B3
Alex BEARAHSHAWZAH, National Director
On behalf of Samaritan Ministries in Ukraine
Samaritan Missions Ukraine is doing everything it can to help alleviate the desperate situation by designating some of its funds for this purpose. We are also looking to help re-locate people before the winter sets in. Don and Nancy will be arriving in Ukraine on August 27 to assist us in this process.
In addition to offering fervent prayer for Ukraine, you can also contribute monetarily to the cause.
To get the information on where to send a donation simply scroll down to the end of the news text and pictures.
You will never win the world to Christ
with your spare change.
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Until next time, this is Ray Mossholder praying for you my friend. May you have a miraculous day.