National Day of Prayer and Fasting October 29 The Bill Keith Report

   To date, some 841,000 people on TWITTER have learned of our National Day of Fasting and Prayer for our nation on October 29. I want to thank all of my Twitter followers who passed on — or RETWEETED — the Prayer Day information to their followers.

Monday September 29, 2014

The Bill Keith Report

News And Commentary

Greetings to our readers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and 133 foreign countries.

Your comments are welcome!

If you believe the information in this edition of The Report is worthwhile, please tell your friends about it.

Greetings to our readers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and 133 foreign countries.

Your comments are welcome!

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If you believe the information in this edition of The Report is worthwhile, please tell your friends about it.

Your comments are welcome!

If you believe the information in this edition of The Report is worthwhile, please pass it on to your friends.

     Please join Bill on Twitter and become a Facebook friend and you can share information and experiences each day or several times a day with him.

     Bill’s new novel Whisper in the Wind has been released by Stonegate Publishing Co., Inc. It is an epic story of love and war set in the South Pacific during World War II. Based on fact and real characters, it covers the war from the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941 to the end of the war in 1945. The book is available at or

News from the October 29 National Day of Prayer

     To date, some 841,000 people on TWITTER have learned of our National Day of Fasting and Prayer for our nation on October 29. I want to thank all of my Twitter followers who passed on — or RETWEETED — the Prayer Day information to their followers.

     Next week Bill will have a special Day of Prayer website that will provide more information  to pass on to all followers encouraging them to join the October 29 National Day of Prayer.

     II Chronicles 7:14 is our battle cry! We will come together in fasting prayer and ask our Lord to turn the hearts of the people of this great land back to Him.

Student loans debt this year hit a record high of $1.2 trillion.

 October Statistics: 92.6 million Americans are no longer in the labor force.

Government accountants report that the feds can’t find $619 billion that is missing from 302 federal programs. They say the taxpayer money was either misused, wasted or just missing.

Walmart will drop 30,000 part-time employees from their healthcare coverage because of an estimated $500 million rise in insurance costs due to Obamacare. Target, Home Depot and several others will do the same.

Aides Knew of Possible White House Link to Prostitution

     Remember the Cartagena, Colombia, prostitution scandal? That was back in 2012 when two dozen Secret Service agents and members of the military were involved with prostitutes before President Obama arrived there for a visit.

     The President vowed that no White House personnel were involved. But this week the Washington Post reported documents reveal that a prostitute did spend the night with a presidential advance-team member.

     The Post also noted that senior White House aides knew of the link to the prostitute but kept it covered up.

     David Nieland, the lead investigator on the Colombia case, said, “We were directed at the time…to delay the report of the (White House)  investigation until after the 2012 election.”

110 Million Americans Have STDs

     Anyone who has been wide awake the past few years realizes the United States has become a sexual nuthouse where people worship at the altar of the cheap orgasm in this hedonistic culture of decay.

     Now we learn that 110 million people in this land have STDs — Sexually Transmitted Diseases. That’s just over one-third of the people.

      “While the national media focus on the Ebola outbreak in West Africa…the CDC is reminding Americans that sexually transmitted diseases are an ongoing but hidden epidemic,” CBS reports.

     CDC officials say that some 20 million cases of new STD infections are reported each year, according to Live Science. “Since infections can persist for a long time, and because some victims are not even aware they have a disease they can easily spread it to others.”

     About 50.5 million current infections are in men and 59.5 million in women, according to CBS.

     Officials note the diseases include gonorrhea, genital herpes, HIV or AIDS, syphilis and others.

     Some 50 percent of new infections occur in young people ages 15-24 and gonorrhea is the most commonly reported.

     “New cases of STDs cost nearly $16 billion a year in direct medical costs…” CBS pointed out.

     Comment: This data really shouldn’t surprise anyone since we live in a sex-crazed culture. Movies, videos, television, the Internet, magazines, billboards, and rap music reek with sexual content that pervades our society, particularly among young people who watch the depraved MTV. The ACLU has fought for allowing all advertising/TV/movies with heavy sexual content and the U. S. Supreme Court has approved every kind of depravity imaginable.

     Christians are not completely blameless. We have hidden behind stained-glass windows and under the pews and failed to confront this culture of decay. It’s time for Christian people to stand up and say, “Enough is enough — we’re going to work and pray and once again become salt and light in our land.”

American Troops to Africa: Doublespeak

     When President Obama announced he was sending 3,000 American troops to Africa to try to control the outbreak of Ebola, he said no troops would come into direct contact with the virus.

     However, General David Rodriguez said U.S. soldiers would work alongside Liberian troops in medical labs that will test people for Ebola. General Rodriguez is commander of the U. S. Africa Command.

     “If one of the U.S. troops develops symptoms of Ebola, they will be…returned to the United States in specially designed aircraft designed to isolate the disease,” the General said. “Any U.S. troops that develop Ebola will be brought in the United States to one of the medical centers that is specially designed to handle Ebola patients.”

     However, the Obama administration confused the issue and insisted our troops would not be in direct contact with suspected Ebola victims.

     Comment: It amazes me that the President refuses to send troops to the border with Mexico to control illegals, yet has offered to send 3,000 troops to Africa to help the people there. Doctors still don’t know the extent of the danger of this deadly virus, whether it is airborne or how long it lingers. Yet the President is willing to place our troops in harm’s way. It’s a terrible mistake.

Benghazi: Now We Know the Truth

     Americans have short memories, but does anyone remember Benghazi? Our Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed there.

     Since it was just before the presidential election, the White House concocted a story that the men died because of a YouTube video that made fun of Mohammed. White House spokesman Susan Rice went on talk shows to spread the false report. President Obama also said it was because of the video as did Hillary Clinton.

     This week, former CIA Director Leon Panetta said that on the night the Americans died in Benghazi, he told President Obama that terrorists killed them.

     “We told the president that there’s an attack that’s going on, that terrorists are involved in the attack, and, as a result, we have to respond to it,” Panetta said. However, the President did not respond and four Americans died.

     Comment: I don’t know how the President, Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton can look at the American people with a straight face. They have used one deception after another to hide their lack of leadership both foreign and domestic.

It’s Your Money! Where Is It Going?

     During the past two years, the Report has repeatedly informed readers of waste and inefficiency in government. Now we have a report from U. S. Representative Paul Ryan on how billions could be cut if the Congress would only do so. Please note that Social Security and appropriations for the military are not on the list. These are the proposed annual savings:

     Corporation for Public Broadcasting Subsidy — $445 million annual savings

     Save America’s Treasures Program –$25 million annual savings

     International Fund for Ireland — $17 million annual savings

     Legal Services Corporation — $420 million annual savings

     National Endowment for the Arts — $167.5 million annual savings

     National Endowment for the Humanities — $167.5 million annual savings

     Amtrak Subsidies — $1.5 billion annual savings

     Community Development Fund — $4.5 billion annual savings

     Eliminate duplicating education programs — $1.3 billion annual savings

     U. S. Trade Development Agency — $55 million annual savings

     Woodrow Wilson Center Subsidy — $20 million annual savings

     Heritage Area Grants and Statutory Aid — $24 million annual savings

     Cut Federal Travel Budget in Half — $7.5 billion annual savings

     Trim Federal Vehicle Budget by 20 percent — $600 million annual savings

     Department of Energy Grants to States for Weatherization — $530 million annual savings

     Beach Replenishment — $95 million annual savings

     New Starts Transit — $2 billion annual savings

     Title X Family Planning — $318 million annual savings

     Appalachian Regional Commission — $76 million annual savings

     Economic Development Administration — $293 million annual savings

     National and Community Services Act — $1.15 billion annual savings

     Applied Research at Department of Energy — $1.27 billion annual savings

     Freedom CAR and Fuel Partnership — $200 million annual savings

     Economic Assistance to Egypt — $250 million annual savings

     U. S. Agency for International Development — $1.39 billion annual savings

     Subsidy for Washington Metro Area Transit — $150 million annual savings

     General Assistance to the District of Columbia — $250 million annual savings

     Presidential Campaign Fund — $775 million savings in 10 years

     Delete Funds for Federal Office Space Acquisition –$864 million annual savings

     Repeal the Davis Bacon Act  — $1 billion annual savings

     Require collection of unpaid taxes by federal employees — $1 billion total savings.

     Prohibit taxpayer funded union activities by federal employees — $1.2 billion savings over 10 years.

     Sell excess federal properties the government does not make use of — $15 billion total savings.

     Eliminate taxpayer subsidies to the United Nations Panel on Climate Change — $12.5 million annual savings

     Eliminate fund for Obamacare administrative costs — $900 million

     Note to Reader:  With these and a few other cutbacks, the federal government would save $2.5 trillion in 10 years.

     Comment: How on earth did all these programs ever get into the federal budget? And why do the members of Congress want to keep them? Are some of these pet projects the congressmen want to keep?

     Remember, most of the above-mentioned are annual costs.

AMAC Demands End to Social Security Double-Tax

    Hooray for the Association of Mature American Citizens — the alternative to AARP — for working on behalf of senior citizens to do away with double taxation on social security checks.

    “The money is yours. You earned it. You need it. The government has no right to it,” an AMAC spokesman said.

     AMAC explains that anyone collecting Social Security with a combined income of more than $33,000 must pay a tax on the income — a tax the person has already paid.

     “You were taxed when your money went in — and now you are being taxed again when your money is returned to you,” the spokesman explained.

     Comment: I have been writing articles and writing to my congressmen for years about the dishonesty of double taxation on our Social Security earnings. But, to date, I’ve found little interest — other than in AMAC — in rectifying the problem.

     Congress voted to tax Social Security earnings during the Clinton administration. The law passed by only one vote.


President Obama: Broken Promises, Broken Trust

     A lot of democrats are scratching their heads and wondering why President Obama — who once seemed to have so much promise — is now the most unpopular president in recent history. Poll after poll reveals that the American people no longer trust him.

     And I’m not surprised. I did some research on all the promises he has made to the American people, promises that were broken. Here’s what I found.

     Ebola will never reach the U.S. (Yet people are already dying here).

     ISIS is just a junior varsity group. (Yet the terrorist group has conquered a number of Iraqi cities).

     The terrorists in the world have been defeated. (But they are stronger today than when Obama took office six years ago).

     Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the American people will be able to keep the doctors of their choice. (This is already proven false).

     Under ACA, people will be able to keep your health insurance. (Tens of thousands have lost their health insurance).

     Under ACA, the cost of insurance will never go up. (But insurance costs are going up dramatically all across the land).

     Under ACA, each family will save $2,500. (People are not saving, they are paying more),

     The ACA will not provide funds for abortions. (This also has been proven to be false).

     Illegals will not be eligible for ACA healthcare. (Government officials admit there is no way to keep illegals from signing up for Obamacare).

     The border with Mexico is secure. (Hundreds of thousands of illegals have come into this land during the Obama administration and the border is wide open).

     In Benghazi, Americans died because of a YouTube video. (This week former CIA Director Leon Panetta said that on the night the American ambassador and three others died, he told the President it was terrorists).

     He pledged to eliminate all income taxation of seniors making less than $50,000 a year. (This has never been presented to congress).

     He promised to cut the national debt in half by the end of his first term. (The national debt has risen more during his watch than at any time in history and now is approaching $17 trillion).

     He said his administration would be the most transparent administration in history.(Yet most journalists agree it is the least transparent in history)

     The IRS is not targeting anyone. (Yet the IRS has repeatedly refused to turn over documents to congress and give the lame excuse that their computers lost all the information).

     He promised to put an end to politics that breed division. (Yet he has repeatedly played the race card to divide Americans).

     Said he knew nothing about Fast and Furious, the gun-running to Mexican drug cartels. (His closest friend AG Eric Holder authorized it and it’s inconceivable he didn’t discuss it with the president).

     “I, Barack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.” Really?

National Day of Prayer and Fasting October 29 The Bill Keith Report