A Tidal Wave Has Washed Many Democrats Out Of Office


It has been called a “wave” that hit the Democrats last night as a result of the midterm elections. If so, it was a Tidal Wave that will pull several of the Democrat incumbents completely out of office in January. That will give the Senate a brand-new look with at least seven more Republican members in the Senate than the Democrats will have. And with a couple of races still not decided, the Republican number there may be even larger.

But if the Senate had a Tidal Wave, the House of Representatives and the governorships throughout America last night experienced a tsunami. Come January there will be 30 Republican governors and only 20 Democrat governors in charge of the 50 states.

The one question many in the news media have been asking throughout this day is “Were the midterm results really a win for the Republicans or was it a loss by the Democrat candidates who avoided President Obama throughout their races as if he had the Ebola virus?”

No one can really blame the Democrat candidates for not wanting to be seen with a lame-duck president before the election who has bare face lied to all America many times; who has covered up scandal after scandal while denying there were any scandals – “not even a smidgen”; who has made several huge mistakes that have cost human lives; and, according to what he said at his press conference today, believes that two thirds of our nation’s voters stayed home because they believed he is doing a good job as our president. That response was either delusional or terribly terribly wrong

The truth is, “Change” is exactly what America’s voters asked for at the ballot box yesterday. Not the “change” Obama promised in his 2008 campaign when so many of those who voted for him for the first time thought they were voting for the Messiah. But a change in our president’s policies. 65% of those voters interviewed in exit polling said they fully believe Barack Obama has our nation “on the wrong track.” In fact, if this had not been a midterm election but a vote on our president with just one question – “Do you want President Obama to finish out his next two years in office?”; it is highly likely the same kind of tsunami that will now shove so many Democrats out of office, would have shoved out President Obama.

Surprisingly, it was Obama-faithful Senate majority leader Harry Reid’s chief of staff, David Krone, who told the Washington Post last night when speaking of our president, “We were never going to get to the same page. We were beating our heads against the wall.” Krone laid the Democrat massacre directly at the feet of President Obama.

The Democrat spin on their midterm disaster is that historically the party not in power in the White House loses seats in Congress and the opposition party takes charge of Congress. But this doesn’t explain away how the largest amount of House Representatives since 1946 swept both the House and the Senate clear with a gigantic broom. Nor does it explain how Republican governors in blue states like Maryland and Massachusetts will now be replacing Democrat governors. Nor does it explain how for the first time in 141 years, the Republican Party will hold every seat in the legislature in the state of Arkansas. Nor does it explain so much more damage that can be rightly placed at President Obama’s feet.

America must face the fact that it has a president who believes that whatever he says is true, whether it is true or not. “If you want to keep your doctor you can keep your doctor. Period.” “The so-called ‘scandals’ in my administration are all ‘phony scandals’.” “I am drawing a red line in the sand and if Syria crosses it it will suffer the consequences.” Etc. etc. etc.

With all that said, winning congressional elections is not like winning the World Series. If a team wins the World Series they can then go home and rest on their laurels until spring training. But now that the Republicans have won their midterms, they are going to have to step up to the plate and produce some America-pleasing decisions that will override Mister Obama’s pen and phone. No longer can they be the party of no. Instead, if they want a win like this to be of any lasting importance for their party they are going to have to come up with some plans and turn them into bills that will go to the president’s desk. And they must prove that they can work across the aisle with the remaining Democrats and convince the majority of them to override any vetoes the president may give those bills.

Now that the last hurrah is over and the acceptance speeches have been made, those who voted in America for the winning candidate’s must now see that their votes were tremendously worthwhile. Otherwise this will turn out to be only a blip on the Republican happiness screen.

The results of the midterm election by and large were more against stopping the kind of changes President Obama has been making in our nation and honestly working to bring healing to the economy instead of endlessly spending money on Solyndra-like giveaways; stop the president from lying to the public that the economy is improving while America has 19 million Americans no longer even looking for a job; to secure America’s borders and keep America safe by stopping the terrorists both here and overseas; and to find answers to scandals in the Obama administration that makes it appear that Richard Nixon had no reason at all to resign.

So many questions about these midterms will be answered in the next few weeks, but the Republicans are going to have to hit the ground running to prove that voting for them was the right thing to do.



Any government that will give you everything you want, also has the ability to take away everything you have.


A Tidal Wave Has Washed Many Democrats Out Of Office