Taking A Reality Check of Our Nation 2014 –Ray


I have often wondered what would happen if a madman or madwoman became president of the United States. Or what we would do in America if a devoted Socialist or Communist became president? What if America’s president wanted to throw away the United States Constitution and fully replace it with new laws of their own? What if our president no longer wanted America to be a shining beacon on a hill, but wanted to hand us over lock, stock, and barrel to the United Nations? What if one of our presidents took all our freedoms away? Would we simply allow him or her to continue in office to serve out their term and do whatever they wanted for at least four years or perhaps eight? And if not, how would our nation stop them from destroying our basic foundations while they are in office?

Taking A Reality Check of Our Nation 2014 –Ray

President Barack Hussein Obama proved at the very beginning of his candidacy in 2008 that we no longer care as a nation whether those running for the oval office have proof of their citizenship or mean what they say about transparency and so many other things. In fact, the place of President Obama’s birth and his birth certificate were quickly turned into a joke.

In spite of the fact that he had sat for twenty years under the tutelage of the man he called his “mentor” – Reverend Jeremiah Wright – who “damned” America not only of its past racial treatment but it’s present, we paid little attention to that. When Michelle Obama, who had also sat under Reverend Wright for all those years, said the only time she had ever felt proud of America was when her husband was nominated for president, we totally ignored that. Nor do we seem to mind that the president’s personal life is unknown to us other than from a few magazine articles and an occasional presidential news conference. Deals and threats he makes behind closed doors result in Obamacare or in amnesty for illegals.

Most Americans never even think of holding a president’s feet to the fire until he keeps his (or maybe her) promises. We have stopped writing letters or phoning the presidential hotline or congressional hotline because we think we don’t matter in a nation as big as our own. Most Americans don’t even vote. I am simply one voice telling you from the studied experience of my own that writing, phoning, and voting DO make a difference when your voice joins many others who do the same. And to always vote a straight party ticket could get the devil elected.

We know scarcely anything about who our president and his wife really are. And we know nothing at all about the private deals our president makes with his administration or with foreign leaders. We read about these things instead from a news media that has fawned on him primarily because of his race and power, and are totally willing to avoid saying anything negative or questionable about our Commander-in-Chief or his wife that isn’t warm and fuzzy. And yet what they are doing or saying privately totally affects you, me, and the people of our nation. “The most transparent presidency in history” has turned out the lights and said “go away” ever since he was elected president. Wheeling and dealing has to be commonplace in an administration so full of scandal.

I am not suggesting with anything I’ve written or am saying that President Obama and his wife are anything but good people who absolutely care that America continues as the most important nation in the world for freedom’s sake. And that they are not totally honest in everything they do or say that affects our nation. But what I am meaning is that America’s voters have grown extremely lax in their moral responsibility to safeguard the constitutional requirements of the highest office in our land and to demand real answers from the candidates.

Probably because statewide candidates remain in their own state throughout their campaigns, voters are much more apt to know the backgrounds and the foregrounds of the candidates. And those who don’t care who wins seem to stay away from the voting booth during midterms. Tragically, that represented two thirds of registered voters in America this time.

For whatever it is worth, I am of the opinion that America has begun to vote not for the needed qualifications in a president, but for the best orator running for the office, or because it wants to make restitution for its former racial intolerance, or even because of gender. I also believe that if this tendency continues in the majority of voters we will suddenly find ourselves with someone who fits one of the categories in my opening statement.

I am told that the younger generation – the millennial’s -don’t care what happens to America. Hollywood seems to have convinced them that picking up chicks or guys in a bar and going to bed with them is what America now is all about. Few of them will listen to this newscast because they’re not at all interested in the news or in transparency. They don’t care that our government knows exactly what they’re saying and exactly where they are because they are still going to do and say whatever they want to anyway.

Supposedly, the millennial’s also believe this world is going to end much sooner than they would end otherwise and that they need to grab all the gusto they can and live for now. If they protest at all, they protest only for the fun of it or because they like to show their anger once in awhile. If that report is true about the millennial’s, it is highly probable that they will lose all their freedoms before the eve of destruction.

I urge anyone still listening or reading this news report to join me in expressing your desires to the president and the politicians who say they are representing you. I am not anti-Obama, but I believe it is high time to hold his feet to the fire until he stops telling us only what he wants us to hear whether it is true or not. I wasn’t able to keep my doctor. I believe the path to citizenship should only come to those who have legally applied for it. And I believe it is getting harder and harder for God to bless America.

One thing about great speakers, they are almost always great actors too. Actors, because of their adoring fans, usually have tremendous egos and don’t care a whit about those fans other than they keep on adoring them. And actors always believe their press clippings. When a president is doing that with a news media that lavishes him with praise and doesn’t tell the truth any more than he or she does, the nation they are supposed to lead is in the kind of great danger that America is right now.



Most kids can’t understand why a nation that makes nuclear bombs would ban firecrackers.



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So until the next newscast this is Ray Mossholder, praying for you my friend. Have a miraculous day! (0)

Taking A Reality Check of Our Nation 2014 –Ray