Years ago Dr. Jack Hayford and Hal Lindsey were on the Donahue television program. Hal had just written his worldwide bestseller “The Late Great Planet Earth”. I was surprised to find my pastor so upset on national television. But Jack does not believe in the pre-tribulation rapture. Jack believes in mid-tribulation and gives scholarly biblical reasoning for his position. Here is a paraphrase of what Jack said to Hal Lindsey:
“You have everything tied up with a fancy bow as if you knew exactly what God is going to do when the tribulation begins. But what if you’re wrong? If the tribulation begins and the Christians haven’t been ruptured, millions of Christians could abandon Christ and their belief in Him because they believed you.
You know that the the precious Jewish people missed their Messiah in the First Century because they thought they had it all figured out as to what the Messiah would do when He came to Earth. That happened even though Jesus Christ fulfilled every prophecy predicted of the Messiah in the Old Testament. Your book could cause today’s Christians everywhere to give Christ up and take the mark of the beast once the beast and the dragon are revealed and the horror of the tribulation begins.” Dr. Hayford concluded, “I would love to find that you are right. But I don’t believe you are. No Christian should stake their eternal life on your book.”
“The Late Great Planet Earth” has greatly helped to cause the pre-tribulation rapture to be the number one belief among today’s Christians. But you can see what Dr. Hayford was saying. Larry believes Christians will go all the way through the tribulation and that Christ will come for them at the end of the seven years. We’re going to have to wait and see. The big thing is, be prepared for His coming and never give up your faith in Christ no matter what seems to be happening.
The following film is good drama no matter at what point Christ returns for us. And it does represent Hal Lindsey’s view. –Ray
If there is a pre-tribulation rapture, this film is very realistic