The Bible in Revelation calls Russia “Gog.” It calls Red China “Magog.” You need to be fully aware of what Gog is doing right now. This day, January 3, 2015, I won’t be trying to spread fear or sensationalizing. But there has never been a time like this moment in all of history. Every piece of the puzzle that signals Christ’s return, according to Hal Lindsey, are already in place and Jesus Christ could come back for all Christians at anytime. That’s why I am devoting this entire day to show you what is happening right now. Especially America needs to be aware because even if this is not the year Christ will come for His Church, 2015 has the strong potential to be the year the Third World War will begin that will lead to Armageddon. All other nations need to understand these things too because a Third World War would be a terrible threat to them all.
Many times in the past year, I’ve shared teaching and videos concerning Bible prophecies about the end times. Today I’m going to present a sober reality check about this present moment. I am all the more concerned because I cannot find America in end time prophecy. Why isn’t it? Perhaps the following news report will give one possibility why it isn’t.
Russia continues to threaten the United States
Russia continues to threaten the United States