What"s in the heart of a real missionary? KP Yohannen


You know about the “Hunger Games”, but do you know what it is to have a hunger for souls? Why would anyone give up their world of possessions, friends, and the American way to go overseas and risk their life minute by minute in what most would call “a Godforsaken land filled with odors that challenge every sense; diseases for which there are no cures; no Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s, or food like mama used to make; killer snakes, rats the size of your dog, and air that makes Los Angeles smog seem like a welcome relief.

KP Yohannen was born in India and his family migrated to Dallas, Texas. He pastored a huge church and was what most of us would call “rich”. And he gave it all up because he got a vision of the real world without Christ, a world living in the kingdom of self.

God will never call you to be a missionary without your absolute will. But allow KP to tell you his story now. His sense of humor will keep you laughing and some of his true stories might make you cry. What is a real missionary? KP can tell you and he’s hard to forget. I challenge you to listen to his entire message. –Ray

What’s in the heart of a real missionary? K P Yohannen

What"s in the heart of a real missionary? KP Yohannen