Chapter 7 Fourth Key: The Secret Israel
In its first and original context the Shemitah is connected to Israel. It is the only nation commanded to observe it. And, as we have seen, it is still kept, in varying degrees, by the observance of that nation. But we are not dealing here with the Shemitah as an observance but as a prophetic sign – particularly as a warning or manifestation of national judgment.
Such a prophetic sign could be given to any nation as long as that nation in some way matched the description or shared the attributes of ancient Israel in 586 BC. In other words, it would have to be:
A nation warranting a prophetic warning or manifestation of judgment, a nation in defiance of God’s ways.
This description could, to varying degrees, fit much of the world’s nations – whether religious or secular, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or communist. Let’s narrow it down further with this more specific description:
A nation that had once known God, but had now turned away from Him and rejected His ways.
This description could match several of the worlds Western nations, formerly seen as “Christian” but now largely post-Christian. Let’s narrow it down still further:
A civilization established on the Word of God, dedicated to His purposes, and consecrated to His glory from its very inception.
Now the field of candidates is severely reduced. It can be argued that only two civilizations in human history were established, dedicated, and consecrated to the will, the word, the purposes, and the glory of God from the moment of their conceptions. The first was Israel; the second was America.
American civilization was established and dedicated at Cape Henry, Plymouth, and Massachusetts Bay to the purposes of God.
Chapter 7 Fourth Key: The Secret Israel
Chapter 7 Fourth Key: The Secret Israel