Left Behind: Book 5 – Apollyon Chapters 2, 3, 4,


Left Behind: Book 5 – Apollyon Chapters 2, 3, 4,

Rayford had a lot in common with Ken Ritz and found him fascinating. Distraught over his own future—and income—and fearful of what he might learn about his late wife, Rayford nonetheless enjoyed Ken’s company. More than ten years his senior, Ken was former military, gruff, to the point, and aglow in what Tsion Ben-Judah called his “first love” of Christ. Rayford and Ken spent hours in the air on the way home bringing each other up to date on their pasts, and Rayford silently thanked God for a new friend. His relationship with Tsion was as student to mentor. To Buck he was the father-in-law. How he missed Bruce Barnes, his first friend and spiritual guide after the Rapture! Ken seemed a gift from God. Ritz assured Rayford he could learn the Gulfstream in no time.

“You guys who drive the heavies can handle these skiffs like a bike racer goin’ back to a trike.” “I wish it were that easy,” Rayford said, “but I’ll count on you for driver’s training.” “Roger. And, man, with your replacement there for Carpathia—what’s his name again?” “Mac. Mac McCullum.” “Yeah. He gives us three pilots in the Trib Force. Now we gotta talk Sawbones into gettin’ out of that GC hospital before “I wish it were that easy,” Rayford said, “but I’ll count on you for driver’s training.” “Roger. And, man, with your replacement there for Carpathia—what’s his name again?” “Mac. Mac McCullum.” “Yeah. He gives us three pilots in the Trib Force. Now we gotta talk Sawbones into gettin’ out of that GC hospital before they catch onto him. That’ll give us a doctor. So, three pilots, a doc, and a rabbi—sounds like the start of a joke. The only member without a specialty is your daughter, and she’s what I call the voice of reason. Nobody’s more reasonable than Tsion, of course, but Chloe’s the voice of reason for guys like me who don’t understand everything the scholar says.”

Left Behind: Book 5 – Apollyon Chapters 2, 3, 4,

Left Behind: Book 5 – Apollyon Chapters 2, 3, 4,