Left Behind: Apollyon, Chapter 15
Buck is a mess of stitches and bruises, aches and pains, from falling from the airplane Rayford flew out of the Tel Aviv Airport. Rayford had tried to get him on board, but he grabbed a wire that wouldn’t allow the door to close and fell from there. He landed in the bushes just outside the airport. After seeing the two witnesses at the Wailing Wall and receiving an encouraging word from them, he taxied to the home of Chaim Rosenzweig and with a little help from the gateman Jonas, he was able to enter Chaim’s home and go to sleep. On television, Buck’s picture was being shown over and over again while claiming that he had killed a GC guard. In the morning God brought another judgment on the world. The sun lost a third of its light and it became freezing cold everywhere on Earth.
Meanwhile in Chicago, Chloe is planning a system originally designed by Ken Ritz to connect Christians all over the world who could trade what would be needed by each once the Mark of the beast began that would keep people from being able to buy or sell without the mark of the Beast. Hattie Durham won’t receive the Lord because she is set on just one thing – she wants to kill Carpathia who is both the one who gave her a child that died in her womb, but the Antichrist himself. Suddenly, as the spring weather dropped to freezing in the sun lost a third of its light, the people both in Israel and at home wondered how they would use much of their equipment any further because it was solar powered. That same problem should highly affect
the worldwide technology the Antichrist is using too. Ray picks the story of at this point.
Eating a late dinner that evening, Tsion shared with the Stateside Tribulation Force his joy over a wildly successful effort by many believers on the Internet. “I merely put out a simple request—you all saw it—for translators in various countries to interpret the daily messages in their own languages. You can imagine how much of the web is made up of Asian language groups, Spanish, German, and others. “Well,” he added with a twinkle, “not only did I get far more volunteers than I needed, but some very advanced computer types are offering free software downloads that automatically translate into other languages. It’s Pentecost on the Net. I’m able to type in unknown tongues!”
Rayford was always warmed by the joy Tsion took in his work and ministry. He had sacrificed as much as anyone in their little group—a wife and two children. Chloe had lost her mother and brother and now two friends. Rayford had lost two wives, his son, his pastor, and more new acquaintances than he wanted to think about. Everybody around the table, Doc Charles and Hattie included, had reason to go mad if they allowed themselves to dwell on it.
Momentary smiles were all they could muster when Tsion shared a story like that or someone made the occasional wry comment. Raucous laughter or silliness just didn’t have a place in their lives anymore. Grief was wearying, Rayford thought. He looked forward to that day when God would wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there would be no more war.
That was one reason he looked forward with relish to the ten o’clock news event that had been trumpeted on the GC Broadcasting Networks all day. The GC was bringing together experts who would speak to the official statement of the government related to the darkness that had already begun to take its toll. Buck had insinuated that Chaim would be entertaining. Although Rayford couldn’t imagine a belly looked forward to the diversion.
“I just hope,” Tsion said, “that we detect some movement in Chaim’s spirit. When I was laying out all the prophecies again for him, I challenged him. I said, ‘Chaim, how can a man with such a mind as yours ignore the mathematical impossibility of so many dozens of prophecies referring to just one man unless he is the Messiah?’ He started with the typical argument about not knowing whether the Bible is authentic. I said, ‘My mentor! You would doubt your own Torah? Where do you think I am coming up with this stuff?’ I tell you, young people, it won’t be long for Chaim. I just don’t want him to wait too long.”
Left Behind: Apollyon, Chapter 15
Left Behind: Apollyon, Chapter 15