Part 1: Is the world about to end? Is America about to go bankrupt?

Part 1: Is the world about to end? Is America about to go bankrupt?

This is Ray Mossholder. One of the several risks I take in doing all of my programs live to the whole world is, at times, the risk of looking stupid. I have long ago stopped worrying about that. I have no personal reputation to uphold except my Lord’s, and it is He who has led me to do Reach More Now programs exactly this way. I begin with that comment because this is the third time I’ve attempted to video this particular special report. I have already done a presentation of many of these facts twice, and now three times, because each time I have realized that I should have done more vital editing and, because of its length, it needed to be broken into two parts. Let’s hope the third times a charm. If it isn’t, I’ll be using the cry of the golfer –FOUR!” and do it a fourth time.

Still another reason I’ve decided to do this whole report again is that I found an excellent article after my second attempt that, in a sense, allows Rabbi Cahn to speak for himself. I begin with that article:

New York Times bestseller Jonathan Cahn told hundreds of people gathered at the Prophecy in the News conference this past summer in Orlando, Florida, “I will state a warning which I have stated before,’Whether it comes in this time parameter of the Shemitah or the year following or not, I believe a great shaking is going to come to this land and to the world that will involve the collapsing of the American economy … and the removal of its blessings and prosperity.

“Whether it begins with the economic realm or not, I believe it’s going to be bigger than the economic realm and it may have the effect of famine or cutting off infrastructure for a time. The shaking doesn’t have to take place in the Shemitah (year), but I believe we need to be ready because what’s happening follows a very definite biblical pattern.”

Cahn’s warning has to do with what is known as the biblical Shemitah, or the Sabbath Year. During this year, according to Exodus and Leviticus, there was to be no working of the land. The last day of the Shemitah, Elul 29, is considered the “wipeout day” when all debts were “wiped clean.” The Shemitah is meant to be a blessing, but when Israel turned away from God it became “a sign of judgment on a nation that has driven God out of its life.”

In The Mystery of the Shemitah, Cahn described how this biblical pattern is connected to numerous events in modern history, including the rise of America to superpower status, World Wars I and II, the return of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland, the Six-Day War and even the rising of the World Trade Center.

He also noted a pattern of judgments at seven-year intervals in September 2001 and 2008 marked by the greatest crashes in Wall Street history, up to that time. The first occurred on Sept. 17, 2001, just a few days after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and the second occurred on Sept. 29, 2008. Both occurred on the biblical day of Elul 29, the very day appointed to wipe out the financial accounts of a nation. The next Elul 29 will occur two days from now, on September 13.

“For years, financial observers have been mystified why it is that all the greatest crashes tend to take place the same time of year,” Cahn says. “When is it? September to October. What if we take the greatest crashes in history. Do any of them take place at the end of the seven-year cycle of the Shemitah at the time of the wipeout and the answer is, ‘Yes.’ Every single one of them does. And the thing is the phenomenon is increasing. It’s intensifying.”

While the current Shemitah runs from September 2014 through this September, Cahn told the audience that the “Super Shemitah”—or the year of Jubilee, the year at the end of seven cycles of the Shemitah—begins this month and runs through September 2016.

Cahn said “What people don’t realize is one of the missing keys of end-times prophecy is the Shemitah.” author of The Harbinger, which has sold more than 2 million copies. “What’s the end of end-times prophecy? The Tribulation. How long is the Tribulation period? Seven years. It’s a cycle of Shemitahs that goes back to Daniel’s 70 sevens, which is linked to the Shemitah and linked to the judgment of Israel and the 70 years of judgment. Every seventh year is a Shemitah, but every seventh Shemitah is a Super-Shemitah, which we call the Jubilee … .”

Despite these patterns, though, Cahn says God is in no way bound by the cycle. “Now nothing has to happen, and if it follows the course of most times when people predict things like this, it won’t happen. But if it does follow the course God has taken in the past it’s easy to see what will happen.

First, according to the pattern, each time it happens there is war in the Middle East. No. 2, there is a major war focused on Israel— the end of World War I, all of World War II, and the 1967 Six-Day War. No. 3, that war results in an end-times restoration of the next steps of end-times prophecy.”

In the book of Genesis, the Shemitah began with the Pharoah’s prophetic dream of 14 cows—seven healthy and seven sick. God revealed to Joseph that the seven healthy cows represented seven years of prosperity, while the sick were the seven years of famine to follow.

“God gives a warning to Egypt to tell them what is coming,” Cahn says. “The turning point is that seventh cow.”

During his talk, Cahn pointed to a sign with biblical roots that went viral on newswires Sept. 25, 2014—the very day the world entered the current Shemitah: a cow with the number seven on its head.

“The pattern of the Shemitah is … it begins so undramatic you barely notice it,” Cahn says.

Here are the signs that Cahn revealed about the beginning of the Shemitah last year, on or around this coming Friday, September 25.

“This is the beginning of the ending of the American Age,” Cahn says. “We are seeing things we have never seen in human history.”

Could this be the beginning of the end of the ages—not just America? “It is no accident. The Bible says woe to those who call evil good and good evil. It is no accident that at the same time the nation is calling evil good, it’s calling good—like you, like believers—evil. What’s happening now is you’re hearing more and more of Christians being persecuted for simply trying to stay true to their faith. Everything is coming to a head.”

Cahn’s belief focuses on this month because of the fact that September 2015 marks the end of the seventh year of the Shemitah since the horrible financial collapse that occurred on Wall Street – September 11, 2008. Go back seven years from that time to September 11, 2001 and you know what happened on that date –al Qaeda terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center in New York City with two passenger planes; struck the Pentagon in Washington DC. with another passenger plane, while other al Qaeda terrorists attempted to take over the passenger plane they were in while on its way to San Francisco. They undoubtedly planned to wreak havoc somewhere along the way, but because of what happened their target has never been identified. Heroic passengers and crew overtook the terrorists and crashed the plane. All aboard each passenger plane were killed. And more than 3000 people died as the tallest towers in America at that time collapsed, many died by jumping out of windows. First responders, firemen, policemen, and ambulance drivers, were among those killed during that horrifying event. Many that fled the building remain injured for life.

One of the most intriguing things about Jonathan Cahn’s two books The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah is how the Rabbi reveals God’s unchallengeable math. Every seventh year of the Shemitah for more than 100 years has brought about some cataclysmic event that has heavily impacted America. (Both of Jonathan Cahn’s books are easily accessible by going to the front page of, looking at the top of the page and clicking “Audiobooks”. Scroll down and you’ll find both his books that I’ve narrated.

Pastor John Hagee and Jonathan Cahn also fully believe that the four Blood Moons, three of which have already occurred in the past year and a half and the fourth to arise on September 28, are apocalyptic signs from God. Hagee has gone so far as to write a book and produce a major motion picture seeking to reveal this truth.

Obviously, those who don’t believe the Bible find this whole thing as crazy as the hat I’m wearing, though none of them can explain away Jonathan’s amazing demonstration of our God as the Divine Mathematician. Still they write off the Cahn/Hagee prophecies as conspiracy theories.

England’s Mirror newspaper well captures the mocking worldview about these prophecies. Here’s what the London’s Mirror says:

It’s said to be the day of reckoning – but will the Blood Moon prophecy and the Shemitah totally change the world as predicted? Is this the beginning of the end?

Conspiracy theorists are predicting a cataclysmic event which will destroy civilization – because of this month’s looming blood moon.

End-of-time cranks on various blogs and websites have come up with September 28th when the whole world can see the moon turn an incredible blood color – and some think the end of days will arrive with it. So, as the carnage proposed by the Blood Moon Prophecy creeps closer – will the biblical interpretations actually come true or will it simply offer up spectacular scenes in the night sky?

Gemma Lavender, features editor for All About Space magazine, urges calm. She told the Liverpool Echo: “With the moon being closer to us than usual, and provided you have a clear night, observers should take advantage of the moon’s stunning lunar seas along with its beautiful craters and mountains, which can be observed with binoculars or a telescope” she continued. Many biblical theorists maintain the event will trigger the Rapture and the start of a seven-year-tribulation. These theories, which are restricted to tiny minority of churches and groups, have been dismissed by scientists and are thought to be well wide of the mark. However, this hasn’t put off the conspiracy theorists. According to some planet Earth will cease to exist as we know it in around three weeks. The end of days is being predicted by a host of people, including Jewish mystics, Christian fundamentalists and self-proclaimed prophets.

The disaster theories created by Doomsday fanatics are offering up a variety of options for how the end of days will come. So if you’re worried about impending doom, check out this handy guide to tell you everything you need to know.

What is a Blood Moon?

Fans of the Twilight books are already familiar with this term, but alas it has nothing to do with blood sucking vampires.

In fact a Blood Moon is a rather spectacular sight caused by the reflection of sunlight on the Earth’s atmosphere – which is red to the naked eye. The blood moon acquires a golden, copper, or even rusty-red color depending on where the sun is – and it’s usually low in the sky or near the horizon.

What is the Blood Moon Prophecy?

The hypothesis was originally made famous by Christian ministers John Hagee and Mark Biltz who said the ongoing “tetrad” – four consecutive lunar eclipses which began in April 2014 with six full moons in between – is the indicator of the end of earth as described in the Bible in Acts 2:20 and Revelation 6:12.

The pair insist some sort of tragic event is set to hit earth, but the reality is this is not the first time we’ve had such a phenomenon. Blitz explains “The last time there was a tetrad was back in the 1900s, and to my amazement, they also fell on the feasts of Passover and Tabernacles. When I noticed the years these phenomena occurred, my mind began reeling. The last two times there were four blood moons in a row, they happened, first, right after Israel became a nation in 1948, and then again when Israel retook Jerusalem in 1967.”

The “blood moon” theory is interpreted from the Book of Joel, which says: “the sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.” Why all the doom and gloom? Well, it’s complicated and it depends who you believe. Some say it signals a significant celestial event, others say it will trigger the second coming.

Red moon: Will we all go screaming into the night on September 28? Will we? The outcome of the end of days could actually be anywhere from September 11 to 28 – with some expecting a final date of September 23 or 24.

For those who are simply interested in watching the spectacle of the last lunar tetrad – the fourth eclipse in this trend will take place on the night of September 27 into 28.

If you’re not sure what to believe and think the prophecy could come true – you are in good company. However it might not be time to pack your survival kit just yet or call up Richard Branson to see if you can book a spot on his space craft either. Such is the hysteria in America.

Troy Anderson is the executive editor of Charisma magazine and a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist. He spent two decades as a reporter, bureau chief, editorial writer and editor at the Los Angeles Daily News and other newspapers. He’s also written for Reuters, Newsmax and Human Events. He’s co-author of The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End Times Mystery and he has an entirely different take than England’s Mirror on the Cahn/Hagee prophecies:

The signs—the last of the four blood moons, the biblical Shemitah, rise of end-time “Babylon,” the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, the dangerous Iranian nuclear deal and a world drowning in debt and dangling on the edge of economic catastrophe—seem unmistakable now.

While harbingers of the apocalypse have been gathering for decades, most of the world has been largely oblivious to the gathering tempest and prophetic warnings.

This is changing with the sudden appearance of global instability—geopolitically, financially and culturally—as the world undergoes a remarkably ominous transformation.

Today, the world is facing moral and social chaos, spiritual deception, proliferation of the occult, a spate of historic natural disasters, worsening worldwide drought, record-breaking extreme weather and the growing risk of a nuclear conflagration.

Franklin Graham, president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, says the “defining moment” for America and humanity has arrived. Graham says “As a nation we have arrogantly turned our back on God, and I believe God’s judgment will come against our country. The harbingers have all manifested, the national departure from God is accelerating almost exponentially, America’s relationship with Israel is at an all-time low, and now with the striking down of the biblical definition of marriage, the very order of God, we have a crossed a fateful line. It is all converging.”

In interviews during the past nine months, several dozen highly respected Bible prophecy scholars told Charisma that they agree the world is now experiencing an unparalleled acceleration and convergence in end-time signs.

Dr. Tim LaHaye, Joel C. Rosenberg, Dr. Chuck Missler, Paul McGuire, Pastor Greg Laurie, Dr. Robert Jeffress, Sid Roth, Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, Dr. Thomas Ice, Dr. Ron Rhodes and others said that while they may disagree on the prophetic significance of the blood moons and Shemitah prophecies, they overwhelmingly agree that the world is in the run-up to the end-time events predicted by the biblical prophets.

Dr. Jack Graham, pastor of the 40,000 member Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, one of the largest and fastest-growing megachurches in America,”There is little question that this very well could be the terminal generation. Everyone senses right now who’s got their ear in Scripture and is listening to the Spirit of God that something great, something cataclysmic, something strategic, is going to happen in the world. People are talking about it everywhere that something big is about to happen, and so this is just another element of awareness—the blood moons’ phenomena—that we can’t go on the way we’re going.”

A sizable portion of the public agrees. A recent poll commissioned by Joel Rosenberg, a New York Times best-selling author of numerous prophecy books, found 41 percent of Americans believe events such as the rebirth of the nation of Israel, the growing threat of war in the Middle East, widespread national disasters and the serious threat of a global economic depression are evidence that “we are living in what the Bible calls the last days.”

Tim LaHaye, a renowned prophecy expert, minister and co-author of the Left Behind series of end-time novels that have sold 80 million copies so far, says “The polls show the highest percentage of both Christians and the general public recognize we may well be living in the very times our Lord and His prophets warned would exist just prior to the end times. Actually, we have many more signs of the coming end of this world than any generation before us. Israel being drawn back into the Holy Land … is the most obvious. However, He gave several others, like the ‘gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come’ (Matt. 24:14). Thrilling reports from the Wycliffe Bible translators … give us just cause for believing we could be living in the last days.”

Today, many sense “something is coming” as the last of the four blood moons and the biblical Shemitah and other potential prophetic signs converge this fall and throughout 2016.

The blood moons have drawn worldwide media attention. Only three times in the past 500 years have four blood moons occurred back to back and on major Jewish holy days. Each time marked a significant event in Jewish history. In 1493, the Jews had been expelled from Spain, and Columbus had discovered the New World—a sanctuary for Jewish people. In 1948-49, the modern state of Israel was founded. In 1967-68, the Six-Day War was followed by the reunification of Jerusalem to Israel.

The fourth tetrad began April 15, 2014, on Passover. In October last year, the second blood moon appeared on the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot. Blood moons this year land on the same holy days, including the final one this September.

“What’s occurring now has only occurred three times in the past 500 years, and each occurrence brought tragedy and triumph for the Jewish people,” says Cornerstone Church Pastor John Hagee, author of the New York Times best-selling book Four Blood Moons.

At the same time, financial experts are expressing concerns that unprecedented levels of worldwide debt and economic turmoil roiling Europe, Asia and other parts of the globe could lead to economic catastrophe.

Cahn warned that he believes a “great shaking” is coming. In The Harbinger, he revealed that the same nine prophetic manifestations, or harbingers, that appeared in the last days of ancient Israel before its destruction have now reappeared in America. In The Mystery of the Shemitah, Cahn unveiled a seven-year biblical pattern that has marked the greatest stock market crashes in history, the collapse of economies, the rise and fall of nations, world wars, global cataclysms and end-time events. What Cahn describes as the “Super Shemitah”—the Year of Jubilee that comes at the end of seven cycles of the seven-year Shemitah, the Hebrew word for the “release” of debts detailed in Deuteronomy 15:1-3 begins on Yom Kippur, or September 23, and runs through September 2016. Cahn explains “I believe one of the reasons (God) led me to write The Harbinger and led me to write The Mystery of the Shemitah is because he wants the dots connected when this comes. Will there be judgment or revival? The answer is there can be both. In fact, there can be revival through judgment. But we have to be ready. The hour is late.”

Dr. Chuck Missler, a prophecy expert, former corporate executive and founder of the Koinonia House ministry in both America and Israel, says “The biggest threat facing America involves the nation’s historic levels of debt. A recent study by the McKenzie Global Institute found the nation’s total debts, including unfunded liabilities, is not the $17 trillion politicians often cite, but rather $210 trillion—a figure “larger than the estimates of the total wealth of planet Earth. It doesn’t take great scholarship to realize that’s unstable, it can’t endure, and those debts will never be repaid by any legitimate currency. So there is an implosion or collapse of some kind that is inevitable. We don’t know the timing or the form it will it take. … But the people who are bona-fide experts in this area are in agreement that there is a correction overdue.”

Peter Schiff, an economist, frequent guest on national news programs, chief executive officer of Euro Pacific Capital and author of The Real Crash: America’s Coming Bankruptcy, says the financial system is in a “big bubble” that is “going to burst. It will have a terrible impact. Americans are able to live beyond their means because of the overvalued dollar. When the dollar collapses, Americans will no longer have that luxury. Our standard of living will be greatly reduced.”

Meanwhile, geopolitical and prophecy experts are sounding the alarm that secret trade pacts, laws undermining American sovereignty and upcoming United Nations summits on “sustainable development” and climate change are just a ruse to create what is, in effect, a world state. Critics have described the United Nations plans as a “blueprint for governing the entire planet.”

At the same time, world leaders are calling for a “world political authority” to address climate change, global poverty and other crises. The Guardian described this proposed body as “a kind of super-United Nations to deal with the world’s economic problems and injustices.”

“It almost feels like pages being ripped out of a Left Behind novel,” says Dr. Tom Horn, a prophecy expert, lecturer and radio host.

Recently, U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions, R-Alabama, criticized President Obama for pushing global trade pacts that would create a “secret Pacific Union”—compromising America’s sovereignty and transferring power to “an elite set who dream of writing rules in foreign capitals.”

“We already see this happening,” says Greg Laurie, pastor of the 15,000-member Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, and president of Harvest Crusades. “There was a statement by Chuck Hagel, our former secretary of defense, who said he sees a New World Order emerging, and he wasn’t saying it critically. I thought, ‘Wow, he’s really right.’ Things are shifting dramatically around the world.”

Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin, executive vice president at the Family Research Council and former U.S. deputy undersecretary of defense, says the world is “definitely moving toward global Marxism. Remember, Karl Marx’s goal was to dethrone God and destroy capitalism. Once you remove God, you are on the path to Marxism, and I believe very much that this is an end-time strategy of the enemy.”

The concerns about globalism and the push for “global governance”—a term Hudson Institute Fellow Dr. John Fonte says is merely a “sugar-coated” euphemism for a “world government”—come as people are being conditioned to believe that the answer to humanity’s problems is to have a “one world” society with a global government, cashless society and universal religion. Fonte, author of Sovereignty or Submission: Will Americans Rule Themselves or Be Ruled by Others?, says “an attempt” to create a global political and economic system with a “single global authority” is now underway. Fonte Told Charisma magazine “In a way, this is neo-Nimrodianism—you know the global governance effort. It’s a type of substitute religion—global governance.”

In recent years, prophecy experts have expressed growing alarm at this trend—asking whether the end-time geopolitical, economic and religious system known as “Mystery, Babylon” and “Babylon the Great” in Revelation 17-18 is rising. As examples, they note the New York skyscraper that replaced the Twin Towers destroyed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks was first called the Freedom Towers, but is now called the One World Trade Center. And the European Parliament building in Strasbourg, France, was inspired in part by the Tower of Babel—the center of the first world government ruled by Nimrod, an archetype of the Antichrist. The EU employs the Tower of Babel as a symbol of unity and several EU buildings feature paintings and statues of a woman riding the beast—an image from Revelation 17-18.

“Never before since the Tower of Babel have we seen the emergence of what (former Secretary of State) Henry Kissinger called ‘The New International Order,’ echoed by the Bush’s, the Clinton’s, and Barack Obama ever since as “The New World Order” rise of global governance or global government and the plan to unify all the world’s religions into a one world religion,” says Paul McGuire, a prophecy expert, Fox News andHistory Channel commentator and co-author of The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End Times Mystery. “In addition, the nation of Israel, miraculously restored as a nation in 1948, is at the center of this push towards globalization as the world community increasingly unites in its attempt to make Jerusalem an international city.”

Dr. Jack Graham adds that globalization is setting up the world for the “last world dictator—the Antichrist—to control the economy, control people and control the world.” “It’s the next big thing,” he says. “There is no question that there is now the potential of a world government—the New World Order, the kingdom of the Antichrist. All these (recent events) point to this reality.”

In his interpretation of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the biblical prophet Daniel predicted four great empires would arise in history followed by a final one.

“The Revived Roman Empire is arising now as Daniel predicted,” McGuire says. “It is the final beast and it represents the European Union, and I believe the United States integrated into a trans-Atlantic union, and very possibly, the unification economically of 10 regional global governments called unions around the world.”

While only God knows whether the last of the four blood moons, the biblical Shemitah and other events signal the beginning of end-time events, Jim Bakker, host of The Jim Bakker Show, says there are “more fulfilled biblical last days” prophecies converging now than ever before.

“The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are out of the barn. They are riding,” Bakker says. “I believe with all my heart that this year, in the next few months, that it’s the ‘beginning of sorrows.’ I believe we are moving full-blast into that event. America is not going to be the same. The world is not going to be the same.”

As the world watches these events unfold, LaHaye says Jesus encouraged His followers to not let “your heart be troubled” because “I will come again and receive you to Myself that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:1-3).

Tim LaHaye says “Obviously, those who know Him as their Savior and Lord need not worry or be troubled, for we are waiting for His soon call to heaven. How soon? No one knows. But of this I am persuaded: We are very close to the end of the ‘end times.’ ”

This is the end of Part 1. If you would like to explore this issue further, including receiving an extremely historic timeline already planned by man for the rest of this calendar month of September 2015, be sure to go to Part 2 of Is the world about to end? Is America about to go bankrupt? Take a look with Ray.

Part 1: Is the world about to end? Is America about to go bankrupt?

Part 1: Is the world about to end? Is America about to go bankrupt?