Is "Political Correctness" politically correct?

“Political Correctness” politically correct? (originally this article was titled “Thought Police” In The Age Of Obama) from Whistleblower Magazine and written by David Kupelian.

“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. I’ve been challenged by so many people and I don’t, frankly, have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”– Donald Trump at the first GOP presidential debate, hosted August 6 by Fox News.

A major engine for the left’s insatiable quest for power goes under the strange name of “political correctness” – an insidious frontal attack on common sense and freedom.

Even the phrase “political correctness” sounds demented. Politics, like all areas of believe and values that emanate from one’s worldview, is a matter of free choice and personal autonomy in America. Nobody can tell others the “correct” opinions to have! Yet that’s precisely what “political correctness” does.

Many people mistakenly regard political correctness is just an exasperatingly nutty liberal fetish for not hurting people’s feelings. Words and phrases are continually decreed to be “insensitive” to various “minorities” and therefore replaced with euphemisms to avoid real or perceived offense. So while wars rage and the world burns out of control, the progressive thought–leaders obsess endlessly over changing the supposedly insensitive name of the Washington Redskins football team – even though 9 out of 10 Native Americans polled said they were “not bothered” by the Redskin’s name!

political correctness”Political Correctness” politically correct? (originally this article was titled “Thought Police” In The Age Of Obama) from Whistleblower Magazine and written by David Kupelian.

Is "Political Correctness" politically correct?