Just For Fun Contest Winner and MORE!


Just For Fun Contest Winner and MORE!

Just For Fun Contest Winner……


This was the funniest end to this first week’s Limerick. He is Frank Blanding from Pocatello, Idaho. Congratulations Frank. I’m still laughing over what you wrote –

The beginning lines were –

There was an old man from Kentucky

who had lived all his life being lucky.

It was a typical day when he went out to play

but he started to drool, fell in a cesspool

and came out all stinky and mucky.


Now, here’s the new Limerick to complete:

It was summer and yet it was raining

Little Johnny started complaining.

But his mom had the answer, a real enhancer,

(Now what should the next two lines be?)

How would you end this Limerick? Include your name, city, and state if that’s okay with you so that we can let everybody know how creative you really are.

The winner will be announced Saturday, November 28th.

Just For Fun Contest Winner and MORE!