Left Behind The Kids OMINOUS CHOICES Ch 1 thru 3


Left Behind The Kids OMINOUS CHOICES Ch 1 thru 3

Judd and Lionel have escaped the bounty hunters who had captured them. But every member of the Young Tribulation Force are more in danger now than ever before. That’s because all citizens wearing the mark of the Antichrist are being rewarded for killing anyone without Carpathia’s mark. Because of this vigilante law, Judd and Lionel are traveling north on foot and visiting a series of safehouses as they slowly make their way back to their friends in Wisconsin. After a long stay in Indiana, Judd and Lionel set out for the final leg of their trek. Just before midnight, Lionel climbed down a steep embankment while Judd waited above on a huge boulder. Suddenly the rock has tipped and begun rolling down the mountain fast to exactly where Lionel is standing.

Vicki and the others at the Western Wisconsin hideout have been repairing cabins and reaching out to millions on the Internet. Vicki is trying to keep her mind busy and away from thinking of Judd. Romance is in the air!

Sam and Mr. Stein flew from Petra to Tel Aviv to speak with the sons of Rabbi Ben–Eliezer who has become a Christian along with his wife. Their oldest son was so angry that John and Lionel had come with the gospel that he trapped them and, along with his younger brother who received Christ, got all three sent to prison. The three of them would have been sent to a Jewish concentration camp the next day, but an angel set them free and took them to Mac McCullum who flew them back to Petra. Ray picks the story up at this point.

Left Behind The Kids OMINOUS CHOICES Ch 1 thru 3

Left Behind The Kids OMINOUS CHOICES Ch 1 thru 3