Did Ted Cruz Really Win Iowa"s Caucus?


Did Ted Cruz Really Win Iowa’s Caucus?

The voters of Iowa have spoken. At the caucus last night, Ted Cruz received 24% of their vote, Donald Trump 21%, and Marco Rubio 20%. Doctor Ben Carson was fourth with 10%. So, you may think Ted Cruz will be the Republican candidate from Iowa at the Republican national convention in July. But it ain’t necessarily so. Eight years ago Mike Huckabee won Iowa and four years ago Rick Santorum did. Ted Cruz could find that winning last night won’t mean anymore for him than for those two. Especially for Iowa, there are miles to go before their state voting stops.

The Iowa delegates who were themselves elected during last night’s caucus could still change their minds and choose someone entirely different by the time they go to the national Republican convention. In the meantime they will attend county conventions in March. Participants at those conventions will whittle the delegates down and select the ones who will represent a single candidate at district conventions in April. Then when they finally all get together in May (Republicans) or June (Democrats), they will select the delegates who will actually attend their parties national convention in July. And at any stage during this entire process the Democrat delegates can choose a candidate different from the one they caucused for. Republicans are bound to the specific candidate they are finally elected to represent.

So, what do I, Ray Mossholder, think of the three Republicans who placed way above their opponents last night? I’m going to be honest, but I welcome you to disagree with me. And I will welcome your comments after I give this report. To me, the first place winner, Ted Cruz, appears highly knowledgeable, a great debater, extremely sincere, and absolutely passionate for America and for the Lord. But it’s not amazing that Cruz won in a “Christian” state like Iowa. What would be amazing if he even shows up in the top three in basically nonreligious New Hampshire’s primary this coming week. A caucus is every bit different from a primary. At a the conclusion of a primary, the winner will be the candidate when that state goes to the national convention unless their candidate suspends their candidacy or dies beforehand.

The Republican’s Trump card is named Donald. And Trump admittedly is a wildcard. He is used to doing whatever he wants to do. He is in no way a typical Republican and easily shmoozes with both sides of the aisle. He is used to buying people just like he buys towering buildings. He is the top in making deals. His well-worth-reading books tell exactly how and why he does each transaction, always to get only the best. He is rude and absolutely defiant of political correctness. He is thin-skinned and the fights he picks with certain people, like Megyn Kelly of Fox News, leaves me wondering what he would say about Putin or other world leaders that could start a war. Nevertheless, I have looked into his background and found him greatly loved by those who work with him. He neither smokes nor drinks alcohol. Even those who have been fired by him have nothing bad to say about him. Nor do his first and second wives. Everyone who knows him well says that he keeps his word even when it costs him. Yes he is vain, but name me any politician who isn’t. I always have to keep in mind that voting for a president shouldn’t be a number of things: It shouldn’t be done because he or she was the best debater, or the best looking, nor the person with the best personality. It should be the one with the best track record who has proven without a shadow of a doubt that they carry through with their promises. I like Trump’s position on the issues that matter. You can easily read them by going to reachmorenow.com and clicking Campaign 2016 at the top of the front page. The Donald has a proven track record of getting things done with a minimum of cost. That could save our nation from bankruptcy.

One last thing – don’t think that Donald Trump would make all the decisions as president without sending out a team of experts to see how things could be done the best and most cost-effective way. That’s how he always does things. He doesn’t just go pick some building and turn it into a casino. He sends out a highly knowledgeable and skilled group of people to bring him back the information he needs in order to make a final decision. He said that most clearly when he spoke about getting a group of the best military generals together and having them tell him what should be done with Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Isis, etc. He would do that with every issue important to America. Although his way of speaking shows he thinks a whole lot of himself, he relies on the best minds in making any big decision. Also, it says a lot to me that pastors like Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress and President of Liberty University, Jerry Falwell Junior, have endorsed him.

So what do I think about the man who came very close to tying Mr. Trump? I believe Marco Rubio may well be our president sometime in the future when he becomes his own man. I’m captivated by so many things about him. He speaks fluently on every issue, his sincerity seems as compelling as his words are, and he is the face of a movie star. He outspokenly proclaims Jesus Christ as Lord. But Rubio is “owned” and “operated” right now by the Republican moderate elite. They are the same talented group that chose Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney as their official candidates. We know how well those three did. The biggest question I have about Marco Rubio is and his silver tongued oratory be trusted.

And how about the Democrat vote? Well, Martin O’Malley suspended his campaign after realizing once and for all that he couldn’t even get his foot in the door of his party. And the whole state of Iowa brought the race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders tighter than a corset. Although Hillary claimed victory, the Democratic Party said the vote was too close to call. And since I’m being honest about the election, I simply can’t figure out how any knowledgeable American could vote for either a Socialist like Bernie Sanders or a scandal ridden woman with a dangerous thyroid condition like Hillary Clinton. Again, I gladly welcome your comments.

So that’s my take on the horse race until today. I’ll try to remember to keep you posted when I find significant items. Ultimately, I know God will choose who He knows is the one America deserves. Right now in the way we Americans are behaving, that could be very frightening!

Did Ted Cruz Really Win Iowa’s Caucus?

Did Ted Cruz Really Win Iowa"s Caucus?