Left Behind: Chapters 7 thru 10 GLORIOUS APPEARING


Left Behind: Chapters 7 thru 10 GLORIOUS APPEARING

Rayford has been badly injured outside Petra. Mac McCullum and Leah have brought him back to Petra, and he is in a great deal of pain. Meanwhile, the Euphrates River has completely dried up. That has given Carpathia (the Antichrist) the full opportunity to bring armies from every nation in the world to attack Jerusalem and Petra. Tsion and Buck were killed in Jerusalem when Carpathia’s armies attacked there. Jesus Christ is returning sometime in the next several hours.

Ray picks the story up at this point. Join Ray now.


Left Behind: Chapters 7 thru 10 GLORIOUS APPEARING

Left Behind: Chapters 7 thru 10 GLORIOUS APPEARING