Left Behind The Kids: MARATHON Chs. 10 - 12, The Road To War


Left Behind The Kids: MARATHON Chs. 10 – 12, The Road To War

Because of his faith in Christ and his having the mark of the believer on his forehead, the GC has sentenced Mark to the guillotine. If he would just give the GC the location of his friends, he has been promised he would not be executed.

Ray picks the story up at this point.

Judd, Vicki, and the rest of the Young Tribulation Force can do nothing to rescue him. They are helplessly watching Mark’s execution on television.

Ray: raymossholder@gmail.com



Larry: larrymjackii@gmail.com




Left Behind The Kids: MARATHON Chs. 10 – 12, The Road To War

Left Behind The Kids: MARATHON Chs. 10 - 12, The Road To War