Marriage Plus – Men Are Not Women, Women Are Not Men

Marriage Plus – Men Are Not Women, Women Are Not Men – Be sure to scroll down to the video.

Marriage Plus began as a miracle one night in 1970 as God began to show me passage after passage and verse after verse from His Word, the Bible, on His design for marriage for living happily ever after. His teaching me these truths continued through the next two months. Beginning with Ephesians 5:21–33, He spent hour after hour showing me His promises about what He will do if each married person will obey His Word. From that time on I knew I was God’s ventriloquist dummy and I loved it.

I taught the Marriage Plus Seminar throughout the United States and in 24 foreign countries for 34 years. The result was that Christ canceled more than 11,000 divorces and brought more than 50,000 people forward to receive Him. I taught more than 50 marriage seminars for CBN and more than 2,000 divorces were canceled there.

What you are about to see are Marriage Plus television programs that ran the final 6 1/2 years of the Marriage Plus Ministries. They were seen in over half of the United States and in eight foreign countries every week, thanks to the great generosity of Russ Bixler, the founder of Cornerstone Television Network in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

I want to stress that this is not some magic formula – drink it and it cures your marriage. Both the husband and wife in any marriage have to follow this plan for a marriage plus. But no matter how bad your marriage is at this moment, if both of you follow these plans, they WILL work. That’s because they are God’s gameplan for every married couple and He is the one who invented marriage in the first place.

I also want to stress that although I knew all these truths that I will be sharing with you in the next many videos, I am divorced and remarried today. My former wife is still a good friend of mine and of my wife. My second wife – Georgia – and I do have a marriage plus.

My first wife and I were married 43 years. There was a period in our marriage when we began putting God’s gameplan into action and it made a tremendous difference. However, neither of us continued to follow it. The eventual result was divorce.

As the husband, I bear the greatest responsibility for the divorce. The next 4 1/2 years are the years and I refer to as my years of being “a castaway”. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that the Lord would redeem me from the pit and fully restore me to ministry again. But I continually received prophecies from others – 55 in all –that each said the same thing – “You will accomplish more in Christ in the latter years of your life than in all of the earlier years combined.” That seemed impossible to me. But NOTHING is impossible with God. reachmore IS accomplishing more. The first two lines of “Amazing Grace” fits me to a T:

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see.

My thanks to Russ and Norma Bixler, David and Marianne Skeba, and all who worked to bring these programs to life . I am forever grateful to Cornerstone Television Network. I am grateful too to Arlyne for allowing these Marriage Plus programs to be shown on this website. We would never show them except that all of us believe your marriage is too important not to show them. Each of us are praying that you will be far smarter than I was and that you WILL have a marriage plus. Follow God’s gameplan as a married couple and you will. – Ray

Marriage Plus – Men Are Not Women, Women Are Not Men

Marriage Plus – Men Are Not Women, Women Are Not Men