Sex = God’s Superglue For Marriage by Ray Mossholder
Ray says “When I first began teaching on sex in marriage, I expected some church would have a trap door underneath their pulpit and at some point it would open and I would disappear, never to be seen again! I’m happy to report that never happened.
“In 1970, you would not find a truly biblical teaching on sex in any Christian bookstore. That’s when God supernaturally gave me the Marriage Plus Seminar that I would travel and teach for the next more than thirty years. It included this message.
“Trust me, if you have never heard me teach this you’re in for a fully biblical surprise. This is one video many viewers choose to watch over and over to really grasp everything I say and to write down all the Bible verses I share. It’s also one they urge their friends and family to watch.
Jesus said ‘If you come and live in My Word, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.’ This teaching is a prime example of that. Oh, and yes, you have God’s permission to laugh!”
Sex = God’s Superglue For Marriage by Ray Mossholder
Sex = God"s Superglue For Marriage by Ray Mossholder