Republicans Won"t Digest What Obama Plans

How any Republican digested their meal Friday at the president’s luncheon for Republican leaders is anybody’s guess. Even sea bass must have turned to heartburn soon after the Republicans ate it.



In spite of President Obama’s words at his press conference the day after the Democrat wipeout in the midterms; words where he said that he had heard the American public and recognized their displeasure, rather than coming together with the Republicans to compromise key issues facing America, he told them what he was going to continue to do with or without their consent.

A Republican aide described the luncheon by saying that the meeting was tense at times. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, knowing that he is in a countdown to January when he will lose his power to control Senate voting, stayed silent as a corpse.

The following is a direct quote from the Wall Street Journal regarding the luncheon:

“Mr. Obama told the lawmakers that he is already been patient waiting for the GOP-controlled House to act since the Senate passed a sweeping bipartisan immigration bill in June 2013.

At that point, Vice President Joe Biden asked how long Republicans might need to bring up an immigration bill, according to multiple people familiar with the meeting, asking if they might be ready by mid-February or another time this spring. Mr. Obama gave him a look that ended that line of discussion, the people said.”

Putting the president spin on that moment, Democratic aides said Mister Biden’s question was simply rhetorical, and that it was meant by the vice president to point out that there was never a specific time that the Republicans committed to for bringing an immigration bill to President Obama’s desk.

The president has vowed to use his executive privilege powers to pass his own immigration law, granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens before the end of this year. He has also promised that if the Republicans can pass their own version of an immigration bill that gives real answers to what to do with the aliens already in our country, he will allow it to override his own bill.

Meanwhile, hundreds of illegal aliens every day enter America with almost nothing to stop them. If President Obama’s self-made law stands after he declares it, the demographics of our nation will be massively changed forever.

What is the immigration law that President Obama plans to pass? According to the president’s own website, there are now 11 million undocumented aliens scattered through the United States. His law would inform these aliens that they must report themselves present and become accounted for, especially under the rest of our president’s requirements of them.

When they report themselves as aliens, they must first pay a penalty for entering America illegally. They must then begin paying their taxes like other Americans do.

Other Obama requirements are that all aliens learn English and that they must go through background checks before they can become eligible for citizenship.

Finally, it requires every business and every alien employee to “play by the same rules.” Fines would be issued to every employer who has knowingly hired an alien or more.

The Republican response to President Obama’s proposed immigration law was fast and furious. To focus the Republican response, it the president goes ahead with his executive order declaring all the aliens suddenly on their path to citizenship, he will face heavy opposition and gridlock in Congress for all of his final two years in office.

To make the White House luncheon with the president memorable, President Obama gave each participant a six-pack of White House brewed beer to take home with them. it is doubtful the Republicans needed that beer to remember what that luncheon was like.



Never before has the fate of so many been at the whim of so few.



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So until the next newscast this is Ray Mossholder, praying for you my friend. Have a miraculous day! (0)

Republicans Won"t Digest What Obama Plans