Saturday, November 8, 2014
The Bill Keith Report
News And Commentary
Greetings to our readers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and 133 foreign countries.
Your comments are welcome!
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“The more numerous the laws, the more corrupt the government.” ~ Tacitus, Roman Historian
“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation…One is by the sword…The other is by debt.” ~ John Adams 1826
Happy birthday Billy Graham. America’s beloved Evangelist Billy Graham celebrated his 96th birthday yesterday in his home in North Carolina. Billy said “As I look back, I’m filled with gratitude for the many ways God has blessed me — ways I don’t deserve.”
Top sheriffs from across America have issued a warning: If President Obama grants executive amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, there will be a flood of new illegals into this country — like we’ve never seen before.
New Immigration and Customs Enforcement website advises deported aliens on how to get back into U.S.
Another Obamacare loophole — foreign diplomats stationed in the U.S. are eligible to receive subsidized healthcare. There is growing concern in Washington because of the administration’s inability to explain the loophole, The Washington Free Beacon reports.
Great Election Victory
The pro-family and pro-life citizens of America won a great victory Tuesday past. We spoke loud and clear that we want to see change in Washington. We’re tired of unpopular laws, fraud and wasteful spending, government’s re-definition of marriage, the abortion holocaust, and the federal judges interpreting the Constitution to fit their political agendas.
However, after the euphoria, let me issue a word of caution. We elected some fine candidates to the U. S. Senate and now we must hold them accountable to do the will of WE THE PEOPLE.
Perhaps Sir Winston Churchill would have a word for us today. After suffering many defeats in World War II, he was encouraged when British forces defeated the Germans at El Alamein in North Africa, a turning point in the long war. He said, “This is not the end, not even the beginning of the end. Perhaps it is the end of the beginning.”
I believe Tuesday’s election was the end of the beginning. We must continue to be vigilant and hold all of our elected officials accountable to WE THE PEOPLE.
Election Exit Polls: 75 Percent Oppose Executive Amnesty
Americans who voted in Tuesday’s election overwhelmingly are opposed to President Obama’s plan to grant executive amnesty to millions of illegal aliens in this land.
Exit polls conducted by The Polling Company found that 74 percent of the voters believe, “President Obama should work with Congress rather than go in around Congress on immigration…”
The survey crossed party and racial lines. Strong “majorities of men (75 percent), women (74 percent), whites (79 percent), blacks (59 percent) and Hispanics (54 percent)…did not want Obama to enact executive amnesty on his own.”
The polling memo stated. “The President may be the last person in town to realize how resistant Americans are to him playing the Lone Ranger on amnesty. In fact, based on his press conference yesterday (Wednesday), he has either suspended disbelief or has no awareness of how the immigration issue and his threats to act alone contributed to his party suffering massive losses on Tuesday.”
Comment: I think it is significant that 59 percent of blacks and 54 percent of Hispanics are opposed to Obama’s executive amnesty plan. But I don’t think he is listening to anyone except a few sycophants in the White House who only tell him what he wants to hear.
And shame on the U. S. Chamber of Commerce who continually lobby the President to grant amnesty to millions of illegals. They certainly have their own agenda — cheap labor provided by the illegals regardless of the terrible consequences to this nation of such an action.
What Are the Takeaways in Tuesday’s Election?
Here are some of the “takeaways” or what we learned from the mid-term election that saw the American people speak loud and clear and return the U.S. Senate back into the hands of the Republicans.
1. The War on Women now is “a loser,” according to the Weekly Standard.
President Obama and other democrats in Washington used the so-called “war on women” cliché to turn the American people against Republicans and win elections. But now it appears that is changing.
“Democratic Senator Mark Udall lost to Republican Cory Gardner in Colorado, even though Gardner was pilloried over birth control and abortion,” the Standard wrote.
By the end of the campaign, the people of Colorado were sick and tired of Udall’s continual harping on the “war on women.” Even the left-leaning Denver Post endorsed Gardner calling Udall’s “obnoxious one-issue campaign…an insult to those he seeks to convince.”
2. Democrats stranglehold on minorities.
Although democrats continue to keep most blacks on the democrat plantations, there are signs that may be changing.
“There will be a lot of talk about the number of high profile female GOP women entering Congress…the GOP moved in a positive direction with minority candidates as well,” the Standard reported. “…Tim Scott became the first African-American elected to the Senate from the south since Reconstruction. Mia Love was elected in Utah — she’s the first black female Republican in Congress.”
3. The Clintons Were Big Losers
Has the Clinton name lost some of its luster? It appears so. Bill Clinton campaigned for Senator Mark Pryor in his home state of Aransas but Pryor lost by a wide majority.
Hillary Clinton also campaigned for Pryor and a handful of other endangered democrat candidates but they all lost.
Market Watch points out “Hillary can probably kiss goodbye any chance of winning in Arkansas in 2016 given the state’s dramatic shift toward Republicans. And Clinton’s apparent ineffectiveness on the campaign trail this year could undermine her effort to deter other Democrats from entering the presidential race.”
4. The Democratic Coalition — Signs of Weakness
In the previous presidential campaign, President Obama and the Democrats depended on liberal whites/blacks/Hispanics/women. FromTuesday’s election, we see that coalition may be showing signs of weakness. For instance, in exit polls, both blacks and Hispanics oppose the President’s executive amnesty plan. Also, Republicans elected a number of high-profile women to Congress.
And, parenthetically, in the Texas governor’s race, Governor-elect Greg Abbott received 44 percent of the Hispanic vote. He also won 52 percent of the women’s vote although his opponent was a woman.
5. Hollywood’s Influence Was Ineffective in Election
Case in point — Kentucky. For some reason, UBER-Hollywood liberals targeted Senator Mitch McConnell and poured a lot of money into his opponent’s campaign. Some of the democrat donors include Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck, Nicholas Cage, Ted Danson, Ben Stiller, Ashley Judd, Barbara Striesand and others. Producer Steven Spielberg also contributed to McConnell’s opponent.
However, McConnell won a resounding victory and is set to become the U. S. Senate Majority Leader.
6. Biggest Loser of All? President Obama
Although President Obama was perhaps the biggest loser inTuesday’s election, he still seemed defiant in a post-election news conference.
ABC pointed out “Many are casting these midterms as a referendum on President Obama’s policies and a general reflection on Americans’ general displeasure with this administration. His low approval ratings and attempts by candidates to distance themselves meant that the president tried to steer clear of the campaign trail for much of the lead up to the election, but he still ended up being the biggest loser on Tuesday night.”
Comment: Most democratic candidates did their best to overcome the influence of the unpopular president. Some even refused to say they voted for him. However, Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown of Maryland did ask for his help but Republican Larry Hogan soundly defeated Brown.
Also, in the last days of the campaign, Sen. Kay Hagan of North Carolina called on the President to help her with radio ads to try to turn out the black vote. It didn’t help and she also was defeated.
The World Watched in Horror
Remember Dr. Kermit Gosnell? He was the abortionist who was convicted of murdering babies born alive after the abortion.
“The people of Texas reacted (to Gosnell) passing commonsense measures to restrict unregulated abortions and mandate basic safety standards on abortion clinics,” said Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice.
Texas abortion leaders — led by Planned Parenthood — opposed the safety measures and led an angry mob to try to shut down the Texas legislature.
The angry pro-abortion crowd shouted, “Hail Satan! Hail Satan!” right in the legislative chambers.
“Life prevailed and the critical pro-life legislation passed,” Sekulow said. “Now the abortion industry is challenging this pro-life law that will save lives in federal court. The Supreme Court has already stepped in to temporarily block part of the law as the case continues on appeal.”
Comment: So the insanity continues — among the abortionists, the federal courts and even the Supreme Court.
When we lose our national conscience on the sanctity of life, we will also lose our western civilization.
We are living in dangerous times.
Perhaps some of you will remember that when President Obama was a state senator in Illinois, on two occasions he voted against a bill that would have provided protection for babies born alive after the abortion procedure. The bill stipulated that a second doctor be called in to care for the baby. An Illinois nurse testified that those babies were just put in a closet and left to die.
This social sickness has led to what Pope John Paul once called “a culture of death” in the world where there is no longer much value placed on human life.
Waste and Fraud in Feds Free Cell Phone Service
The feds continue to have a very cavalier attitude toward spending taxpayers’ money. For instance, take the federally funded program that provides free cell phones and cell phone serve for the poor and needy.
CBS in Denver conducted an undercover investigation and discovered a lot of fraud, waste and abuse in the program.
CBS reported that the $2 billion a year Lifeline program has handed out more than 13 million cell phones across the country during the first six months of 2014.
“The free phones and their wireless plans are paid for by a monthly tax on your cell phone…Although the wireless program has been around since 2005…it has exploded under President Obama’s administration and the phones are often referred to as ‘Obamaphones."”
CBS Denver reported that the cell phone distributors set up tents on Denver streets to hand out the free phones. Their undercover reporters were asked, “Want to sign up for a free phone?”
When the reporter said he did not qualify, the distributor went ahead and gave him a phone. They reportedly get $3 for every phone they give away.
The Bill Keith Report: Obama Bombs Iraq and Bombs In The U.S. Too