EARTHQUAKE: Chs. 9&10 Chaya’s Last Chance, Decision Time, THE SHOWDOWN: Chapter 1, On The Edge
A doctor has told Ryan that he is paralyzed and may never walk again following the injuries Ryan received during God’s earthquake. Judd wanted to find his friends but he stopped to help an injured young motorcyclist. He then led him to Christ. The injured cyclist asked Judd to go see his girlfriend and lead her to Christ. Judd agreed, though it made him walk in the opposite direction from where his friends would be. Lionel still has amnesia but is being released from the hospital. Chaya has a punctured lung and is spitting up blood, but she is still witnessing about Christ to her injured belligerent Jewish father. Vicki and Darrion are searching right now for Ryan.
EARTHQUAKE: Chs. 9&10 Chaya’s Last Chance, Decision Time, THE SHOWDOWN: On The Edge
EARTHQUAKE: Chs. 9&10 Chaya"s Last Chance, Decision Time, On The Edge