Just For Fun Contest Winner and MORE!
This is more clever than funny. Sheila really has the Christmas spirit. Here’s what she wrote –
The beginning lines were –
It was summer and yet it was raining
Little Johnny started complaining.
But his mom had the answer, a real enhancer.
Instead of a slap, she put him on her lap,
and read to him about Dancer and Prancer.
Now, here is the beginning of this month’s Limerick –
(Now what should the next two lines be?)
A girl was coming for sure. They knew she’d be sweet and demure.
But naming the baby still ended in “maybe”
Tell us how you would end this Limerick.
Include your name, city, and state if that’s okay with you so that we can let everybody know how creative you really are.
Get your entries in now by writing your answers in the comment section under this video. The winner will be announced Saturday, January 2.
Just For Fun Contest Winner and MORE!
Just For Fun Contest Winner and MORE!