This is Ray Mossholder from the news desk of Reach More Now in Fort Worth, Texas.
If I didn’t know Ronald Reagan is in heaven, I would think he must be rolling in his grave. It was President Reagan who urged all Republican candidates never to speak negatively of each other. In all my seventy-nine years, I have never seen such a colossal food fight as is going on right now in the Republican Party.
Last night, after the votes were counted in New Hampshire, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders walked away with all the prizes. They won by landslides over the other candidates, no doubt burying many of them. Instead of doing a victory lap today, many of the Republican’s sore losers are trying to figure out a way to dump Trump.
Republican moderates, the elites who up until this time have controlled many years of choosing who would represent them in the general election, are frustrated, angry, double talking, and scared. After Cruz placed first in Iowa and now third in liberal New Hampshire, if the moderates could somehow succeed in throwing Donald Trump under the bus, they know they would still have Cruz to contend with, and they don’t like him either. Trump and Cruz are the two abrasive candidates who most refuse to toe the party line.
There are already casualties among the Republican candidates the day after New Hampshire. Carly Fiorina, somehow treated like a nobody by ABC in not allowing her to participate in Saturday night’s debate, has this morning suspended her campaign. Maybe ABC forgot she was the only other woman besides Hillary who was running, in case someone really did want a woman President this time. Not that that would matter to the over thirty-year-old women’s rightists who never ever mind being women wrongists to all women who dare be anything but liberal. For women’s rightists it’s “Hillary or the highway”. I point it out again, in case they didn’t notice, Carly IS a woman and might have been the first woman president. But today Carly Fiorina dropped out and is no longer available.
This afternoon Chris Christie also dropped out. He spent eighteen million dollars in New Hampshire and it did him no good at all. He all but said so when he spoke to his New Hampshire crowd following his sixth place showing last night. And Christie shows the price the whole Republican Party almost certainly will have to pay if they try to trip up Trump or Cruz. Christie tried that during Saturday night’s Republican debate with Marco Rubio and found out when the vote count was in at the New Hampshire primary that he had broken his own leg. Marco finished fifth with 11% of the vote. Christie placed a distance sixth with only 8% of the vote. Robert Murdoch who owns Fox news network called Chris Christie – “the Suicide Bomber!” If the Republican Party is ridiculous enough to try to stop their two front runners in any way, the Republican Party is very apt to be committing suicide too.
So now, let’s look at the vote count for both the Republican and Democratic party. The first thing that’s obvious is the two candidates who, by far, received the most votes from New Hampshire – Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders – couldn’t be further apart with everything they they stand for.
Trump is a multibillionaire, Sanders hates every wealthy American. Trump is a businessman who has been oober-successful and has carefully planned out with other hired experts each area he wants to explore. Whether federally or internationally, he only works with the best in exploring the possibility of an investment. You hear him, for example, saying that he would consult with our top generals and listen to them as they explain the very best way to destroy Isis, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, and all the other enemies this world is facing right now. As president, that’s how he would decide on each issue, only after careful examination by those who have proven themselves experts and whom he respects. The “HUGE” wall would be built by only the very best wall builders and undoubtedly paid for by Mexico. Trump is always known for keeping his word.
Bernie Sanders is as outspoken as Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. Bernie’s smile would charm the birds off the trees. When he has debated Hillary Clinton he has done so with kid gloves. But especially after his gigantic win over her in New Hampshire and losing only by a coin flip with her in Iowa, look for his kid gloves to be gone. For now, Bernie Sanders as the front runner of the Democratic Party will attempt to do with Hillary whatever he must do to beat her. Likable, cute, friendly, and persuasive, Bernie has hidden his tough side until now. Watch for it in the next Democrat debate.
But Bernie has weaknesses Hillary can use to her advantage if he does get tough. Bernie is focused on only a few things that matter to him. He is a person who is weak in planning entire strategies. For example, he has never mentioned any plan for stopping the terrorists in or out of America. He welcomes illegal immigrants as warmly as President Obama and Jerry Brown do. As a president, he would be much more of a “let the chips fall where they may” kind of guy. If it’s true that President Obama leads from behind, it would be far more true of Bernie that he leads from way behind.
South Carolina’s primary on the 20th (the Republicans) and the 27th (the Democrats) will answer a whole lot of questions. From the Democrat side, will Hillary vacuum up the black and Latino votes or will Bernie arrive there with unstoppable momentum? On the Republican side, barring something completely unforeseen now, Donald Trump has a huge lead. You can well bet most evangelicals have already decided between Trump or Cruz, and their decisions have been counted in the polls. So have the poll numbers for Doctor Ben Carson and they foretell that he, too, will be a dropout very soon.
The Democrat caucus (not a primary) in Nevada is on February 20th and the Republican caucus in Nevada is on February 27th. Three days after the Republican caucus, March will come in like a lion. More than a dozen states will hold their primaries on March 1st. It is probable that suddenly in both parties, after March 1st the Republican race will be left with just two candidates to decide on, just as the Democrat race does now.
It remains to be seen whether America is to be made more wonderful than it has ever been because of so many plans that are HUGE, or whether America will be on Cruz control. Or will Wall Street be laid so flat it can’t even lay an egg? Or will Queen Hillary finally receive her coronation?
America’s voters – we the people – will soon decide who will be the last candidate standing.
Is the Republican Party About To Destroy Itself? by Ray Mossholder