Worldwide News With Ray February 12, 2016
From the news desk of Reach More Now in Fort Worth, Texas, this is Ray Mossholder and this is the news.
Hold tight to your piggy bank and tighten your belt, fear of a nationwide – perhaps worldwide – recession is being spread by the best of financial advisors today. They say a recession could be beginning now and growing all through this entire year.
And remember those annoying television ads that kept telling you that you should buy gold? Well, England’s biggest online gold dealer has just experienced a record-breaking day. And no one is being reserved in buying gold big time both here and there. So what seems to be about to happen is not just limited to America, but a worldwide recession. The shockwaves of a highly possible worldwide recession have been everywhere today.
Fueling the economic earthquake and the signs of these times is a freefall in the stock market – Dow Jones Industrial Average at one point was down 400 points yesterday and only recovered 100 of them – that’s a triple digit loss of 300%. The S&P 500 and NASDAQ fell nearly 2%. Europe and Hong Kong fell even more sharply.
Bank shares are also in freefall; oil prices dropped to 27 dollars a barrel – (many predicting that 97 cent gas will be with us very soon) – and the warning note out of the mouth of Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen saying that it is possible America could experience something that the banks in Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, and the Euro– zone are already going through – negative interest rates. The odds of that happening are being kept from the general public – that’s you and me – because panic breeds panic and that’s the last thing America needs right now. What it does prove is that the so-called “Obama economy” is taking America down, not up.
As a direct result of the plunging market and the very probable recession ahead, Walmart is closing down 269 stores, 154 of them in the United States; K–mart is closing 24 stores; JCPenney is closing 47 stores after they closed 40 other stores in 2015; Macy’s is shutting down 36 stores and laying off 2500 employees; the Gap is closing 175 of its locations in America; Sears has already shut down 600 of its stores in the past year and almost certainly more Sears stores will yet be closed this year.
Of course, these closings aren’t only to do with today’s economy. There is that, but there is also the fact that there is a strongly rising popularity in shopping online instead of in stores.
In the midst of all this, gold leapt 4% yesterday. Spot gold polevaulted 3.6% to $1,240.90, the highest it’s been since February 2015. It is predicted to be about to skyrocket far more with its biggest daily rise since December, 2014.
So, tune in tomorrow and don’t spend money today unless it would make you or your creditors happy. That’s the best way to spread the wealth around!
A fear of flying is not an uncommon malady among humans. But right now, with gas prices falling, in most places it is cheaper to fly than at any time in recent years. But a statement by Jeh Johnson, the secretary of Homeland security, may make you think twice. Today he warned Capitol Hill that terror groups appear focused on targeting aviation this year and that the Islamic State will definitely try to strike America hard.
The demonic cruelty that is all over the world but far more obvious among terrorists, has spilled great amounts of blood again – this time in an insurgency camp in Nigeria. Two women suicide bombers from the Muslim extremists sect Boko Haram killed more than sixty people there on Wednesday. According to reports, the women snuck into the camp and were standing in the middle of the camp when they detonated their bombs.
A third woman bomber also ready to detonate suddenly refused to enter the camp when she realized that her mother and sisters were living there.
A unanimous vote in the Senate is extremely rare, but one came yesterday that seeks to launch sanctions against North Korea that would choke off the money they could be using to develop full capacity missiles. Whether it is a case of locking the barn door after the horses are out, remains to be seen. But North Korea is now boasting that they have a missile that could strike either the United States or Mexico at any time.
On Thursday, North Korea seized the Kaesong Military Complex it jointly had been operating with South Korea. The day before, South Korean employees who had been working at the Complex evacuated the premises in protest of last weeks rocket launch and nuclear weapons test. North Korea’s barbaric leader Kim Jong-un then declared South Korea’s evacuation of the Complex “an act of war.”
The Complex sits just inside the North Korean border in Pyongyang. That city now vows to “kick out” all South Koreans inside it and to seize all assets of the 124 South Korean companies that employ 54,000 North Korean workers at the Complex.
The Complex was built as a symbol of reconciliation between North and South Korea.
US Secretary of State John Kerry said yesterday that there has been an agreement by all the warring factions in Syria for a cease-fire a week from today in order to minister humanitarian aid.
Kerry said the “cessation of hostilities” doesn’t apply to jihadist groups like Isis. A diplomatic source told Reuters that there was no “deal to end Russian bombing” either, but they are hoping that will change.
Meanwhile, Russia has warned of a “New World order” after a dramatic day in which Gulf states threatened to send ground forces into Syria.
The seven remaining Republican candidates have just today before tomorrow’s South Carolina primary. Polls show Donald Trump at 36% followed way back in the pack by Ted Cruz with 20%. But the other five are fighting with all their might to beat Cruz and end up second place instead of him. Right now, polls show Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush virtually tied for third.
The Democrat candidates, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, won’t be voted on in the South Carolina primaries until a week from Saturday – the 27th.
Hillary is facing a huge generation gap with women under the age of 30. She said to them over television at the end of the New Hampshire vote count, “You may not support me, but I support you.”
Polls show that Hillary Clinton should easily defeat Bernie Sanders in South Carolina primarily because of the black vote. Bernie had breakfast yesterday with the titular head of Black Lives Matter – MSNBC’s and congresses Al Sharpton. Bernie ate soul food and tried to talk soul to soul with the man. But the majority of black people who mistake Hillary Clinton for their hero Bill Clinton don’t seem to be “feeling the Byrne” yet.
Speaking of feeling the Byrne, Hillary debated Bernie again tonight in a debate hosted by PBS. Neither one seemed to deal a death blow.
Both Hillary and Bernie verbally attacked America’s nationwide police force and promised that things will be different under their administrations.
Bernie Sanders plans sound wonderful, but would bankrupt America. Meanwhile, the FBI says it’s only a matter of a brief time before Hillary is indicted for any of four different major crimes they are investigating.
Top astronomers conclusively agreed today that Albert Einstein’s projections concerning a distortion of space time has just been proven to be right on. Scientists at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) announced for the first time in known history, they have directly observed a gravitational wave.
The discovery is awesome and is being called by astronomers everywhere “one of the biggest astrophysical discoveries of the past century.” They say it not only improves our understanding of how the Universe is shaped by mass; it also opens up a whole new way of studying it.
According to Einstein’s theory, anything massive in the Universe can cause the fabric of space-time to become curved. For example, when black holes merge or stars explode, these curves can ripple out elsewhere as gravitational waves, just as if someone had dropped a stone in a pond. By the time those ripples reach Earth, they are extremely tiny – around a billionth of the diameter of an atom – which is why scientists have struggled for so many years to find them.
It was on September 14, 2015, that the Livingston lab in Louisiana picked up a tiny sound – they described it as “a blip” – from the solar system. Then, 7 milliseconds later, the Hanford, Washington laboratory nearly 3000 miles away heard the very same blip. Both labs recorded the event and the astronomers believed the blip was caused by gravitational waves they estimated had been sent 1.3 billion years ago (that’s billion with a B.)
Every day since that happened, full attention has been given to studying this signal from outer space. They first made great attempts to disprove what they’d heard. But today it became certain they did here it. The discovery has the statistical significance of 5.1 sigma, which means there is only a one in 6,000,000 chance that the result was a fluke.
David Blair, from the University of Western Australia said, “Up to now humanity has been deaf to the universe. Suddenly we know how to listen. The Universe has spoken and we have understood.”
Oregon’s self-declared “freedom fighters” are surrendered or dead tonight. The last man standing was twenty-seven-year-old David Fry who, at the end, held a gun to his head and threatened to pull the trigger while 31,000 people were listening on livestream. Fortunately, Carson City Nevada congresswoman Michele Fiore, was able to talk to David Fry as long as was needed. Fox News describes Michele as “a controversial lawmaker who is “a brash, blonde, gun–toting, grandma” who listens and prays with protesters for a safe outcome.
In an interview with Fox, Michele said “God gave us two ears. And you listen. You hear their frustration. I was genuinely concerned – I’ve walked in those same shoes.”
Before he surrendered, Fry said as everyone listened, “I declare war against the federal government. Liberty or death, I take that stance.”
Michele Fiore is a well-known supporter of Cliven Bundy, the rancher who was in a standoff with the federal government in 2014 over grazing writes in Nevada. She has worked endlessly to try to find common ground between occupiers and the government.
She told Fry, “The only way we’re going to be able to write your story and write your book, is for you to surrender. There’s been one martyr too many.”
Michele was referring to Arizona rancher Robert Finicum as “the martyr” who had acted as the unofficial spokesman for the group until January when he was shot and killed after he and five others had been pulled over by FBI officers and Oregon State police about 50 miles north of the refuge.
After Fry surrendered, she told him “I can help you more when you’re alive and in jail.”
Franklin Graham had also been asked by the FBI to be with them as they confronted the last four holdouts. Graham was there and often spoke to them as well.
Lee Baca, a former Los Angeles County Sheriff who left his office when a scandal was exposed in 2014, pleaded guilty Wednesday to lying to federal authorities during an investigation for corruption that involved the beating of inmates and attempting to interfere with an FBI investigation.
Charges against Baca were made by the FBI that involved other law enforcers within the jail system as well, and they have now been confirmed. In the plea agreement made with Baca, he said he ordered deputies to try to intimidate an FBI agent by doing everything (in his own words) “but put handcuffs on her”. For that information, Baca has been guaranteed no more than a six month prison sentence.
At the same time that was happening, the rookie New York policeman who gunned down innocent and unarmed Akai Gurley in a Brooklyn housing project was convicted of manslaughter.
Officer Peter Liang, who was on trial, gasped and broke into tears when the verdict was read. Several people in the room also gasped. The officer now remains free on bail and left the courtroom without comment.
Brooklyn District Attorney Kenneth Thompson said the verdict “only had to do with one police killing…. It’s as simple as that.”
If I was a city in America, the least one I’d want to be would be Ferguson, Missouri. That’s where an unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown, was shot dead by a white police officer, Darren Wilson a year ago. As a direct result, not only was Ferguson all but destroyed in night after night of black riots where stores were looted and burned, but with a black president and black Federal Attorney General now filing a civil rights lawsuit against it, what chance does Ferguson have?
No matter that the trial that followed fully exonerated the police officer. The media called the trial “controversial” and “highly debatable”, and an extreme amount of investigation by often hostile investigators forming their own self-appointed trial, found the Ferguson police force biased and full of prejudice. The police chief resigned, but that wasn’t enough.
The Ferguson City Council accepted their powerfully outnumbered situation last night at a Council meeting but asked for some changes from the government that included extended deadlines and limits to the amount for which they can be sued.
Appropriately-named Atlas pictured with Emma Calder (Picture: PA/SPCA)
And finally, Anybody want a rabbit? A ‘mischievous’ giant rabbit the size of a large dog is looking for a new home. Magicians won’t want him because they would break their arm trying to pull him out of a hat. As Donald Trump would say “This rabbit is HUGE”.
The rabbit’s name is Atlas. You can apply for him at the Scottish SPCA center in Cardonald, Glasgow.
Anna O’Donnell, the centers manager, says “Atlas is still young with some growing to do. He is a very friendly rabbit who loves attention and getting cuddles. Atlas is also an inquisitive boy who makes everyone laugh. He’s curious about everything. We are looking for a specific home for Atlas due to his breed and size. A standard rabbit hutch won’t do. His new owner will need plenty of space for him.”
She went on to say “Atlas needs an owner with the knowledge to properly care for him, so ideally someone who has kept a continental giant before. He is not to be eaten but loved.”
Worldwide News With Ray February 12, 2016
Worldwide News With Ray February 12, 2016