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News selected and edited by Ray Mossholder

MORNING REPORT March 7, 2014

Russia absolutely plans to cut a part of Ukraine off just nine days from now. 22 nations give multimillions of dollars to help Palestine become a state. Lt. Col. Joseph Morse who teaches military officers how to prosecute sex offenders is being investigated for sex offense. NSA and Britain are spying on WebCam users. Albertsons is buying Safeway. 116 year old woman tells the secret of her long life.

This will get you going: The seven top stories of the morning:

1. Russia gobbling Crimea in nine days: Russia is going full speed ahead to slice off a part of Ukraine and keep it for itself. With heavily armed Russian-speaking troops patrolling the streets, the Crimean Parliament has already voted to join Russia and put its decision to a referendum. The all-but-inevitable annexation of Crimea is moving forward, despite protests, warnings and threats from the U.S. and its allies. We have entered a new Cold War.

2. 22 nations financially aiding Palestine. Japan has pledged more than $200 million in aid to help the Palestinian Authority, as representatives from 22 nations reiterated their support of the Palestinians’ quest for their own state. The pledge was announced by Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida at the second Conference on Cooperation among East Asian Countries for Palestinian Development, held in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta. Kishida said the first disbursement of the aid — about $62 million — was expected later this month.

3. Lt. Col. may not be practicing what he preaches: The Army is investigating sexual abuse allegations against an officer who trains military prosecutors who handle sexual and physical abuse cases, a defense official said Thursday. Lt. Col. Joseph Morse is being investigated by the Army’s Criminal Investigation Command for allegedly groping a female Army lawyer and trying to kiss her while both were attending a legal conference in Northern Virginia in 2011, said the official. The revelation comes as reports of sexual abuse across the services have increased and as Congress wrangles over how to improve the military’s handling of such cases.

4. WebCam users beware: New revelations have surfaced about the ability of spy agencies to monitor ordinary people online. Not only can agencies read your emails, some of them have also been capturing images from web cameras. The British Surveillance Agency known as GCHQ, with the help of the U.S. National Security Agency, intercepted and saved the webcam images from millions of Internet users, including people who weren’t suspected of doing anything wrong.


5. Venezuelan President asks, “What if you were in my shoes?” Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is unapologetic about his government’s response to opposition protesters during weeks of unrest in the South American country. He asked CNN, “Think about what the U.S. government would do if a political group laid out a road map for overthrowing President Barack Obama. What if this group said they were going to start something so that President Obama would be forced to resign, leave, and change the constitutional government of America? Surely, the state would react, would use all the force that the law gives it to re-establish order and to put those who are against the Constitution where they belong.” But demonstrators say goods shortages, inflation and high crime brought them to the streets. Meanwhile, diplomatic tensions between the United States and Venezuela have been running high over the unrest.

6. Safeway to be eaten up by Albertson’s: Safeway, the second-largest U.S. mainstream grocery store operator is selling it’s company to Albertsons’s. The deal combines Safeway with Cerberus’ Albertsons chain, creating a dominant grocery franchise on the West Coast. It also creates a grocery network of more than 2,400 stores and 250,000 employees. No store closures are expected, according to the company.

7. How to turn 116 while enjoying it: The world’s oldest person has revealed the secret behind her long and healthy life, but if you think it’s all down to diet and lots of exercise then think again. As it turns out Misao Okawa, who turned 116 years old on Wednesday, reckons it’s down to two simple things: sushi and sleep. “Oh yes, there’s one other thing. You have to keep breathing.”



 We don’t stop laughing because we grow old.

We grow old because we stop laughing.
