What Kathryn Kuhlman was really like. "In 3 hours she transformed my ministry" Ray

Christ uses the foolish (1 Corinthians 1:18) and I am the chief example, but so was the woman He used to transform my ministry forever. Even though I was saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit, I still didn’t believe Christ healed today – until I sat and watched Christ use this woman to bring total healing through her. You can read what happened that day on reachmorenow.com  under the title Kathryn  Kuhlman: God’s Great Lady; My Great Friend. But I was only one of thousands upon thousands of ministries launched through seeing her or hearing her. Hundreds of thousands of people were physically healed through a ministry while even more were born again.

I urge you not to judge her by her dramatic ways or her way of speaking. Instead, listen to her heart. She was the real thing – honest, hilarious, and yes, like me, foolish. Are YOU foolish too? I hope so.

Just don’t judge her, but believe what she shares. This could change your life magnificently here on Earth. At 77, I can’t imagine ever living a more abundant, exciting, fulfilled life than I have lived so far and the best is yet to come. I may be the happiest 77-year-old on this planet. I can’t imagine anyone being happier, but you can try. – Ray

What Kathryn Kuhlman was really like. "In 3 hours she transformed my ministry" Ray