What about divorce? Sarah Jakes and Paula White #2


What about divorce? This is the second in the series of the Sarah Jakes’ videos. Here she talks openly with Paula White and Paula speaks very openly with her. Both of these women are serving Christ in ministry and are divorced, which brings up the absoquestion Is divorce so much failure before God that it disqualifies a divorced person  from ministry? The answer is no, but it should require a time of healing and restoration. This week I’ll be posting my new article The Bible on Divorce.

Of course, because these are women in ministry, some Christian male chauvinists would say THAT ALONE would disqualify them from ministry. That’s a totally un-biblical thought. I will very soon be teaching a series on Women in Ministry and explore the whole subject biblically. It’s a series I used to teach in many churches.

Paula White considers TD  Jake’s her spiritual father. Her divorce from Randy White after both of them pastored the huge Without Walls mega-church in Tampa, Florida, hasn’t slowed her down.Paula has gone right on in ministry with both pastoring and speaking in churches worldwide. She is often seen on Christian television, heard on radio, and is a powerful minister of the gospel. On this video she very openly discusses what led to her divorce from Randy. –Ray

What about divorce? Sarah Jakes and Paula White #2