I plan to share “second opinions” with you on subjects that Larry and I cover on our show that are controversial. Although we will tell you exactly what we believe we aren’t the final authority on any subject. God’s Word is.
Charles Stanley is one of the best-known television pastors in America. Larry and I highly respect him. When I found this brief teaching by Doctor Stanley, I immediately knew that you should see it too. Here he makes several quick points above the gay lifestyle that are highly worth realizing.
Doctor Stanley’s final conclusion is the same as Larry and mine: Someone living the gay lifestyle can have salvation if they sincerely ask Christ to save them. They will be saved eternally just as all Christians are. But Doctor Stanley has more to say about the gay lifestyle biblically that is vital to think through. –Ray
A second biblical view of homosexuality – Reverend Charles Stanley
A further biblical view on homosexuality – Reverend Charles Stanley