Dr. John Hagee – The Four Blood Moons


Dr. John Hagee has been preaching for more than 50 years. He teaches on many things. And one of his major interests is a scholarly examination of the end times. Along with Jonathan Cahn and many other prophetic Bible scholars, Dr. Hagee believes the four blood moons, two which took place during 2014 and two more that will occur in 2015, have great biblical significance regarding Israel, America, and the whole world. Just like Jonathan Cahn is doing, Dr.Hagee is risking international ridicule if what he shares on this video doesn’t take place. I believe these two great men need you to hear them and be prepared for this coming year. Here is Dr. Hagee to explain why he is willing to risk his reputation so that he can tell you in advance what he believes God says about the four blood moons. – Ray

Dr. John Hagee – The Four Blood Moons