God"s Guest List: Chapter 3


God’s Guest List: Chapter 3 with Georgia Mae


Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

When I gave birth to my second child, Jenny, I shared a room in the hospital with another mom. What a bonding time – we both had our new babies at the same time. She and her husband were young, just as Wayne and I were – really young. They had lived in the drug world before coming to personal faith in Jesus. They experienced a significant transformation, and he had gone into the ministry. Wayne and I were brand-new questions. After we checked out of the hospital, we continued our friendship. As we were exploring this new faith as young Christians, they were there to encourage us. What good times we had together! But as often happens in the overwhelming lives of young families, when they moved away, we lost touch with them. We’ve never reconnected, but I often think of this couple when people talk about friends for a season. God had these people on my guest list for a time when I needed a friend who can help me grow in my fledgling faith.


That friend was like Marilyn Kimmel. I met Marilyn when Wayne and I moved into our new neighborhood. My life was never the same again. As a young wife and mother, she had decided our neighborhood would be her ministry. She walked down the street with the Bible in her hand and silently prayed, claiming each house for God. What a bold claim of faith. How grateful I am that she prayed over my house. It was through Marilyn that I met the Lord, when she invited me to attend Bible Study Fellowship. When and I already have Jody and Jenny when we moved into that neighborhood, but soon Ted arrived, followed by Dale 2 years later. It wasn’t long until we were bursting at the seams of that little house. We moved away, and although Marilyn and I kept in touch, our busy lives made it difficult.

God’s Guest List: Chapter 3 with Georgia Mae

God"s Guest List: Chapter 3