Today Is Super Tuesday!!!
This is Ray Mossholder.
The adventures of SUPER TUESDAY! Today will see the highest amount of states voting who will be voting during the entire 2016 campaign. Ever since the Republican debate, the father of lies has been super busy. Donald Trump has been by far the main target of attack. He’s now being called a Ku Klux Klan sympathizer because David Duke said he will be voting for Trump. Not endorsing him, but just like anybody else, voting. Ted Cruz has suggested the Donald might be a member of the Mafia. “Might be,” Ted said, without any real evidence at all. And here’s a biggie: Marco Rubio says Donald Trump has “small hands”. (That ought to stop Trump!) Like the gunfight at the O K Corral, Ted and Marco know that somebody’s going down and not getting back up. They are throwing pennies in a wishing pond and hoping against hope that it won’t be them.
Meanwhile, Donald Trump, according to all reliable polls, is going to change the adventures of Super Tuesday into the adventures of Superman! He is ahead in the polls everywhere except deep in the heart of Texas. But it is not clear yet that Ted Cruz will win Texas where he served as their Attorney General. Though Cruz was born in Canada, many Texans do consider him a favorite son. If Ted Cruz doesn’t win his favored state or the nearby state Oklahoma or Arkansas, he will have the smallest chance among the gang of three – Trump, Rubio, and Cruz – to be the next president of the United States.
And Marco Rubio has to win at least one of the eleven states to be taken seriously by American voters. And if he doesn’t, the Republican Convention in July is predicted to be where the fireworks will blow the roof off. Billions of dollars – that’s “billions” with a B – are being gathered right now to force a brokered convention and elect anyone as the Republican candidate except Donald Trump. Marco Rubio didn’t just say that Donald Trump had small hands, he said Donald had “shrimp fingers” then followed that with a sharp jab below his belt, indicating that it wasn’t just Trump’s fingers that were tiny. His crowd laughed uneasily at that. But you can still bet on him because he is the good old boy’s poster child for president. And it doesn’t matter to them who you, as a voter, want in the White House. Like spoiled little brats, they have always gotten their way. Only you will decide whether they do this time. This is a great moment to call the congresspeople who represent you and let them know in no uncertain way who your candidate is and that it is “We the people” who are legally to decide who our next president will be, not party heads.
As for the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton is getting a fresh makeover, knowing that unless the polls are entirely wrong, she will be ahead in several states that will make her the odds-on favorite for Queen of the Democrats. Still, unlike Trump, Hillary will have scarcely any way that she could sweep the tables and win every state. It’s expected that Hillary will win states where there is a large population of African-Americans, and that Bernie Sanders will win states like Georgia, Virginia, and Tennessee, because of their large population of suburban and college-graduates. The women’s vote will be especially interesting to watch to see if Hillary really is most of their choice to be the first woman president, or if Bernie will sweep both the millennial’s, including the women’s vote too.
Another question that will get settled shortly after Super Tuesday’s votes are all counted tomorrow night is whether Doctor Ben Carson or John Kasich will drop out of the race. The possibility looms high that the two of them will end up fourth or fifth in every state. Behind them in the shadows stand the Karl Rove-ites who want both of Carson and Kasich to resign so they can then thrust Mario to the side of Donald, making it a two man race, unless Mario flames out now. If Super Tuesday ends up with Marco out of gas, Republican elites will possibly turn to Ted Cruz and offer him the crown. The trouble is, Ted Cruz is unpopular with the good old boys too. As Donald Trump pointed out in the last Republican debate, Ted Cruz is a senator and yet not one of their senator has endorsed him. He isn’t well liked by his peers.
Kasich pledges to stay alive in the race until he reaches his home state of Ohio. He intends to win that state on March 15th. Watch at that time whether Donald Trump, or whoever the final poster boy for the Republican good old boys is, comes second in Ohio. It’s a lot less funny to say Donald Trump has shrimp fingers than to consider assassination that is now being subtly suggested by the New York Times.
And as for Doctor Ben Carson, his soft-spokeness and gentlemanly ways are out of sync in 2016. Many are asking why, with all the troubles and election losses that he has had, he insists he’s going to remain in the race. He explained his reason in a letter that he wrote today which in his large and carefully chosen words says he refuses to be bought out by the good old boys. Carson realizes what a great change is desperately needed in our government that is so full of corruption it is rotting. It is his greatest pain. And he is SO right.
Doctor Ben Carson is Professor Emeritus of Neurosurgery at John Hopkins University and through the years has won all kinds of honors for his extremely outstanding character. I’m going to conclude this newscast with a letter that I’ve mentioned:
It seems like the only thing that’s guaranteed in this year’s election is the litany of punditry after every primary. This undiscussed industry has helped make politics more blood sport than democratic exercise.
It seems to get nastier at every turn, as campaign flacks dressed up as journalists line up to savage candidates whose campaigns they see as a threat to their preferred politician. Some have even gone so far as to question my faith, integrity or party loyalty because I won’t kowtow to their demands to step away from the primary process.
Is this what has become of politics in the world’s greatest democracy?
Whether establishment or outsider, conservative or moderate, a cottage industry has arisen around gaming and controlling the primary process. And that business is booming.
Unfortunately, these pundits have gotten too lost in the gladiatorial spectacle to see what truly matters: the will of “We the People” of America.
With every call to drop out, pundits and political operatives salivate over polling percentages — as though the people they represent were commodities to be bought and bartered in the backrooms of D.C.’s exclusive political clubs. This mentality is driving voters away from the political system they have so long supported.
The commoditization of the electorate is precisely what drove me into this race. Hundreds of thousands of supporters drafted me to run, and hundreds of thousands more continue to push me onward. They do not belong to my campaign. On the contrary, my campaign is beholden to them. However, the gears that turn the political machine no longer recognize “We the People.” Instead they see a mass of voters to be prodded, lured or strong-armed into their camp.
Sadly, this juxtaposition of power isn’t just a product of election season, it’s the very nature of what our government has become, and what I intend to change. Career politicians are serving their special interests over the people who elected them, returning home often only to beg for money or votes.
I trust that the American people will soon wake-up and realize that leadership is not about how one speaks, but rather the life one leads.
My candidacy is about restoring the principles of self-government by running as a true citizen-statesman who is accountable to all and beholden to none.
A ballot cast for me is a vote for uniquely qualified and principled leadership; an innovative problem solver with sound judgment and solid plans for solving the myriad problems faced by American families and society; and a role model for future generations for whom the American dream needs to be restored.
I have run a campaign built around faith, integrity and common sense, because I believe that how we run this race is indicative of how we would run the country.
Despite what you may read in the media, millions of people have already stood up in agreement. This campaign has gained momentum, and I continue to be honored and humbled by the many people who put their faith in me.
On the day before the Super Tuesday contests — so far only four states have had their say in this election and just five percent of delegates have been assigned — I offer the people a different choice from the other candidates, one they deserve to be able to make for themselves, as they support the principles in which they really believe.
That is why I won’t listen as the pundits and politicians decree from on high. I refuse to play by Washington’s political rule book, or subjugate myself to the whims of the political class.
At times this decision has put me at a disadvantage, subjecting my supporters to underhanded tricks from other campaigns. No doubt my refusal to play the typical Washington games feeds into why so many D.C. pundits think I should leave the race.
Fortunately, it is not up to any pundit or political operative to pick our president. No matter how much they think they could do a better job than the American people, we know better, and they deserve better.
Our nation is best served when the people have free choice. If a reporter wants to change a person’s vote, they should give him or her a compelling reason, not take away their options.
It is a fundamentally undemocratic response to insinuate that people should be stripped of their choice “for the good of the party.” That’s why I’ve vowed to continue our campaign as long as we have revenue and support, until the people have decided.
It’s not vanity that drew me into this race. Like so many people across the country, my interest in this election comes from a deep concern over the future of our country.
It isn’t just the obvious problems that affect us all, such as education, our weak economy, our ballooning federal debt and our national security, including the expanding threat of ISIS. We must also be careful guardians of our liberty, fighting the influences of special interests and an entrenched political elite that believe they can decide elections for us.
The “Great Experiment” of American democracy has proven successful since our founding. Only “We the People” can ensure it continues to be so.
Many are starting to take a stand, refusing to allow the pundits and political class to continue to manipulate them, seeking instead to preserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.
Super Tuesday. This is a day that the Lord has made.
This is Ray Mossholder from the Reach More Now news desk in Fort Worth, Texas. If you are part of the eleven states affected by Super Tuesday, be sure you know who you’re voting for and why. Check it out with God. Then vote.
Today Is Super Tuesday!!!
Today Is Super Tuesday!!!