Thanks for checking out my minecraft page on Reach More Now. Please subscribe to my channel “Lardog” on YouTube.
Join me for my newest series Chunk Challenge. You can watch me build a world from a single chunk! If you want to try it yourself click the download below and it will download the zip file to your computer. Add the file to your saves folder in Minecraft. To do that on a PC, open “run” then type “%appdata%” without the quote marks! Click on and open “.minecraft” then “saves”. Go back to the download and “extract all” now you should have a folder by the same name of the download but not “ziped”. Right click on the folder and copy it. Now go back to the minecraft/saves folder and paste it in the folder. Launch mincraft and you will see it as a game. Have fun and tell me what you did.
Check out my ongoing world called “One Dot Nine”
Or my ongoing world “SKY BLOCK”
Larry"s Minecraft Page