Left Behind MARATHON THE REGIME Chapters 21 thru 25
Ray is about to read four chapters in the final prequel to the rapture.
Leon Fortunato continues to guide Nicolae Carpathia (soon to be the Antichrist). Nicolae is absolutely self-centered, extremely rich, and is running for a place in the Romanian government.
Cameron Williams is in final exams at Princeton. He’s had to borrow money from his new boss to try to get home in time to see his mother who is dying. He’s really had to humble himself to borrow the money.
Rayford is dragging his heels and terribly frustrated over his zealous Christian wife, Irene. He does NOT want to go to a new church where he will for the first time hear the gospel preached.
Ray picks the story up at this point. Join him to hear it now.
Left Behind MARATHON THE REGIME Chapters 21 thru 25
Left Behind MARATHON THE REGIME Chapters 21 thru 25