Many Years Ago #1 – Ray was born at a very early age

Many Years Ago – Ray Mossholder from birth through college #1
The memories of my childhood are warm and beautiful until the fourth grade. That’s when I found out what the word “bullies” meant.

My Dad was a nurseryman; my Mom was a homemaker who often helped Dad with his nursery, but most of all she helped me. During the first ten years of my life she was my closest friend. And I had a dad who loved me too. They weren’t Christians, but they were people of good morals. I thank God for that and know that I was very fortunate.

I had no athletic talent whatsoever. I was often the laughing stock during Physical Education. I hated that. But the one gift that I did have was the gift that brought me approval and applause. I began acting in major players at the age of 5. I loved that.

Here’s the ten video story of Ray Mossholder. Oh, that’s me!

Many Years Ago – Ray Mossholder from birth through college #1

Many Years Ago #1 – Ray was born at a very early age