Death and Life at Campbell High School – Many Years Ago (Ray)
Many people look back at their childhood and say “Those were the good old days”. I really can’t say that because so many parts of my life were “the good old days” and yet I’m living the very best part of my life right now.
But let me take you back there and show you what it was like to be a kid growing up in San Jose, California In the early 50’s. I do love those memories, probably because I’ve stopped thinking about any bad times. But I will tell you about one really bad time when I was a junior in high school that began A magnificent journey.
Join me if you’d like to hear about my highs and lows while I was in high school, including how I learned to kiss! – Ray
Death and Life at Campbell High School – Many Years Ago (Ray)
3 – High School Daze – Many Years Ago (Ray)