Why I Have Endorsed Donald Trump For President – Ray


Why I Have Endorsed Donald Trump For President – Ray

Donald Trump’s presidential qualifications  .  .  .

Obama is against Trump… Check

The Media are against Trump… Check

The establishment Democrats are against Trump… Check

The establishment Republicans are against Trump… Check

The Pope is against Trump… Check

The UN is against Trump.. Check

The EU is against Trump… Check

China is against Trump… Check

Mexico is against Trump… Check

Soros is against Trump… Check

Black Lives Matter is against Trump… Check

Move On is against Trump… Check

Koch Brothers are against Trump… Check

Bushes are against Trump … Check

Planned Parenthood is against Trump….Check

Hillary & Bernie are both against Trump … Check

Illegal aliens are against Trump … Check

Islamic terrorists are against Trump … Check

Kasich & Cruz are against Trump … Check

Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump.. Check


It seems to me, Trump MUST BE the Best Qualified Candidate we could ever have.

If you have so many political insiders and left wing NUT CASES— all SCARED TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him at the same time!!

Most of all, it will be the People’s Choice…


He’s not a Lifetime Politician…Check

He’s not a Lawyer…..Check

He’s not doing it for the money…Check

He’s a Natural Born American Citizen born in the USA from American parents. . .

Bonus points . . !

Whoopi says she will leave the country…

Rosie says she will leave the country…

Sharpton says he will leave the country…

Gov. Brown says California will build a wall…

Cher says she will leave the country…

Cyrus says she will leave the country…

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail….

Hillary may go to jail…..

The budget will be balanced in 8 years….

Americans will have first choice at jobs…..

You will not be able to marry your pet….

You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify… (Not a criminal, etc.)

Only live registered U.S. citizens can vote….

You can have and keep your own doctor…..

You can say whatever you want without being called a racist, Islamophobic, xenophobic, etc….


Come to think of it, we have no place to go, but UP!

Why I Have Endorsed Donald Trump For President – Ray

Why I Have Endorsed Donald Trump For President – Ray