What Will America Become if Hillary Becomes President?


What Will America Become if Hillary Becomes President?

There were no American flags at the Democrat National Convention in Philadelphia. No police were allowed to wear their uniforms inside the convention hall. The Christian pastor who prayed was booed by many who attended. When a police officer asked the crowd to have a moment of silence to honor the thirty-three policemen murdered already this year, the silence was broken by screams of “Black Lives Matter”.

President Obama began his first term by saying that America “is not a Christian nation”. Hillary has recently told Christians that they must change their thinking. She calls them “the lunatic fringe”.

Could Christians in America be on the brink of what happened to the Jews in Germany under Hitler? Hillary says anything at all that she thinks will get her your vote. Please watch this video and tell me if this is what you what America to become. – Ray

What Will America Become if Hillary Becomes President?

What Will America Become if Hillary Becomes President?