The Grand Weaver by Ravi Zacharias: Chapter 4 Your Morality Matters

The Grand Weaver by Ravi Zacharias: Chapter 4 Your Morality Matters
The extremely brilliant and Christ-gifted Ravi Zacharias says things so well that you never have to guess what he is saying. In this chapter, he talks about morality from man’s point of view and from the only loving God’s point of view.

ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. So why doesn’t God just wipe us off the planet like a failed experiment? Listen all through this and then listen to what I have to share at the end of it. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. – Ray

The Grand Weaver by Ravi Zacharias: Chapter 4 Your Morality Matters

The Grand Weaver by Ravi Zacharias: Chapter 4 Your Morality Matters