Music through the night from Hillsong in Sydney, Australia

I have never heard any music on Earth as glorious in worship as the music from Hillsong. May these songs bless you as they have blessed me. –Ray

Music through the night from Hillsong in Sydney, Australia (1)

Music through the night from Hillsong in Sydney, Australia

Condemning yourself and others – Sarah Jakes #7

“Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). The tragedy is that there is often A LOT of condemnation from those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1 declares Christians guiltless in the eyes of God because Christ paid for all of their sins on the cross. All Christians will ultimately be in Heaven. But many others won’t be because of the wicked things that Christians have said about them. Condemnation always drives whoever has been condemned away from the condemner. THAT is an absolute.

Sarah Jakes has founded an organization for teenage girls in order to share Christ with them. On this video she will share why she has done that, the purpose of the organization, and how her story is used. You will see the reactions from some of the girls who are part of her organization.

Nearly all teenage girls feel insecure and hide inferiority complexes that only Christ can fully heal. They have a tendency to think the popular girls don’t have their kind of problems. But often the popular girls are hiding their feelings from the crowd. It is when they are alone in their room at night that they allow themselves to be real. When they take off their mask they realize how insecure they really are and cry themselves to sleep. Most teenage girls are extremely vulnerable to guys who want their bodies because they simply want to be loved by someone. What they don’t realize is that until they love Christ and themselves, “love” is just a word. Making love, and loving and being loved, are two very separate things and often have nothing at all to do with each other. Here’s Sarah to explain…. -Ray

Condemning yourself and others – Sarah Jakes #7

Condemning yourself and others – Sarah Jakes #7

Without love you profit nothing 1 Cor 13:3 Sarah Jakes #6

The mistake people make, including the majority of Christians and the majority of parents, is that they see each person’s life as a single snapshot that is never going to change. But that’s not at all how life works. People do change, and Christ is never limited by the stupidity any human can involve themselves in at any given time or however long they wallow there.

Humans are not paralyzed in time, but have the potential at any moment to be drastically changed for the better. But I absolutely guarantee you, without the unconditional love of Christians – the very same kind of love that Jesus Christ has for every human – multitudes of people will remain locked in bitterness or in a tragic lifestyle that ultimately will destroy them.

Larry and I are not out to bash churches. Being a pastor is often like being a tightrope walker with the balance they have to maintain in every area. Sadly, many pastors have fallen off the tightrope and their congregation has either run away in horror or haven’t even noticed.

Any church should be an obvious place of love – Christ’s love. Otherwise it may as well be a social club for only certain kinds of people. When you take a seat at church do you notice who is sitting next to you and do you warmly greet them? You never know what someone is going through unless you let them know that you care about them first. And no matter what they tell you, if you are even in the slightest judgmental, you will be signaling them that you aren’t to be trusted.

Without love you profit nothing – 1 Corinthians 13. That’s true with your kids, your parents, your neighbors, EVERYONE. If Sarah had felt the love of the church at the age of 13 – the love that everyone is supposed to feel from a church congregation – she might not have had to go through such hard places. Here is Sarah again to make this clear…. –Ray

Without love you profit nothing 1 Cor 13:3 Sarah Jakes #6

Jonah and other runaways – Sarah Jakes #5

I renamed this episode – Jonah and other runaways – Sarah Jakes. Maybe I’m enjoying this day with Sarah  because I’ve been there, done that. No, I’ve never been a stripper. Nobody would want to see that!!! But I have lived on the backside of the desert in a place that was as bad and even worse than Sarah did.

I can’t say I was running away from God. But I can say that I was running away from life. I kept a relationship with Christ even while empty. But I knew I’d never be back in ministry because  I had so seriously failed my Lord. At a time like that, in fact, I didn’t feel I could use the word “Lord” to describe Him. I did know He was my Savior all through those four and a half years – much longer than Sarah did her thing. And amazingly, though I absolutely can’t promise this to everyone who scurries away from God, I was met on the other end of those years by those who reached out to restore me – Georgia and Bill Johnson. How I thank God for them. Bethel church in Redding, California, was my place of restoration with Georgia by my side. She had nothing to do with the four and a half years, but she’s been there for me ever since. And Bethel was the greatest place on Earth to be made whole again.

So this episode in the series on Sarah Jakes may shock you. “TD Jakes daughter was WHERE??!!!” And her description of how her parents handled her returning home shows me that she had Christian parents to the max. Where had Sarah been? As she says, “In the belly of a fish.” Here’s Sarah to explain…. –Ray

Jonah and other runaways – Sarah Jakes #5

Grace and being honest - Sarah Jakes #3

By now someone is saying “Of course Sarah Jakes can be open and honest about her past. After all, she’s TD Jakes daughter. She’s rich, she’s beautiful, and she’s got it all.” But how many people do you know who are rich and miserable? Hollywood is a full of such people. And that goes double for beautiful women. Being open and honest when your dad is a minister of the largest church in Dallas could keep you afraid of saying anything ever for fear that it will reflect on him.

What we’re saying in each of these videos is that you need to be honest about who you are as a Christian or not a Christian, and most of all honest with yourself. It is true, there will be multitudes of people who won’t understand and especially that Christians should hide their lights under batches of bushels. But Christ says that’s not the way to live. Boasting about your failures, glorying in the sins that you committed, shocking other people with your words, or casting your pearls before swine, are not at all what I mean. You need to be lovingly open. Here’s another episode of Sarah Jakes. Watch how candid she is and how lovely she remains as she shares her life with you. –Ray

Grace and being honest – Sarah Jakes

Grace and being honest - Sarah Jakes #3

What about divorce? Sarah Jakes and Paula White #2

What about divorce? This is the second in the series of the Sarah Jakes’ videos. Here she talks openly with Paula White and Paula speaks very openly with her. Both of these women are serving Christ in ministry and are divorced, which brings up the absoquestion Is divorce so much failure before God that it disqualifies a divorced person  from ministry? The answer is no, but it should require a time of healing and restoration. This week I’ll be posting my new article The Bible on Divorce.

Of course, because these are women in ministry, some Christian male chauvinists would say THAT ALONE would disqualify them from ministry. That’s a totally un-biblical thought. I will very soon be teaching a series on Women in Ministry and explore the whole subject biblically. It’s a series I used to teach in many churches.

Paula White considers TD  Jake’s her spiritual father. Her divorce from Randy White after both of them pastored the huge Without Walls mega-church in Tampa, Florida, hasn’t slowed her down.Paula has gone right on in ministry with both pastoring and speaking in churches worldwide. She is often seen on Christian television, heard on radio, and is a powerful minister of the gospel. On this video she very openly discusses what led to her divorce from Randy. –Ray

What about divorce? Sarah Jakes and Paula White #2

What is a parent to do who discovers their teenage daughter is pregnant?

What do you do when you’re single daughter is pregnant? Sarah Jakes’ bestseller Lost and Found seeks to answers the questions WHY would a daughter raised in a loving Christian home allow herself to become pregnant at the age of 14? Or for that matter, at any age? HOW could they do that to their parents? And how should the parents respond?

For more than a year in the late sixties, I was chaplain at the William Booth Salvation Army home for unwed mothers in Oakland, California. I vividly remember my first night of ministering to these girls. Before I spoke in the chapel, the girls had thrown a protest in their dining hall. They didn’t want this man “preaching at them”. Most of them by far felt totally removed from the love of God. So all they could think was that I was going to bring condemnation too, just as their parents had when they found out about their pregnancy. I sit here realizing that happened almost fifty years ago!

Many of the girls in the home eventually came to Christ and it was remarkable to see their new joy. You could clearly see they had been born again. I thrill to the memory of it. But rather than the nightmare all these girls were going through at the home decreasing in the past fifty years, teenage pregnancy out of wedlock is today a nationwide epidemic  Christian parents and all other parents need to know what to do about it. Shall they abandon the love of God and cast their daughter out, stone her? Or?

I also remember what I had thought before and after I first saw the unwed girls. Before I saw them, I expected to see a group of hard-bitten mob-type girls and was shocked to discover that almost all of them were just young frightened kids who looked like they lived next door. Their boyfriends had abandoned almost all of them. Their parents had abandoned almost all of them. And they believed God must have abandoned them too if they had had any relationship with Him before their pregnancy. I never condemned them or preached at them, instead I focused on sharing the love of Christ with all of them. Christ would never leave nor forsake them no matter what they did. We are ALL sinners saved by grace who become saints in His eyes (Galatians 2:20 – 21). God’s love is unconditional with no strings attached (John 3:16). Honestly asking Christ into your life to be your Savior (Romans 10:8–11) is to be set free. Sin has awful consequences in this world, but be of good cheer, Christ has overcome the world.

I highly commend Sarah Jake’s book to you. No matter how young we were saved by Christ we were just like the title of her book – Lost and Found. Because this is such a vital subject, I am going to take most of today to share her testimony with you. Sarah is honest and has the kind of answers Christians should know, not because this same situation will necessarily happen to them, but because they will have God’s answers, love and grace, to share with those parents and daughters who face it.

What is a parent to do who discovers their teenage daughter is pregnant?

Sarah Jakes - When Depression Becomes Your Norm

What happens when you’re a Christian and everything you do flops like a headless chicken? Sarah Jakes takes us on the journey with Ruth and Naomi when they return to their hometown. I had never heard Sarah before, but when I did, I knew you had to hear her too. And this message will give you the answer to why I feel that way.

Sarah is the daughter of probably the best known black pastor in America, TD Jakes. She leads the women’s ministry at The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas. Part of what she is sharing with her heart is from the fact that she went through a very hard divorce. She’s a beautiful person like TD is and an outstanding Christian.

From the Bible book of Ruth, Sarah talks to those in despair because nothing’s going right. This is Christmastime when everything should be wonderful, happy, merry, ho ho ho! And yet NOTHING in your life may fit those descriptions. All you can see for 2015 is still more heartache, gloom and doom. You are wondering if maybe you’ve already died and been sent to hell.

For those who the above descriptions fit, this message is for you. For those, on the other hand, who are sitting on a happiness cloud and life is full of joy and excitement, this message is for you. And for those who are experiencing ups and downs that leave you laughing on the outside and crying on the inside, this message is for you. Any Christian who is on that happiness cloud needs to be like Ruth, not looking down on the discouraged, but caring enough to give the very best of yourself to them.

Always avoid catching the sometimes highly contagious despair of somebody else. Just care. Sarah will make all this clear. –Ray

Sarah Jakes – When Winter Becomes Home (0)

Sarah Jakes - When Depression Becomes Your Norm

A Christmas light show at someone"s home

Christmas is in the air. Here is a Christmas light show at someone’s home who has decorated to the max. Spectacular! Remember, Jesus Christ is the reason for the season. -Ray

A Christmas light show at someone"s home

The Birth Of Christ - Matthew 1 Surprising truths with Ray

The birth of Christ – Matthew 1   1 The [a]record of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham:…6 David was the father of Solomon by Bathsheba who had been the wife of Uriah.

18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit. 19 And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man and not wanting to disgrace her, planned to send her away secretly. 20 But when he had considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. 21 She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” 22 Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet: 23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which translated means, “God with us.” 24 And Joseph [z]awoke from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took Mary as his wife, 25 but kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name Jesus.

The Birth Of Christ - Matthew 1 Surprising truths with Ray

THE NATIVITY STORY – "One of my top 10 best movies ever" Ray

This is one of the most true to life motion pictures I have ever seen. With extremely little exception it is totally follows the gospel records in telling the nativity story. Mary and Joseph are beautifully and realistically portrayed by two awesome performers. The rest of the cast is equally great and the first century setting in Israel is interesting with not just props, but exact items used at that time. It is one of my ten favorite movies of all time. Merry Christmas. –Ray

THE NATIVITY STORY – "One of my top 10 best movies ever" Ray

THE NATIVITY STORY – "One of my top 10 best movies ever" Ray

This is one of the most true to life motion pictures I have ever seen. With extremely little exception it is totally follows the gospel records in telling the nativity story. Mary and Joseph are beautifully and realistically portrayed by two awesome performers. The rest of the cast is equally great and the first century setting in Israel is interesting with not just props, but exact items used at that time. It is one of my ten favorite movies of all time. Merry Christmas. –Ray

THE NATIVITY STORY – "One of my top 10 best movies ever" Ray

What does the Bible say to people in terrible pain? Ravi Zacharias

While many millions of people are experiencing the sheer joy of the Christmas season that Christ fully intends with their families or alone, there are millions of people on this planet going through physical, emotional, or spiritual agony that never seems to stop. How could a “loving” God allow that? Christians would say it is the devil who is doing that to people – 2 Corinthians 4:3–4. But those verses are written to people who don’t know Christ as their Savior. Why would it be happening to people who to people who do know Christ as their Savior too. If the devil is a conquered enemy who Christ defeated at the cross ( why is he allowed to continue with such hideous power? (0)

What does the Bible say to people in terrible pain? Ravi Zacharias

A Christmas light show at someone"s home

Christmas is in the air. Here is a Christmas light show at someone’s home who has decorated to the max. Spectacular! This is really letting your light so shine before others that it glorifies Jesus Christ. Remember, He is the reason for the season.Ray (1)

A Christmas light show at someone"s home

President Obama and Islam

One of the three major goals of is to inform viewers of exactly what is going on in the world and what the United States is doing at home or overseas. Larry and I fully attempt to be as honest as humanly possible regarding every issue, biblical or non. We’re honored to host the highly respected Bill Keith Report weekly. And I am blown away at 77, not only to do the news on this website myself but to be writing for Google News as well. I am the least deserving and most rewarded by Jesus Christ of anyone I know.

I found this well done documentary about our president on YouTube and in watching it I found it putting pieces of the puzzle together in my mind about President Barack Obama. I have been surprised to hear our president say that America is not a Christian nation. How can he mean that when the majority of American citizens consider themselves to be Christians?

I admit to being disturbed by the fact that some of our president’s major advisers are members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Barack Obama’s and John Kerry’s rude comments toward Israel have offended me. Israel is America’s major ally in the Middle East and why our Commander-in-Chief consistently supports Muslim terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah in their attack on Israel has left so many question marks in my mind. His license for Iran to continue their work on their nuclear power leaves us with the question “Why?” So many of Mr. Obama’s actions, or lack of actions, regarding Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, in fact all the Muslim nations, are more than troubling.

With all that said, I am sharing this video so that you can review some major comments that Mr. Obama has made before or during his presidency and what credible investigators have discovered. It is much more then conspiracy theorists who had put this video together. What it all means, you decide. –Ray

President Obama and Islam

President Obama and Islam

President Obama Does Whatever He Wants -Special Report by Ray

I am going to begin this newscast with an admission. The truth is, I have recently been avoiding doing any newscasts because of so many bizarre and terrible things that are being done to this nation that I love by President Barack Obama. Our Commander-in-Chief is dumbing America down week after week and changing it to a nation of his own creation. That which has made our nation free is being taken away bit by bit and sometimes by a lot of bits all at the same time. President Obama does whatever he wants.

Many of these things are being done behind locked doors so that you never hear of them from the mainstream media or could even imagine that they are happening. They are being done from the Oval Office where the buck is supposed to stop.

It is getting harder and harder to tell you what is happening without sounding like an Obama–basher. President Obama is like a kid in a candy store who has a billion dollars in his pocket and knows he can get more where that came from. Elected twice to the presidency and facing no reelection, the decisions our president is making are not for the good of America but to satisfy his own personal whims. If Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the man Barack Obama sat under for twenty years and called his “mentor” was president instead of Obama, he would be doing the very same kinds of things our president is doing. And Jeremiah Wright wants to damn America.

Obama’s actions and nonactions and are being done so that he can establish a legacy among five million illegal immigrants and children who have been placed throughout America – most of whom speak no English whatsoever -and all of whom are unaccounted for to the citizens of the United States;

with Iran, while John Kerry, Obama’s henchman, makes deals with the Iranian leaders that allows them to go right on creating nuclear bombs they plan to use on Israel and on us;

with Hezbollah and Hamas in Palestine while he thumbs his nose at Israel, America’s greatest ally in the Middle East;

with Guantánamo where he is preparing now to release half the remaining terrorists back to their homeland knowing full well they can join ISIL and continue to terrorize, torture and slaughter the innocent;

with the rioters in Ferguson, Missouri, who burned down city blocks full of buildings while our president waited until the it was happening to tell the rioters not to riot;

with violent criminals that he and Eric Holder have released – thousands of black murderers, rapists, and pedophiles out of America’s prisons who should be locked up for their lifetimes;

with those who oppose our military our Commander In Chief is shrinking our American military to a shallow pre-Second World Two size, leaving it highly questionable as to whether our nation can really defend itself if we are attacked by Russia or by combined Middle Eastern terrorists, and our enemies know that;

in Benghazi where four outstanding Americans were brutally murdered more than 2 years ago by a raging mob that could be fully identified easily by the photos and videos that were made that night of a second 9/11.

Our president has barefaced lied to America about Benghazi and covered up so many other issues time and time again while insulting our nation to people overseas. He and his advisers and czars have covered his backside by claiming that every scandal from the Veterans Administration to the IRS are “phony scandals”. While the biggest phony of all is our president himself. I shudder to think of two more years under his executive orders.

THAT is why I had been hesitant to do the newscasts at all. I am heartsick over what is being done to our nation from President Obama’s bully pulpit, with emphasis on bully. strives hard to be non-political. But I believe it is my duty as a Christian newsman to honestly report the news. I will continue to do that, but I felt you should know my heart. Whether we can endure two more years under this president remains to be seen. And if President Obama was a Republican president, I would say exactly the same thing I’m saying now. If he was a white president I would say exactly the same thing I’m saying now. It Isn’t Because President Obama is a Democrat or black, but someone has to point out the destructive road he continues to take us on.

God help us. Please.




Evil flourishes in the world because the good people allow their differences to divide them instead of allowing the things on which they agree to unite them.


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So until the next newscast this is Ray Mossholder, praying for you my friend. Have a miraculous day!

President Obama Does Whatever He Wants -Special Report by Ray

Thanksgiving should be every day of the year in America

To my dear friends,

Wishing you a blessed and joyous day on this special day of Thanks giving is an honor for me, especially in light of so much that is happening all around all of us and particularly with what is happening around Viola and me.

I wanted to pass along some reminders that my very good friend shared with me today to keep things in perspective this Thanksgiving Day.  This is my favorite Holiday of the year, as it is for many of my dear friends.  And I found a little blank book that I plan on using to record my daily thanksgiving thoughts… These will be right near the start.


  1. Clean Water. One in eight people around the world don’t have access to clean water. When you take a five-minute shower, you use more water than a typical person in a developing country uses in a whole day.  I’m thankful for clean water!

  1. A Bathroom.   I still think plumbing is the greatest technological invention in the last millenium.  Did you know that about 40 percent of the world’s population don’t have toilets?  It’s a major cause of disease and death around the world.  Thank God for toilets!

  1. Electricity. Electricity is definitely #2 (right after plumbing) on the list of greatest inventions.  Statistics say that 1/4 of the world does not have electricity. I can barely even imagine what that would be like.  I’m thankful for electricity!

  1. Food. Statistics say that about 990 million people in the developing world are malnourished—many of them are children and die of actual starvation.  And here in America, we have an obesity problem.  I totally enjoy eating.  As for many of us, it’s my second favorite thing to do.  Thank God for food!

  1. Income and Opportunity.  Did you know that about 80% of the planet lives on less than $10 per day.  That’s about $3,650 per year.   If you are doing better than that then you’re in the top 1/5 of the world richest people on the planet!   Better yet, we live in a land of unlimited opportunity to provide for our needs and bless others besides!

  1. Education and Personal Development. Allegedly, about a billion people on the planet today can’t read.  It’s heart breaking.  If you can read and write and do arithmetic, then you are blessed beyond measure.  The world is limitless for you.  I’m thankful for my education and my ability to learn!

  1. Freedom of Faith.  Are you free to worship God? More than 400 Christians die for their faith every day around the world—just for believing in something that others don’t want them to believe in.  I’m truly thankful that my family doesn’t face that threat.

MOSTLY – FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND LOVE.  Maybe it sounds cheesy.  If so—then so be it.  But if everything else was taken away from me, and all I had was my friends and family that I loved—then I would be blessed.  And I would be thankful.  This Thanksgiving Day, I want my friends and family to know that I love them and that they matter most to me.

You mean most to me because you are counted as my personal and dear friend… and I will never forget that. I just wish there was more time to share my heartfelt affection for all my friends including you.  Just think.  There is coming a time when that will not be a problem… and heaven is getting closer every day. I’m thankful for you!

Dennis Petersen


Thanksgiving should be every day of the year in America

Extreme liberal Woody Allen, Very conservative William Buckley

Here’s a rare treat – a question and answer session with Woody Allen and William F. Buckley. Though this took place in 1967, I know you’ll find their answers interesting and fun. I sure did. –Ray

Extreme liberal Woody Allen, Very conservative William Buckley

Extreme liberal Woody Allen, Very conservative William Buckley

The Bob and Ray Show, NOT the Larry and Ray Show!

Bob Elliott and Ray Goulding did the Bob and Ray Show for more than fifty years on radio. They did “interviews” with fictitious people that kept America rolling with laughter for all that time. I wonder if the Larry and Ray Show will last more than fifty years. What do you think? Here is one of those interviews with Bob and Ray that will give you a great example of their talent. – Ray

The Bob and Ray Show, NOT the Larry and Ray Show!

We Are So Thankful For Christ and You – Larry, Ray and Georgia

These are considered by Christian music authorities to be the greatest 50 hymns of all time. Here is a great way to conclude Thanksgiving Day with music that celebrates the greatness of our Lord. Watch the beautiful pictures or just listen to these hymns as you continue whatever you are doing. Larry, Georgia and I, treasure your friendship. The three of us thank God for the breathtaking honor of serving Him and you. –Ray

We Are So Thankful For Christ and You – Larry, Ray and Georgia

There"s never a dull moment with Todd White

Todd White may not look like you would like to look, but the moment he opens his mouth you know you want to hear him. Here at Bethel church in Redding, California, Todd shares two tremendous stories among the million that he’s living through. God has set this guy on fire and He’s never going to blow him out! –Ray

There"s never a dull moment with Todd White

Ravi Zacharias - Has your Christian experience failed you?

Are you ready for some Christian-shocking statistics in the midst of your Thanksgiving celebration?  The reason I ask is because Larry and I are concerned about Christian dropouts who won’t thank God today or celebrate Christ during this Christmas season or anytime following it. Why won’t they? What has happened that made them seemingly lose their faith in Christianity or Christ?

Here are the extremely accurate statistics in America from the Francis A Schaeffer Institute of Church Leadership Development who had been doing a thorough study since 1998 that began as a study by Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California in 1992:

Every year 4000 churches close their door forever. A little more than 1000 churches begin.

Every year 2.7 million people who have been going to church drop out and then stay away from all churches.

The three major reasons given by church dropouts are

1. They felt  hurt and abused by the church.

2. They were disillusioned by their hopes of what they thought they church would be for them at the beginning..

3. They don’t believe the church cared about them at all.

The United States now ranks third in the nation’s with citizens who say they are Christians. China is now first and India is now second.

Half of all churches in America have not increased the membership in their congregation in the past two years.

The number of Americans who regularly attend a church service at least once a week is between 40 and 50%.

The number of Canadians who regularly attend a church service at least once a week is 20%.

The number of Europeans who regularly attend a church service at least once a week is  8%.

The United States Census Bureau shows only half the number of church attenders that churches report nationwide.

In spite of all these sad reports, there are still a very few growing denominations in America. They include

Calvary Chapel and the Assemblies of God.

Ravi Zacharias is about to tell us why these statistics are not only true, but answer the question “If people believe their Christian experience has failed them, what does that say about Jesus Christ today?” But first, we are going to hear from some of those who have dropped out. Ray

Ravi Zacharias - Has your Christian experience failed you?

Acts 18:1–17 Can a real Christian be afraid?üs-1274x1024.jpg

I am reviewing and renewing the first 11 verses of Acts 18 on purpose because I want to do a greater underlining of certain truths that are found in them. How many many times I have been told that if you walk in the Spirit you will never be afraid? Paul shatters that falsehood. Only Christ can lift fear off of a person and it often takes Christian friends to help that happen. Timothy and Silas were the Christian friends that helped Paul become unafraid.

One of the things so often stressed by Christians not going through certain emotions at the moment or who have never gone through them yet is that negative emotions like fear, doubt, anger at God, etc. will keep God from answering that person’s prayers until they absolutely get over such emotions. But Paul feared and God kept answering his prayers. Thomas doubted and Christ showed himself to Thomas anyway and breathed the Holy Spirit into him. And Christ Himself was angry with a fig tree and His power didn’t weaken as a withered the tree.

The point is, Christians do have human emotions and a Christian’s honest emotions don’t limit the power of their prayers. God understands every human’s weaknesses and urges them to boldly come to Him so that He can meet their needs with “mercy and grace” (Hebrews 4:14–16.)

Acts 18:1–17 Can a real Christian be afraid?

Give Thanks To The Lord

This is what Thanksgiving is all about. But just in case you forgot, do watch these cue cards. –Ray

Give Thanks To The Lord

Magnificent Hymns from the Bill Gaither Trio

When Georgia and I were in high school, we went to the First Baptist Church in San Jose, California. Every Sunday night at 7 the whole church sang glorious hymns that were heard over the radio for an entire hour. if you listen to this video, you’ll hear many of the songs we sang. The messages in these songs are full of Holy Spirit power.

When I went off to college, even though I wasn’t a Christian and only “churched”, anytime I heard someone singing any of these hymns, I felt the Holy Spirit ministering to me. Fortunately, I woke up to who Christ was at the age of 30.

Whatever your age, please let these songs minister to you and listen closely to the words. You won’t hear these songs sung any better than by the Bill Gaither Trio. Watch them or just close your eyes and listen to the Holy Spirit speak to you through the words. I’m praying for you. –Ray

Magnificent Hymns from the Bill Gaither Trio

The Encounter – "What God is really like" Ray

“The Last Chance” is more than the name of a restaurant. Several people with problems bigger than they are find this restaurant and discover the owner is one-of-a-kind. Happy Thanksgiving. –Ray

The Encounter – "What God is really like" Ray

Acts 18:1–21 21st Century life lessons learned from this passage

Paul leaves Athens, a city of elitists who seriously argued such questions as “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” He had been there a year and a half. He comes to Corinth, the most sexually perverse city in the world of that day. the Holy Spirit showed me what happened in the next year and a half, but he also showed me a whole lot of other things that I will share with you on this video. –Ray

Acts 18:1–21 21st Century life lessons learned from this passage

Acts 18:1–21 21st Century life lessons learned from this passage

The Mystery of the Shemitah Chapter 1 – A Mystery of 3000 Years

Jonathan Cahn has written another great book – a book of prophecy, dealing with things that will happen within the next couple of years. Jonathan always stresses that prayer can change things. But this book will open your eyes to the future and what there is to pray about. Join me as we explore what the Bible tells us is right around the corner.

Jonathan Cahn’s first book “The Harbinger” has sold many millions of copies worldwide. “The Mystery of the Shemitah” is already doing the same. I have narrated the entire book “The Harbinger” and you will find it under audiobooks on -Ray

The Mystery of the Shemitah Chapter 1 – A Mystery of 3000 Years

The Larry and Ray Show – Thanksgiving in the real America

The Church is facing a 2 ton gorilla that wants to come inside. Shall we stone that gorilla or? –Ray

The Larry and Ray Show – Thanksgiving in the real America

The Larry and Ray Show – Thanksgiving in the real America

Trey Smith – The Theory of Everything Confirms Genesis 1:1

Trey Smith is one of the most unusual men I’ve ever heard. He is a genius and a Christian. You wouldn’t think he was either one when you find out that Trey broke into evangelist Mike Murdock’s house and stole his safe in 1999 after being kicked out of Christ For The Nations in Dallas, Texas! That, of course, was before Trey asked Christ to be his Savior, I think! You can find out and read his whole story – (you won’t want to put it down once you start reading) – “Thieves: One Dirty TV Pastor and the Man Who Robbed Him.” Trey repented of this title because he finally realized that the stealing of Mike’s safe was his fault, not Mike’s. Trey’s book reads like a novel and is a keeper. It would make a great Christmas present to anyone.

I watched this video with my mouth falling open a lot of the time because I was so astounded by the truths Trey is sharing. How much time are you willing to give to learn what you have never realized before even if you’ve been through all the science courses at your college or university? More specifically, how much time are you willing to recognize the absolute truth and be able to prove to others that that God created the heavens and the Earth? I have never seen creation presented so creatively or powerfully.

Trey is just a guy and you’ll realize that the moment he begins talking. But what he is going to show you will have you singing to our Creator “How Great Thou Art.” -Ray

Trey Smith – The Theory of Everything Confirms Genesis 1:1

Snow Covers America "It Must Be Global Warming"

Monday November 24, 2014

The Bill Keith Report

News And Commentary

Greetings to our readers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and 162 foreign countries.

Your comments are welcome!

If you believe the information in this edition of The Report is worthwhile, please tell your friends about it.


Please be sure to scroll down and see the pictures and Bill’s written report.



More Global Warming? Say What? Some Headlines:

Harsh Cold to Set Records in South

Fifty Percent of Lower 48 States Covered in Snow

Four Feet of Snow expected in Upstate New York

Idaho Breaks Cold Record from 1880!

NOAA: Winter 2013-14 Among Coldest on Record

Record-Breaking Arctic Cold



Errors in Medicare Payments Cost Taxpayers $4.5 Billion in 2013.

According to the office of the Inspector General, the United States Department of Agriculture issued over $2.4 billion in improper payments on Food Stamps during 2013.



The Obama administration has released five more prisoners from Guantanamo. Many of those released earlier have joined ISIS and Al Qaeda.







Glenn Beck’s Response to Obama’s Declaration of Amnesty: “We are now living in the shadow of a king…without the rule of law…There is no United States…I don’t know if it will ever come back.”



Obama Denies Gruber, but Facts Deny Obama

     Last week, most Americans were shocked when MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber — well known as the chief architect of Obamacare — said he and others purposely lied to the American people about the coming effects of the healthcare law.

     Gruber also said that the American people were too “stupid” to understand the new law so it was necessary to lie to them. Ho hum!

Now enter President Obama. He said Gruber really didn’t have much to do with the Affordable Care Act. That he was a minor player. But records reveal Gruber visited the White House 19 time and, others report, on one occasion he met with the President in the Oval Office for several hours.

     Financial records also reveal that the Obama Administration and several states paid him a total of almost $6 million dollars for his work on Obamacare.

     That’s a pretty good salary for a minor player.



“America’s Preacher” — A Word for the American People

     CNS News quoted America’s beloved evangelist, the Reverend Billy Graham, saying our children in this land are growing up in a “lawless and wicked age” that is filled with the “philosophy of the devil, who says, ‘Do as you please."”

     According to Reverend Graham, rearing children in today’s culture is difficult because “we have taken God out of our educational systems and thought we could get away with it. We have sown the wind, and we are now reaping the whirlwind. We have laughed at God, religion and the Bible.”

     “Many Christian parents are becoming fearful that they cannot properly train their children in this lawless and wicked age…” he said. “We are beginning to reap what has been sown for the past generation.”

     Reverend Graham also pointed out that, “Many of our educational leaders sneer at the old-fashioned idea of God and a moral code. Movies feature sex, sin, crime and alcohol…Newspapers have played up crime and sex until they seem glamorous to young people.”

     Reverend Graham said one of the fundamental problems is the failure of parents to fight “the devil in the home” through discipline and, as a result, “children are allowed to go wild.”



Big Mess in Social Security Disability Payments

     There were $2 billion in Social Security disability claims approved by mistake in 2013, according to the U. S. Inspector General.

     Newsmax reported “A small group of Social Security judges have improperly approved disability claims for nearly 25,000 people who didn’t qualify, costing taxpayers $2 billion over the past seven years…”. The price tag will grow by nearly $300 million next year because many of these people are still getting benefits…”

     Investigators began their probe when they noticed that some judges were approving 85 percent of the claims.

     Republican Representative Darrell Issa of California said “The Social Security Administration’s failure to conduct timely medical eligibility reviews has resulted in rubber-stamped decisions that have and will continue to cost taxpayers billions in improper rewards. In failing to take meaningful disciplinary action at the Social Security Administration on even the most egregious cases of mismanagement, taxpayers are left to wonder who is looking after their tax dollars.”



Al Sharpton! Is There No Shame?

     Reverend Al Sharpton, this country’s best-known race hustler who has preached racism and violence over the shooting of a black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri, is also a friend and confidant of President Obama. Some insiders say Sharpton hand-picked Loretta Lynch to succeed retiring Eric Holder as U. S. Attorney General.

     Now it comes to light that Sharpton has a lot of shady dealings for which he has not been held accountable.

     The New York Times reported “Mr. Sharpton has regularly sidestepped the sorts of obligations most people see as inevitable, like taxes, rent and other bills. Records…show more than $4.5 million in current state and federal tax liens against him…”

     According to the Times, Sharpton’s National Action Network appears to have been financed by not paying federal payroll taxes to its employees.

     The Times said “Mr. Sharpton and the National Action Network have repeatedly failed to pay travel agencies, hotels and landlords.”

     But Sharpton recently held a press conference where he denied that he owed the money.

     Comment: Mr. Sharpton criticizes others for various reasons. Yet he has a lot of skeletons in his own closet. The Bible has a word for that.



President Obama’s Amnesty: Formula for Chaos

     President Obama granted amnesty to some five million illegal aliens Thursday night.

     In so doing, he became the Lone Ranger, violated the Constitution, and went against the will of the majority of the American people. The Constitution grants all matters concerning immigration to the Congress.

     Erudite Washington Times columnist Wesley Pruden said this may be good news for the illegals in this land but “it’s not good news for anyone who appreciates law and order on the border.”

     Pruden said the President’s action is like a golden ticket to millions of others in Mexico, and in Central and South America. “Come on in, I’ll find a way to make you legal later,” is the message the President sent to millions of others who want to come to the United States.

     Pruden said “But all his declaration of amnesty will do is guarantee that “hell on the border will continue, probably get worse.”

     Comment: As I watched the President’s amnesty declaration Thursday evening, as always, he was smooth as silk as he tried to build his case for the action he was taking.

     But what he didn’t say was more important than what he said. And, a couple of times, he really stretched the truth as he often does.

     For instance, he said deportations of illegals are down lower than they have been in years.

     Of course they are! He ordered the Department of Homeland Security to stop most deportations.

     Also, he said that there are not as many aliens crossing into this land as in earlier years.

     But Mr. President, what about the 68 million children? And what about reports from the Border Patrol agents that the influx of aliens is increasing so fast they can hardly control the border any longer?


Why Did He Do It?

      Recently Peggy Noonan, veteran columnist for the Wall Street Journal, noted that President Obama is the loneliest president since Richard Nixon.

     Noonan wrote in her column “The Republicans don’t like him…The Democrats don’t like him, for their own reasons plus the election loss…Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid …clearly doesn’t like him at all.”

     Noonan is certainly correct since President Obama has made more enemies — and fewer friends — than any President in recent history.

     He betrayed the Eastern Europeans when he removed the missile shield that protected them from Russia’s missiles. He infuriated the Israelis by siding with the Palestinians. Some in his administration compared Israel to an apartheid nation like the former South Africa.

     China pulled the wool over his eyes in a climate change agreement whereby the American people are expected to do everything. But the Chinese do nothing until 2030.

     He abandoned this country’s hard-won victory in Iraq by going against all of his military advisors as he removed all troops from that land.

He promised to intervene in the mass killing Syrians by Syrian President Assad, then backed out.

     Interestingly, from the beginning of his presidency, he reached out to the Muslim nations and now they make fun of him.

     Noonan pointed out that in the Beijing summit last week “there was no sign the leaders of the world had any particular regard for him.”

    Then, the November 4 election. All of his policies were firmly rejected by the voters as they handed both houses of Congress over to the Republicans. His supporters basically didn’t even have enough confidence in him to turn out to vote.

     Not one single democrat running for the U.S. Senate campaigned on Obama’s record, Obamacare or amnesty for millions of aliens in this land.

     Also, Obamacare is becoming more and more unpopular each day with the American people. The final nail in the Obamacare coffin was when Jonathan Gruber, chief architect of the law, said it was necessary to lie to the American people to get the law passed because the voters are too “stupid” to understand it.

     When he was running for President, Obama told the American people he planned to do three things: redistribute the wealth, pass nationalized healthcare and completely transform America.

     What he didn’t understand was that the American people didn’t want the nation transformed at least not into his image of what America should be. Neither did they want him to destroy the best health care system in the world.

     It took the people six years to grasp the immensity of what he was trying to do. But they finally understood on November 4.

     Hence, the President realizes that, to some degree, he is no longer relevant. And, with his larger-than-life self image, he had to get back in the news. Amnesty seemed to be a partial answer for him. But what will he do next?

Snow Covers America "It Must Be Global Warming"

Trey Smith – The Theory of Everything Confirms Genesis 1:1

Trey Smith is one of the most unusual men I’ve ever heard. He is a genius and a Christian. You wouldn’t think he was either one when you find out that Trey broke into evangelist Mike Murdock’s house and stole his safe in 1999 after being kicked out of Christ For The Nations in Dallas, Texas! That, of course, was before Trey asked Christ to be his Savior, I think! You can find out and read his whole story – (you won’t want to put it down once you start reading) – “Thieves: One Dirty TV Pastor and the Man Who Robbed Him.” Trey repented of this title because he finally realized that the stealing of Mike’s safe was his fault, not Mike’s. Trey’s book reads like a novel and is a keeper. It would make a great Christmas present to anyone.

I watched this video with my mouth falling open a lot of the time because I was so astounded by the truths Trey is sharing. How much time are you willing to give to learn what you have never realized before even if you’ve been through all the science courses at your college or university? More specifically, how much time are you willing to recognize the absolute truth and be able to prove to others that that God created the heavens and the Earth? I have never seen creation presented so creatively or powerfully.

Trey is just a guy and you’ll realize that the moment he begins talking. But what he is going to show you will have you singing to our Creator “How Great Thou Art.” -Ray

Trey Smith – The Theory of Everything Confirms Genesis 1:1


Let’s start our Thanksgiving celebration off with one of the funniest and briefest videos that I’ve ever seen. Whoever is cooking a Thanksgiving turkey this year will no doubt easily relate to this chef. This turkey did get to go back outside! –Ray


Scientific Evidences For Creation – Frank Sherman

The Institute For Creation Research is one of my very favorite ministries. If you are interested in the creation of the universe and of this Earth in particular, you are going to deeply enjoy this message from Frank Sherman. Get out your notepad because you are going to want to remember what Frank shares on this video.

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” One of my good friends, Dr. Dennis Peterson, was the curator of a museum that contained a section of prehistoric animals. One day someone asked Dennis if he was a Christian. Dennis said “No. I’ve done too much scientific research to believe the Bible is true”. That person then challenged Dennis to read the first chapter of Genesis. Dennis reluctantly agreed and that night read the chapter and reread the chapter several times. In amazement he saw that the Bible description of the six-day creation is step-by-step the only way this world could have ever been formed. With that discovery, Dennis prayed and asked Christ to come into his life. Today he takes people on dinosaur digs and I highly recommend that you Google him to see the exciting things he offers.

If you like free things, The Institute For Creation Research sends out a free magazine full of great pictures and well-written articles about Earth’s Creator that each month blows the theory of evolution out of the water. If you would like to begin receiving this magazine, Google ICR and simply ask for it. You can also ask for the free daily Bible study booklet called “Days of Praise” sent out each month. Reading it each morning would be a great way to start your day. –Ray

Scientific Evidences For Creation – Frank Sherman

Snow Covers America "It Must Be Global Warming"

Monday November 24, 2014

The Bill Keith Report

News And Commentary

Greetings to our readers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and 162 foreign countries.

Your comments are welcome!

If you believe the information in this edition of The Report is worthwhile, please tell your friends about it.


Please be sure to scroll down and see the pictures and Bill’s written report.



More Global Warming? Say What? Some Headlines:

Harsh Cold to Set Records in South

Fifty Percent of Lower 48 States Covered in Snow

Four Feet of Snow expected in Upstate New York

Idaho Breaks Cold Record from 1880!

NOAA: Winter 2013-14 Among Coldest on Record

Record-Breaking Arctic Cold



Errors in Medicare Payments Cost Taxpayers $4.5 Billion in 2013.

According to the office of the Inspector General, the United States Department of Agriculture issued over $2.4 billion in improper payments on Food Stamps during 2013.



The Obama administration has released five more prisoners from Guantanamo. Many of those released earlier have joined ISIS and Al Qaeda.







Glenn Beck’s Response to Obama’s Declaration of Amnesty: “We are now living in the shadow of a king…without the rule of law…There is no United States…I don’t know if it will ever come back.”



Obama Denies Gruber, but Facts Deny Obama

     Last week, most Americans were shocked when MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber — well known as the chief architect of Obamacare — said he and others purposely lied to the American people about the coming effects of the healthcare law.

     Gruber also said that the American people were too “stupid” to understand the new law so it was necessary to lie to them. Ho hum!

Now enter President Obama. He said Gruber really didn’t have much to do with the Affordable Care Act. That he was a minor player. But records reveal Gruber visited the White House 19 time and, others report, on one occasion he met with the President in the Oval Office for several hours.

     Financial records also reveal that the Obama Administration and several states paid him a total of almost $6 million dollars for his work on Obamacare.

     That’s a pretty good salary for a minor player.



“America’s Preacher” — A Word for the American People

     CNS News quoted America’s beloved evangelist, the Reverend Billy Graham, saying our children in this land are growing up in a “lawless and wicked age” that is filled with the “philosophy of the devil, who says, ‘Do as you please."”

     According to Reverend Graham, rearing children in today’s culture is difficult because “we have taken God out of our educational systems and thought we could get away with it. We have sown the wind, and we are now reaping the whirlwind. We have laughed at God, religion and the Bible.”

     “Many Christian parents are becoming fearful that they cannot properly train their children in this lawless and wicked age…” he said. “We are beginning to reap what has been sown for the past generation.”

     Reverend Graham also pointed out that, “Many of our educational leaders sneer at the old-fashioned idea of God and a moral code. Movies feature sex, sin, crime and alcohol…Newspapers have played up crime and sex until they seem glamorous to young people.”

     Reverend Graham said one of the fundamental problems is the failure of parents to fight “the devil in the home” through discipline and, as a result, “children are allowed to go wild.”



Big Mess in Social Security Disability Payments

     There were $2 billion in Social Security disability claims approved by mistake in 2013, according to the U. S. Inspector General.

     Newsmax reported “A small group of Social Security judges have improperly approved disability claims for nearly 25,000 people who didn’t qualify, costing taxpayers $2 billion over the past seven years…”. The price tag will grow by nearly $300 million next year because many of these people are still getting benefits…”

     Investigators began their probe when they noticed that some judges were approving 85 percent of the claims.

     Republican Representative Darrell Issa of California said “The Social Security Administration’s failure to conduct timely medical eligibility reviews has resulted in rubber-stamped decisions that have and will continue to cost taxpayers billions in improper rewards. In failing to take meaningful disciplinary action at the Social Security Administration on even the most egregious cases of mismanagement, taxpayers are left to wonder who is looking after their tax dollars.”



Al Sharpton! Is There No Shame?

     Reverend Al Sharpton, this country’s best-known race hustler who has preached racism and violence over the shooting of a black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri, is also a friend and confidant of President Obama. Some insiders say Sharpton hand-picked Loretta Lynch to succeed retiring Eric Holder as U. S. Attorney General.

     Now it comes to light that Sharpton has a lot of shady dealings for which he has not been held accountable.

     The New York Times reported “Mr. Sharpton has regularly sidestepped the sorts of obligations most people see as inevitable, like taxes, rent and other bills. Records…show more than $4.5 million in current state and federal tax liens against him…”

     According to the Times, Sharpton’s National Action Network appears to have been financed by not paying federal payroll taxes to its employees.

     The Times said “Mr. Sharpton and the National Action Network have repeatedly failed to pay travel agencies, hotels and landlords.”

     But Sharpton recently held a press conference where he denied that he owed the money.

     Comment: Mr. Sharpton criticizes others for various reasons. Yet he has a lot of skeletons in his own closet. The Bible has a word for that.



President Obama’s Amnesty: Formula for Chaos

     President Obama granted amnesty to some five million illegal aliens Thursday night.

     In so doing, he became the Lone Ranger, violated the Constitution, and went against the will of the majority of the American people. The Constitution grants all matters concerning immigration to the Congress.

     Erudite Washington Times columnist Wesley Pruden said this may be good news for the illegals in this land but “it’s not good news for anyone who appreciates law and order on the border.”

     Pruden said the President’s action is like a golden ticket to millions of others in Mexico, and in Central and South America. “Come on in, I’ll find a way to make you legal later,” is the message the President sent to millions of others who want to come to the United States.

     Pruden said “But all his declaration of amnesty will do is guarantee that “hell on the border will continue, probably get worse.”

     Comment: As I watched the President’s amnesty declaration Thursday evening, as always, he was smooth as silk as he tried to build his case for the action he was taking.

     But what he didn’t say was more important than what he said. And, a couple of times, he really stretched the truth as he often does.

     For instance, he said deportations of illegals are down lower than they have been in years.

     Of course they are! He ordered the Department of Homeland Security to stop most deportations.

     Also, he said that there are not as many aliens crossing into this land as in earlier years.

     But Mr. President, what about the 68 million children? And what about reports from the Border Patrol agents that the influx of aliens is increasing so fast they can hardly control the border any longer?


Why Did He Do It?

      Recently Peggy Noonan, veteran columnist for the Wall Street Journal, noted that President Obama is the loneliest president since Richard Nixon.

     Noonan wrote in her column “The Republicans don’t like him…The Democrats don’t like him, for their own reasons plus the election loss…Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid …clearly doesn’t like him at all.”

     Noonan is certainly correct since President Obama has made more enemies — and fewer friends — than any President in recent history.

     He betrayed the Eastern Europeans when he removed the missile shield that protected them from Russia’s missiles. He infuriated the Israelis by siding with the Palestinians. Some in his administration compared Israel to an apartheid nation like the former South Africa.

     China pulled the wool over his eyes in a climate change agreement whereby the American people are expected to do everything. But the Chinese do nothing until 2030.

     He abandoned this country’s hard-won victory in Iraq by going against all of his military advisors as he removed all troops from that land.

He promised to intervene in the mass killing Syrians by Syrian President Assad, then backed out.

     Interestingly, from the beginning of his presidency, he reached out to the Muslim nations and now they make fun of him.

     Noonan pointed out that in the Beijing summit last week “there was no sign the leaders of the world had any particular regard for him.”

    Then, the November 4 election. All of his policies were firmly rejected by the voters as they handed both houses of Congress over to the Republicans. His supporters basically didn’t even have enough confidence in him to turn out to vote.

     Not one single democrat running for the U.S. Senate campaigned on Obama’s record, Obamacare or amnesty for millions of aliens in this land.

     Also, Obamacare is becoming more and more unpopular each day with the American people. The final nail in the Obamacare coffin was when Jonathan Gruber, chief architect of the law, said it was necessary to lie to the American people to get the law passed because the voters are too “stupid” to understand it.

     When he was running for President, Obama told the American people he planned to do three things: redistribute the wealth, pass nationalized healthcare and completely transform America.

     What he didn’t understand was that the American people didn’t want the nation transformed at least not into his image of what America should be. Neither did they want him to destroy the best health care system in the world.

     It took the people six years to grasp the immensity of what he was trying to do. But they finally understood on November 4.

     Hence, the President realizes that, to some degree, he is no longer relevant. And, with his larger-than-life self image, he had to get back in the news. Amnesty seemed to be a partial answer for him. But what will he do next?

Snow Covers America "It Must Be Global Warming"

Raven Shocks Oprah

Given that topic we were discussing I was not expecting her comment about America. I was eating lunch in my parked car watching this video, I was so excited I yelled out loud to my embarrassment. you’ve gotta see this.

Raven Shocks Oprah

Does God Appoint Our Nation"s Leaders? Larry and Ray

If God appoints each nation’s leaders, why do nations so often get bad ones? That’s the topic today on The Larry and Ray Show. Join us now for laughs and learning. – Ray

Does God Appoint Our Nation"s Leaders? Larry and Ray

Reinhard Bonnke - Prayer Alone Won"t Transform Your Nation

Reinhard Bonnke’s message title on the surface doesn’t seem to make sense. How could it be true – especially in the light of 2 Chronicles 7:14 – “If the people who are called by My name, humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land?” Doesn’t that contradict Reinhard’s message title? The answer is no. Here’s Reinhard to tell you why prayer alone won’t change your nation. – Ray

Reinhard Bonnke - Prayer Alone Won"t Transform Your Nation

Reinhard Bonnke - "There Is none righteous, no not one"

When I share that 50,000 people came to Christ in my live meetings throughout the world in a period of 34 years, someone might say “Wow!” But 50,000 is a lightweight number compared to the man who is about to speak now – Reinhard Bonnke – who has personally led more than 50 MILLION people to Christ in a far shorter time. Humble as vanilla, feisty as a prizefighter, and in love with Jesus Christ like a lovesick bumpkin, Reinhard Bonnke will tell you how he was able to do that. And strangely enough, he will tell you exactly how God used me too to win the much smaller amount to Christ too. Ladies and gentlemen, please direct your ears and hearts to our speaker for today, Reinhard Bonnke. -Ray

Reinhard Bonnke - "There Is none righteous, no not one"



Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis in "Hollywood Or Bust"

This is one of the best of Martin and Lewis movies. and the very last one they ever did together. When you watch a movie, you never know what the stars are doing when they are off-camera. Jerry and Dean began doing comedy routines in the best-known nightclubs and in 1949 on radio.  Paramount Pictures hired them and they soon were doing 14 movies together. Each of their movies drew bigger and bigger crowds. But whatever Dean and Jerry were doing during the making of this film, you can be sure of one thing – they were doing it apart from each other. Five months before this film went into production, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis broke up their partnership forever. Jerry says to this day that he has never watched this movie.

In fact, Jerry Lewis was fired at one point during production by the director of this film, Frank Tashlin. The director must have really been upset with Jerry to do that. At that moment Jerry Lewis was considered to be the funniest man in Hollywood. Even after he was hired again  to finish the film, Jerry and Dean had ugly arguments in front of everyone. What caused this absolute breakup? It was that Dean Martin  had become less and less important to the team and resented it very deeply.   The end of their working together came ten years after they had first joined together (1946–1956). At that time  it was as tragic to their fans as the breakup of Lucille Ball and Dezi Arnez that ended the television favorite “I Love Lucy”. On camera, both Jerry and Dean were outstanding as you’ll see in this film. But they had genius talent together or alone. Both were highly successful after they parted.

Jerry Lewis, whose real name  is Joseph Levitch, was born in Newark, New Jersey. His parents were Russian Jews. He began performing on stage with his parents at the age of 5. in the Catskill Mountains of New York. During the Second World War, he was rejected from the Army because of a heart murmur. He went solo to star in many of his funniest movies for Paramount and then for Columbia Pictures. By the age of forty, a new generation of theatergoers found Lewis’s age began making his screwy antics too absurd for their taste. By then Jerry Lewis had amassed a large fortune in films. Jerry is responsible for creating some important Hollywood camera and light affects. But at the end of his movie career, Jerry became even more famous to America for his yearly Muscular Dystrophy telethons over Labor Day weekend’s which brought in millions of dollars to fight the disease. He did that for the next forty years. It’s hard to believe that this actor, comedian, singer, film producer, screenwriter, and movie director is now 88 years old!

Dino Paul Crocetti was born to Italian-American parents and didn’t speak English until he began grade school where he was constantly bullied for his accent. Wikipedia says “He dropped out of high school his sophomore year and became a drummer,a blackjack dealer in a speakeasy,worked in a steel mill and became a welterweight boxer who called himself “Kid Crochet”.  He got his nose broken in the ring along with bruises everywhere. Dean said “I fought in 12 professional fights and won all but 11 of them.” He was drafted into the Second World War but discharged because of a double hernia. Those who heard him sing compared him with Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby, but he didn’t have their kind of draw. He might have stayed thought of as mediocre forever but instead met Jerry Lewis and history was made. Pursuing his acting career, Dean Martin again nearly quit because, like in the boxing ring, he was beat up constantly by the critics and his movies proved unsuccessful. Then everything changed with one film – the 1958 war classic – The Young Lions” with Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift. From then on he did one great movie after another. His singing career one all kinds of awards too with chart busting songs like “Memories Are Made Of This”, “That’s Amore”, “Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime”, and one after another smash hit. Yet, just like Frank Sinatra, he never could read a note of music! “The Dean Martin Show” stayed high with television ratings. And once he had become a member of “The Rat Pack” – Frank Sinatra’s gang – his career in the casinos of Las Vegas kept him going.

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis in "Hollywood Or Bust"